
Django ajax file upload problem csrf

I'm trying to do a ajax file upload using django. I am trying to make this example work http://www.johnberns.com/2010/07/08/using-valums-jquery-ajax-upload-with-django-1-2/ But strangely I keep getting "None" for my csrf token and even more strange is that I am doing the POST call sending the file but all I get on the server is just th...

PHP File Upload Problems

I wrote a Facebook app in PHP and need to be able to allow the user to upload an image to my server. I have used this code: <?php include_once('facebook.php'); $appapikey = 'API KEY HERE'; $appsecret = 'SECRET KEY HERE'; $facebook = new Facebook($appapikey, $appsecret); $fb_user = $facebook->require_login(); if((!empty($_FILES["upload...

php - Diferences between copy, rename and move_uploaded_file

Are there diferences when I use that functions? Why should I use one instead of the other one... Thank you. ...

iPhone: View image from MySql database on server

Hi everyone, I am newbie with iPhone programming. I have a task that upload image from iphone to server and store it in Mysql database on server. After that I retrieve the image from database and display it on iPhone. On Upload: I used ASIFormDataRequest to send image data to server and a PHP script (uploadpicture.php) will store imag...

Adobe AIR/Flex file upload to a server that requires basic authentication

Adobe reference specifically points this out as a limitation. Here's the note in the file.upload functionality in adobe reference. Note: If your server requires user authentication, only SWF files running in a browser — that is, using the browser plug-in or ActiveX control — can provide a dialog box to prompt the user for a username a...

How do I return a text server-response to Uploadify on completed upload?

This is a bit of an premature post, because I'm still grokking the code. But I've looked for a day, and I suspect it's something simple I'm missing about the Actionscript environment. Goal: I have Uploadify uploading to the Rails server. When the file gets uploaded to the server, it gets renamed. I want to respond with the new filepa...

uploading php brings out pop up box?

i just uploaded my php file to my new server, i want to check the file in my web browser, instead of showing the page, a pop up box saying you want to download the php file. what deos that mean? :)) ...

Paperclip with valums's file-uploader

I am using Paperclip to upload image on Rails3. Now I want to use valums's file-uploader to do multiple image upload. I have already set the multiple image upload correctly. Each Product(a particular model) has_many photos. each photo has_one item. (FROM: rails g paperclip photo item) My question is how to use valums's file-uploader? And...

PHP file uploading headache

Hi there. I am having a tough time trying to upload files through PHP. My form: <form action="blah.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post"> <p> Upload file: <input type="file" name="xmlfile"/> <input type="submit" name="upload_submit" value="Upload" /> </p> </form> Checklist: No 'smart' quotes in sight. Fine. Proper enct...

FTP upload - memory leak problem

Hi, I'm working on a personal project that uploads and downloads big files using FTP protocol. It's working fine except the memory leak that I recently noticed. I don't know exactly what the problem is. It could be memory leak or bad programming. The memory amount used by this application increasing every second while uploading. Here is ...

upload .xls to google docs xls with google Gdata error: could not convert document

everythings works fine with uploading a word document. It's converts correctly to a google document, but when i upload a .xls a throws the error: could not convert document. This is the code i use: $type = "application/vnd.ms-excel"; $xml = "--END_OF_PART\r\n". "Content-Type: application/atom+xml;\r\n\r\n". ...

PHP Curl upload file through Post Data

How would I go by Submiting a file that in the same directory as this script inside the $data. The below function is what I currently use. If you find any bugs in the current code please tell me as well :) function post_data($site,$data){ $datapost = curl_init(); $headers = array("Expect:"); curl_setopt($datapost, CURLOPT_URL, ...

How to upload an image from iPhone into ASP.Net web server

Hi all, i want to upload images from my iPhone into asp.net web server. Iam new to iPhone developemnt. Please help... ...

Why dosen't this upload script work with mp4s, mpegs (and maybe any /large/ files)?

<?php if($_POST['uae']){ move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], FS_DOC_ROOT . 'uploads/' . urlencode($_FILES['file']["name"])); mail("email@address","Uploaded File for you",$_POST['message']."\n\nTo view the file please follow the following link: ".HTTP_SERVER."uploads/".urlencode($_FILES['file']['name']).".","FROM: DONOTREPLY...

How to get the File input box path using php

For Attachment i am using the below mentioned code <input type="file" name="attachcopy" id="attachcopy" /> in my for to get input from the user. my problem is how to get the inputbox path. i need a file original path. i am using this code if ($_FILES["file"]["error"] > 0) { echo "Error: " . $_FILES["file"]["error"] . "<br />"; ...

ASP image upload and Jcrop?

I upload images with aspsmartupload and it work as it should, good! But after I have uploaded the image I would like to be able to crop the image with Jcrop. I have managed to get the Jcrop script to work on a image(showing the crop rectangle on the image). But how do I actually crop the image with ASP and the saving it? I have found a...

Amazon S3 direct upload not recognizing file's content type

I have my Rails application set up where each user can upload an avatar. The image is uploaded directly to Amazon's S3 using HTTP Post. So far everything is working except that the user is able to upload any type of file. I'm using a fork of the d2s3 plugin by camelpunch. Here are the helpers: policy = Base64.encode64( "{'expirat...

PHP move_uploaded_file failing for unknown reason

I have an PHP website on a RHEL5/CentOS dedicated server. The website is located at /var/www/html/beta I have a script: /var/www/html/beta/scriptA.php which calls a function in /var/www/html/beta/code/inc/functions.php The function uses move_uploaded_file() as follows: $status = move_uploaded_file($imagetmp_name,$destinationPath...

Is there a C# framework for parsing and validating CSV/XML files uploaded to an ASP.NET site?

I have a product-based website and I'd like to expand the number of file formats/layouts that we accept for inventory uploads. Ideally that would be done using some existing implementation that supports various file formats and assists in validating and allowing user corrections to the uploaded data. Anything giant and "servery" like Bi...

PHP File upload, Secure?

This is what I want an user to be able: Upload ANY file to the server (attachment) to the uploads folder Be Able to download it afterwards So I have created this dir with the following .htaccess Allow from all DirectoryIndex .x php_flag engine off Options -Indexes Options -ExecCGI AddType text/plain .html .htm .shtml .php .php3 .php...