
Java equivalent of unsigned long long?

In C++, I enjoyed having access to a 64 bit unsigned integer, via unsigned long long int, or via uint64_t. Now, in Java longs are 64 bits, I know. However, they are signed. Is there an unsigned long (long) available as a Java primitive? How do I use it? ...

Printing unsigned long long using %d

Why do I get -1 when I print the following? unsigned long long int largestIntegerInC = 18446744073709551615LL; printf ("largestIntegerInC = %d\n", largestIntegerInC); I know I should use llu instead of d, but why do I get -1 instead of 18446744073709551615LL? Is it because of overflow? ...

java converting int to short

Hi I am calculating 16 bit checksum on my data which i need to send to server where it has to recalculate and match with the provided checksum. Checksum value that i am getting is in int but i have only 2 bytes for sending the value.So i am casting int to short while calling shortToBytes method. This works fine till checksum value is le...

How to correctly multiply two long long ints?

I want to multiply long numbers which are given in a 2^32 basis. I already thought of an nice algorithm to do that, but unfortunatly I'm stuck. The situation I'm stuck at, is how I do multiply two long ints and represent it on the 2^32 basis. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <limits.h> typedef unsigned int uint32; typedef...

Parsing 64-bit unsigned integer on iOS.

I have very big unsigned integral number in NSString. This may be big to 2^64. Is there an existing functions/classes parsing this? As I know, it's unsigned long long value, but, It's hard to know what kind of method should I use to parse this. ...