
Can you unset() many variables at once in PHP?

I have a pretty high traffic social network site, I would like to get into the habit of unsetting large array and mysql object and even some string variables. So is it possible to unset more then 1 item in PHP example: <?PHP unset($var1); // could be like unset($var1,$var2,$var3); ?> ...

Antcontrib <for> and <var unset="true"> in ant?

What versions of Antcontrib support <for> and also <var unset="true" /> in Antcontrib? (Or where can I go to find out that information?) ...

JavaScript: Overwrite array

How do I overwrite (or unset and then set) an array? Seems like "array = new_array" doesn't work. Thank you in advance. ...

unsetting php reference

So I have this function, and it returns me a reference to a particular point to the array passed in. I want to make a call to unset that will then remove the result from the array/reference, but calling unset only removes the reference, not the data from the original array. Any thoughts? ...

Unsetting array values in a foreach loop.

I have a foreach loop set up to go through my array, check for a certain link, and if it finds it removes that link from the array. My code: foreach($images as $image) { if($image == 'http://i27.tinypic.com/29yk345.gif' || $image == 'http://img3.abload.de/img/10nx2340fhco.gif' || $image == 'http://i42.tinypic.com/9pp2456x.g...

PHP and Aptana, unset keyword gets underlined like there is an syntax error

i have this simple loop: for($i=$_POST['position'];$i<count($myFiles);$i++) { $withoutNumber = explode("_",$myFiles[$i]); $noNr = unset($withoutNumber[0]); } my code editor is Aptana, and the problem is that when i write this code i get the unset keyword underlined like is an syntax error and i have no idea why that hap...

Unsetting a variable vs setting to ''

Is it better form to do one of the following? If not, is one of them faster than the other? unset($variable); or to do $variable = ''; ...

PHP Unset via References

I have been reading the PHP manual about references and something is confusing me. It says that references are not pointers to memory addresses but rather... Instead, they are symbol table aliases. Isn't this essentially a pointer if the reference points to the symbol table entry which then points to a memory address? Edit: So...

PHP | Remove element from array with reordering?

Hey Folks, how can I remove an element of an array, and reorder afterwards? <?php $c = array( 0=>12,1=>32 ); unset($c[0]); // will return sth. like array( 1=>32 ); ?> How can I do a "rearrange" like pointing the 1 to 0 after delete (automatically)? Thanks! ...

How to delete object from array inside foreach loop?

Hi, I iterate through an array of objects and want to delete one of the objects based on it's 'id' property, but my code doesn't work. foreach($array as $element) { foreach($element as $key => $value) { if($key == 'id' && $value == 'searched_value'){ //delete this particular object from the $array uns...

php removing item with period from array

I have a products array of widgets. Some widgets have the reserved period symbol in their names. The problem occurs when php meets the period, the rest of the widget name is disregarded. How could I read the widget in as a string literal so that the period symbol will not interfere? unset($products[$widget]); I could replace the p...

do we need to "unset" variables in TCL ?

Is it a requirement of good TCL code? What would happen if we don't use the "unset" keyword in a script? Any ill-effects I should know about? I'm inheriting some legacy code and the errors that come about due to "unset"-ing non-existent variables are driving me up the wall! ...

unset range of keys in an array

How can i unset a range of keys between say 70 to 80 in an array like this? [63] => Computer Science and Informatics [64] => Dentistry [65] => Development Studies [66] => Drama, Dance and Performing Arts [67] => Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences [68] => Economics and Econometrics [69] => Education [70] => Electrical and Electroni...

Javascript unset array

How do i unset an array in javascript? i just want to empty it - so it has nothing in it keys or anything ...

[PHP] How to unset object's inherited properties ?

I have an Object ( [id] => 1 [parent_id] => 0 [result:Database:private] => [db:Database:private] => mysqli Object ( [affected_rows] => 0 ... ) ) Obviously, the Object has inherited the 'db' and 'result' properties of the parent Database c...

Problems deleting cookies, won't unset (PHP).

I've tried searching the php manual and internet on how to delete cookies and I've tried it the exact same way they all say: setcookie("name", '', 1); or setcookie("name", '', time()-3600); But when I check the cookies in the cookies dialog in Firefox, it's still there with the same value. I set this cookie using the following line...

How to use unset() for this Linear Linked List in PHP

I'm writing a simple linear linked list implementation in PHP. This is basically just for practice... part of a Project Euler problem. I'm not sure if I should be using unset() to help in garbage collection in order to avoid memory leaks. Should I include an unset() for head and temp in the destructor of LLL? I understand that I'll use...

Unexpected array contents in class using __get, __set and __unset

I've created a short demonstration of the problem I'm having. This isn't exactly how I'm implementing it but seems to lead to the same result. <?php class mainclass { var $vardata = array(); function &__get ($var) { if ($this->vardata[$var]) return $this->vardata[$var]; if ($var == 'foo') return $this->_loadFo...

unset variable in php

hi all of you, I just read about unset variable through php manual. The php manual says "unset() destroys the specified variables" This def seems perfect until I came across static variable... "If a static variable is unset() inside of a function, unset() destroys the variable only in the context of the rest of a function. Follow...

Memory Issues with PHP (5)

Does calling unset() free the memory that was associated with that object? There are a couple cases where I find myself handling large associative arrays and I would like to remove them when done (freeing up memory to create new ones). ...