
Multiple UpdatePanels and state

I have a user control that has multiple update panels On Page Load, I load a child user control dynamically onto the PlaceHolder (I do this everytime and don't check for postback) I want to be able to maintain the state of the changes that a user makes in the Child user control. (The ch...

Update Panel rendering table row wrong

I am having an issue when my asp.net AJAX Update Panel updates it renders the contents at the top of my table rather than in the place it belongs below is my code: <tr> <td> </td> <td> <asp:CheckBox ID="ddCheckbox" runat="server" Text="Checkbox" AutoPostBack="true" OnCheckedChanged="ddCheckboxChanged" /> </t...

Implementing UpdatePanel manually

I was reading an article that shows how bad CodePlex uses UpdatePanels and how nice is StackOverflow on this matter when, for example, a user upvotes an answer/question. I wonder if someone can point a tutorial on how to do such action. I know some points: Create a Web Service that gets the action value and ouputs a JSON string Build...

Access UpdatePanel inside View from Another UpdatePanel ASP.Net

I have two updatePanels UpdatePanel1 contains a button UpdatePanel2 is inside a Multiview View1: . <Multiview> <View1> <UpdatePanel2> </UpdatePanel2> </View1> </Multiview> Multiview ActiveIndex is set to -1. Now I have attached an AsyncPostBackTrigger on UpdatePanel2 which is associated with the button click. I want ...

Updating a control outside the UpdatePanel

So I have a UserControl with some cascading DropDownLists on it. Selecting from list 1 enables list 2, which in turn enables list 3. Once you've made a selection in all three lists, you can move to the next page. The DropDownLists are all inside an UpdatePanel. But the "Next Page" button is outside the UpdatePanel. That button shoul...

Displaying a spinner for a webservice call (Like UpdateProgress Control)

Right now I have a page where unfortunately there is a mix of update panels and calls to webservice web/script methods from javascript. I have an update progress control which shows a spinner for update panel activity. But when I do webservice calls it isn't displayed. How would you recommend I solve this usability issue since the use...

ASP.NET GridView Response.BinaryWrite() On Row Change

I have a gridview inside of an updatepanel and would like to allow the user to select a row which would generate a call to a class that outputs a stream back to the client. It looks like I can't do this because the grid is inside of an update panel. Any ideas? C# protected void gvResults_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventA...

jquery datepicker ms ajax updatepanel doesn't work after post back

Hi all, So I did some reading of the related questions and had some interesting stuff but did not find my answer, at least did not understand the answer. I am very new to AJAX, javascript and sclient side scripting in general. I have been using C# asp.net for a bit and recently added some updatepanels to my side to smooth so of the us...

Unable to get ASP.Net UpdateProgress to display

I'm trying to display an update progress loading image whenever my update panel does it's Ajax thing. I've looked around at tutorials and it seems really straightforward but I'm having no luck. Here is pretty much what I have... <div id="panelWrapper"> <asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional"> <Co...

jquery color animation throws Invalid property value intermittently

I'm trying to animate the background for an ASP.Net hyperlink to do a yellow fade on an update panels refresh. So far it works almost all of the time, but occasionally a javascript error is thrown "Invalid Propery value." and it debugs into the jquery color plug-in code to this line... fx.elem.style[attr] = "rgb(" + [ Math.max(Mat...

ListBox in an UpdatePanel jumps to the top after selecting an item at the bottom?

This only occurs in Internet Explorer. I have a ListBox which is in an UpdatePanel. The ListBox has around 100 items in it and it shows 15 are visible at a time. They are sorted from 1 to 100. If I scroll to the bottom and select item number 50, item 50 stays selected, but the ListBox jumps back to the top of the List, so it is displ...

ImageButton event not firing inside Update Panel

This is sort of a follow-up to my question here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/534045/asplabel-is-not-shown-when-visible-is-set-to-true In the above question, I had a few controls were the visibility was not being set to false because they were not in an UpdatePanel. Once I put the controls inside an UpdatePanel, the toggling of...

UpdateProgress with UpdatePanel not showing up in User control when page is loading

Is this typical behavior of the UpdateProgress for an ASP.Net UpdatePanel? I have an update panel with the UpdateProgress control inside of a user control window on a page. If I then make the page in the background do some loading and click a button in the user control update panel the UpdateProgress does not show up at all. It's li...

Control scope within Repeater, with and without UpdatePanel

Why does the following give me a compilation error for line B (Label2, outside UpdatePanel) but not for line A (Label1, inside UpdatePanel)? I would have expected both lines to give an error since both controls are within the same Repeater and should therefore not be directly accessible outside the repeater, since there is no one unique ...

asp.net ajax updatepanel and playing sound

I want to play a sound when asp.net updatepanel updates. Is there a free and simple way to play sound when ajax panel updates? ...

How to make TinyMCE work inside an UpdatePanel?

I'm trying to do something that many people seem to have been able to do but which I am unable to implement any solution. The TinyMCE control works pretty well in an asp.net form until you enclose it with an UpdatePanel, which then breaks after postback. I have tried some fixes like the RegisterClientScriptBlock method, but am still unsu...

Adding controls dynamically to an UpdatePanel in ASP.NET AJAX

I have the following really simple code <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server"> </asp:ScriptManager> <asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server"> <ContentTemplate> <asp:PlaceHolder ID="PlaceHolder1" runat="server"> </asp:PlaceHolder> <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" onclick="Button1...

Call JQuery function from code behind (aside) ASP.Net and C#

I need to disable JQuery tabs programmatically. The tabs are inside an update panel (Ajax) and the update panel is in an ASP.NET page. Code: <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="http://ui.jquery.com/testing/themes/base/ui.all.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt...

History management problem in ASP.net

I created a simple page with an UpdatePanel, inside that I have a couple of asp Panel controls, all with the Visible property set to false except for one. When the user clicks on some buttons on the side menu, the Visible property switches between the Panels being displayed, giving the user the cool & slick ajax feel. On the scriptManag...

Using the ASP.NET AJAX UpdatePanel with output caching

Is there a way to have the UpdatePanel control play nicely with output caching? I'd like to cache an entire ASP.NET page using the @OutputCache directive, EXCEPT for the UpdatePanel area. ...