
dead simple Django file uploading not working :-((

Hello, I am trying desperately to do a very simple file upload with Django, without (for now) bothering with templating & co. My HTML is: <form id="uploader" action="bytes/" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" > <input type="file" name="uploaded"/> <input type="submit" value="upload"/...

Ruby on Rails: Paperclip with multi-step-form

I am using the fine paperclip plugin for rails. Everything is nice so far, users can upload images. Now i want an extra step before my model is saved, asking for confirmation by the uploader that the image looks right. Is this possible to do with paperclip? If so, how? ...

Is it possible to submit DIV elements (NOT Form) using jquery/ajax

Is it possible to submit FORM DIV elements (NOT Form) using jquery/ajax? I know of multiple was you can use jquery.form.js and jquery.upload.js. But they don't meet my requirements. I have the following HTML within my ASCX control (within my ASPX master page that already has a FORM tag) <div id="Div1"> File: <input type="file" id="...

python upload - where are tmp/FILES ?

hi, I'm running python 2.4 from cgi and I'm trying to upload to a cloud service using a python api. In php, the $_FILE array contains a "tmp" element which is where the file lives until you place it where you want it. What's the equivalent in python? if I do this fileitem = form['file'] fileitem.filename is the name of the file ...

Upload files with HTTPWebrequest (multipart/form-data)

Is there any class, library or some piece of code which will help me to upload files with HTTPWebrequest? Edit 2: I do not want to upload to a WebDAV folder or something like that. I want to simulate a browser, so just like you upload your avatar to a forum or upload a file via form in a web application. Upload to a form which uses a ...

Uploading Files in ASP.net without using the FileUpload server control

How can I get an ASP.net web form (v3.5) to post a file using a plain old <input type="file" />? I am not interested in using the ASP.net FileUpload server control. Thanks for your suggestions. ...

PHP file upload

Hi, I am trying to upload files to my server using php to save them into a binary form into my mysql database but I cant get it to work, here is the script I’m using, I believe it has something to do with "$_FILES" because when I take this out "&& $_FILES['userfile']['size'] > 0" the script starts to run but then the variables underneat...

Can file uploads time out in PHP?

Hi im quite new to PHP, i have created a form for very large csv files to be uploaded to my server. Some one mentioned to me that the browser can time out due to the uploading file being to big, is this true? and if so, can it be prevented? Thanks for your help! ...

Best way to upload multiple files from a browser

Hi all, I'm working on web application. There is one place where the user can upload files with the HTTP protol. There is a choice between the classic html file upload control and a java applet to upload the files. The classic html file upload isn't great because you can only select one file at a time, and it's quite hard to get any ...

Why is File Upload slow in IE when SSL being used?

Boy do I have a strange bug. I have a website that needs to upload large files. We are using the standard ASPx FileUpload control. We have modified the web.config to allow really large files. I am doing all these tests in FireFox, IE6, and IE7. For my test I am using a few 20 MB files (AVI, PDF, Excel). The file type does not affe...

Lighttpd upload problem

In lighthttpd, when I set: server.network-backend = "freebsd-sendfile" the file upload just hangs for files > ~1MB, but if I change it to: server.network-backend = "writev" It seems to work fine, but I'm getting lower performance by using that setting. Is there a better solution? ...

jQuery ajax form and Zend_Form file upload

If i submit my ajax form from jQuery, and do print_r($_FILES); i get a list of files uploaded, but if i do something like this $add_form->sound_file->isUploaded(); or $params = $this->_getAllParams(); print_r($params); i don't get my file in zend parametars, and i don't get it uploaded!? Mayb the problem is with he context b...

Uploading files to Sharepoint (WSS 3.0) document library using HTTP PUT

Hi I have the following piece of code to upload a file to Sharepoint. It uses HTTP PUT: public static string UploadFile(string destUrl, string sourcePath) { try { Uri destUri = new Uri(destUrl); FileStream inStream = File.OpenRead(sourcePath); WebRequest req...

File upload/download problems using Internet Explorer to a Sharepoint site

A cheeseburger to the first person who can help me make sense of this. I have a page in a Sharepoint app that uses Telerik's RadUpload to upload files. This has worked for months; last week it stopped working (in Internet Explorer, this detail is important). After talking with a co-worker about the problem, I tried the upload with Fir...

Can the clsupload.asp directly replace the persits code? I am a total nubee to coding. tks...

Can the clsupload.asp directly replace the persits code? I am a total nubee to coding. tks... I inherited a website and discovered that they used a com object "persits upload. I do not want to purchase and install for one application. Can someone help to tell me where or how to change this below code to work without the software buy? Se...

How do i allow the user to select more than one file for upload?

Gmail just released an update to their interface allowing the user to select more than one file for upload by using the CTRL-button. How do they do that? You can read about the new feature and see a screen shot here: http://gmailblog.blogspot.com/2009/02/updates-to-attachments-multi-select-and.html ...

Progress bar in uploading Xml file.

Hi, i want to use a background thread for the process of loading the XML data, possibly with a progress bar to let the user know that the application is actively doing something. i have written this code through searching the net. i want to load a XML tree in treeview on winform when a user cliks a Browse button. In case of a large XML ...

Stop people uploading malicious PHP files via forms

I have an upload form created in php on my website where people are able to upload a zip file. The zip file is then extracted and all file locations are added to a database. The upload form is for people to upload pictures only, obviously, with the files being inside the zip folder i cant check what files are being uploaded untill the fi...

zend framework losing session

I am trying to implement a Flash uploader in my Zend framework application but I am having problems with the session. The Flash does not send any cookie headers and this is why the session is lost. I am trying to send the sessionId as a post param and in my bootstrap file I added a session_id($_POST['session_id]) but this doenst seem to...

No error when uploading a really big file in PHP?

I have a PHP form for uploading files and it works fine and displays an error message if something went wrong. This is all good. The problem is when I test with a really big file, it just refreshes the page as if I hadn't sent a file at all, and none of the $_POST variables from the form are even sent to the server. I want to display a...