
Filter logs by domain name

We currently use Urchin 6 for web analytics of our site which is a white label product. We have a customer requesting access to our urchin server to view the reporting for their account. All our logs are combined, and so we need to be able to create a new profile and filter the logs for the given domain. We cannot split the logs per d...

scripting in java - javascript from a server-side class file in Java 1.5

I have three types of get requests that are delivered to a class file on web application from a mobile device. Because the mobile device provides no cookies, the log file hit only has in.ter.nal.ip ser.ver.i.p:port 2009-06-05 09:14:44 GET /applicationname/mobiledevicexml reqtype=login&userid=xx### 200 87 - MercuryMobile/1.0 CFNetwork...

How to track anchor tags with Google Analytics

I'm trying to track clicks via Google Analytics that do not result in a new request. Specifically, clicks on tabs that are created via the jQuery UI tabs widget. I'm using the older version of the code ('urchin tracker') and trying to log the clicks like so: $('.ui-tabs-nav li a').click(function() { val = "/tab/" + $(this).attr('hre...

Can Google Urchin work without reading log files?

I can not get logs from some customers, can I use Google Urchin in this case? ...

Set up facebook UrchinTracker for aJax calls for Google Analytics

I have set up the Google Analytics in my FBML facebook application. It works for tracking the php pages. (I can see the report in GA). However, I also want to track the aJax calls, because most of the pages of my application is ajax driven, rather than loading differnet php pages. so, that's what I put in the code (before ajax call) ...

How to do Google Analytics for ajax call in Facebook?

I have a FBML game and need to track all ajax calls. At the bottom of the page, I have this: and in the javascript functions, I put this: Facebook.urchinTracker("/ajaxcallname/"); However, it doesn't work.. and what I found out is that the utmac (the google account id) is empty!!! _uacct is empty! even I set it in the FBML, i...