
Iphone limit memory

I am writing an application for iPhone/iPad and I need to implement a function to allow users to upload pdf. i wonder if there are limits on the amount of available memory? ...

iphone SDK : Upload image from iphone to a php Server send empty file ?(sample code link inside)

I try to send a photo and GPS location to server via PHP here is the PHP part:Copy from here Saving the Uploaded File The examples above create a temporary copy of the uploaded files in the PHP temp folder on the server. The temporary copied files disappears when the script ends. To store the uploaded file we need to copy it to a diff...

Android: how to install twice 1 app I write?

Hey, I need to have both earlier and later versions of App I write in Eclipse. What do I need to change (activity name?) to upload new version of the app to my phone without overwriting the old one? Any fast way to do it? ...

How to convert a video to .swf?

How to convert any kind of videos into .swf format automatically? So if the user uploads a video in a format from the example inputs how should I convert it automatically into sfw format? Example Inputs: .avi, .ivf, .div, .divx, .mpg, .mpeg, .mpe, .mp4, .m4v, .wmv, .asf, .mov, .qt, .ts, .mts, .m2t, .m2ts, .mod, .tod, .3gp2, .3gpp, .3...

Flex Upload XML to datagrid/database

Hi We have an requirement in our project to browse & upload an XML file and show it on the datagrid, edit the grid and then save the contents to the database. I'm able to see examples that take a XML from a specific folder and show on the datagrid, but not able to see any examples that browse for a XML and then upload it. It would be gr...

Low memory zip function for one file without shell access.

Welcome, Does someone have any resources about creating large zip files (one file, not folder) in PHP ? Without using shell access to "zip" application. low memory usage (i can't use gzcompress) because file is to large to do this in RAM. I have unzip function work perfect on low memory system Here is unzip,. http://paste-it.net/p...

What to do with "invalid binary" in itunes connect

Hi I uploaded my app through the application loader, everything went fine. But then, after 30 min of waiting approval, my app gets rejected everytime with "invalid binary". I don't receive any mail, although I'm supposed to get one with this error message... I build my app in "debug" mode, is that the possible problem ? Thanks ...

How can a user upload a résumé in Word or other common format and have it uploaded into my DB in PHP?

How does résumé upload work? I have a site in PHP and right now users can build their résumé line by line, because it is stored in db table. How can a user upload a resume in Word or other common format and have it uploaded into my db? Is it something to do with regex? Are there any scripts out there available that can do that? Just tr...

What causes an HTTP 405 “invalid method (HTTP verb)” error when POSTing a form (using CPSHOST.DLL) on IIS 7.5

I'm in the process of migrating a series of classic ASP web pages from a Windows 2000 server to a Windows 2008 R2 server. One of the pages uses CPSHOST.DLL (in the Scripts folder) to upload a file to the server. The page in question uses a POST method on the form, but consistently returns a "Method Not Allowed" response when the page r...

PHP Upload Progress Status

Hi guys! I need to show upload status (Total size, curent uploaded size and upload speed) But every script need library and I don'T know how it work (I use XAMPP under Windows)... I have only APC Lib. I tried FancyUpload, but even in the demo I got this error : Error caused a send or load operation to fail (Error #2038) And I tried SWF...

File upload in Resteasy

How to upload files using RESTEasy framework ? ...

how to get a good upload loader to work?

i was looking at http://www.2shared.com and when you upload something it shows how fast the file is being uploaded, and other info. does anyone know how i can do this under php/jquery ? ive used alot of loaders outthere and they dont work. most of them are under flash which i dont want to use. ...

save image from url by paperclip

please suggest me a way save image from url by paperclip. thanks ...

Limiting the file size of users folders

Hi I am developing a file hosting site, where users can upload files to thier own folder. This folder can only have a quota of 100mb. I would like to implement a sytem whereby if a user tries tp upload a file to their folder which is already full to 100mb and will exeed their quota, the system will not allow it and display a message to ...

Python app engine: how to save a image?

This is what I got from flex 4 file reference upload: self.request = Request: POST /UPLOAD Accept: text/* Cache-Control: no-cache Connection: Keep-Alive Content-Length: 51386 Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----------ei4cH2gL6ae0ei4ae0gL6GI3KM7ei4 Host: localhost:8080 User-Agent: Shockwave F...

Help to Upload zip file containing CSV file in GAE

I am a student who needs help in uploading a zip file that contains CSV file into the GAE Server using java. I am currently using uploadBean to upload my zip file in my server (Tomcat,localhost). Here is the code: UploadBean upBean = new UploadBean(); upBean.setWhitelist("*.zip"); upBean.setOverwrite(true); String path = getServletCon...

how to upload and download a file from an server to my android app and then save in the external data storage like micro sd

i want help i wanted to know to upload a file to my server and download it later if i wish to ...!!! ...

PHP: crop with PNG and trans

Im having issue when a user uploads and try's to crop a PNG or transparent image( with .gif) I am getting: Warning: imagecreatefromjpeg(): gd-jpeg: JPEG library reports unrecoverable error: in statusUpFunctions.php on line 100 Warning: imagecreatefromjpeg(): 'images/status/photo/1-6.jpg' is not a valid JPEG file in statusUpFunctions....