
How to handle diacritics (accents) when rewriting 'pretty URLs'

I rewrite URLs to include the title of user generated travelblogs. I do this for both readability of URLs and SEO purposes. http://www.example.com/gallery/280-Gorges_du_Todra/ The first integer is the id, the rest is for us humans (but is irrelevant for requesting the resource). Now people can write titles containing any UTF-8 c...

How do I remove "cgi-bin" from my URLs?

I'm creating a small application on an embedded device that has a boa web server running on it. I'm creating a web application in a mixture of plain HTML pages and Perl scripts to interface with the main application. Is there a way to hide the fact that some of the pages are being served out of the cgi-bin on the device? What I have n...

URLs like ASP.NET MVC offers

Is there any way to implement a URL mechanisim in asp.net like it has in asp.net mvc e.g. mydomain.com/user/myusername but without using the MVC if so, how? ...

How to avoid ruining TinyMCE popups with url rewriting?

I have a website which uses TinyMCE textboxes for editing. It works fine except for the toolbar options which open a popup window as it seems to be caught by my url rewriting in the .htaccess file. Each of them show my 404-page. The url rewriting is set up so that all urls (except ajax calls) are sent to an index.php file. It seems obvio...

How do you pass in a redirect URL into a mod_rewritten page

I mod_rewrite my pages very similar to how SO does it. I have www.example.com/users/login/ which will internally use users.login.php which acts as a controller. I want to pass in a parameter as a page to redirect to once the login is complete. If you pass in a relative URL you end up with a very peculiar looking URL because you are pass...

How to make "Tag" pages SEO'd in Magento?

Hi, In magento, I have SEO url rewriting enabled, and it is working fine - apart from: tags (showing as site/tag/product/list/tagId/1/) reviews (showing as, for example site/review/product/list/id/1/) RSS feeds (showing as site/rss/catalog/category/cid/3/sid/1/) How come this is not SEO’d? and what will be the solution for this issu...

Query Strings & Mod ReWrite

Hey there, I'm not too inexperienced with ReWrite (not a master either, though) so I was hoping somone might be able to help me. RewriteRule ^$ index.php?page=home [NC] RewriteRule ^adm$ index.php?page=adm_home [NC] RewriteRule ^adm/stats index.php?page=adm_stats [NC] Above is a snippet of my .htaccess file. As you can see, when so...

Clean URL Redirect Loop

Hello! I'm trying to create clean URLs on my website. Now I succeeded in configuring apache so every request like mysite.com/page will work. But I also want that requests for mysite.com/page.php will be redirected to mysite.com/page. I've set environment variable in .htaccess to check if i already been redirected to prevent loops, but i ...

Why would mod_rewrite rewrite twice?

I only recently found out about URL rewriting, so I've still got a lot to learn. While following the Easy Mod Rewrite tutorial, the results of one of their examples is really confusing me. RewriteBase / RewriteRule (.*) index.php?page=$1 [QSA,L] Rewrites /home as /index.php?page=index.php&page=home. I thought the duplicates might ha...

UrlRewriting on Global.asax and SQL Output Caching

Hi, I'm performing a UrlRewrite for my main category pages. Converting: www.mysite.com/Category.aspx?id=2 to www.mysite.com/Dogs In order to do so I'm using Global.asax's Application_BeginRequest where I perform the following code(psuedocode): protected void Application_BeginRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e) { if (IsCategoryU...

$_GET and URL Rewriting for PHP

How does URL rewriting affect the $_GET parameter for PHP? Say, for instance, I have a URL like http://example.com/index.php?p=contact and I use $_GET['p'] to tell index.php to serve the contact page. If I use a rewrite rule that converts the URL to http://example.com/contact, will $_GET['p'] still work as expected? If it does, could you...

ASP.Net MVC RC1 RouteCollection.MapRoute Problem

I have a problem with the RC1 version of ASP.Net MVC. Whenever I add a Route before the "Default" route, the resulting Urls created are for the first Route added. Here is my Routing in Global.asax.cs routes.MapRoute( "product-detailed", "Products/{controller}/{action}/{id}", new { controller = "Produ...

ISAPI Rewrite 3 rule syntax

I'm installing ISAPI Rewrite 3. I'd like to do the following with it: The box serving HTTP documents with ISAPI Rewrite 3 has a hypothetical URL of http://www.foo.com. I want a rule that will point http://www.foo.com/blog to http://blog.foo.com. I don't want a physical redirection. I prefer a proxy so that it doesn't look like we're ev...

Rewriting URLs in ASP.NET?

I am using ASP.NET C#. How do I implement URL re-writing procedure that is similar to StackOverflow.com? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/358630/how-to-search-date-in-sql Also, what is the meaning of values such as "358630" in the URL? Is this the question ID (the basis for which they use to fetch the data from the table)? Whatever...

How do I do URL rewriting in php?

This is a double question: The correct answer will go to "How you do it in PHP" explaining if there is any advantage goes also counts if possible. I'm just curious because I really don't know and I see it a lot in webpages. Edit: I don't know the technical name, but for example here in stackoverflow: http://stackoverflow.com/posts/edit...

Is it possible to have sessions with in Web Session.

Hi, I am developing an application where I need to support multiple instances of browser on same machine but with different user logins ! As far as if we open two different IE process instances, there will be different sessions on server side but same is not the case for Firefox (correct me if I am wrong). So is there any way I can some...

How to dynamically redirect www-based URLs to non-www URLs with multiple domains in same VirtualHost

I've got a VirtualHost that looks something like: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName domain1.com ServerAlias www.domain1.com domain2.com www.domain2.com </VirtualHost> When someone visits www.domain1.com/test, they should be redirected to: domain1.com/test When someone visits www.domain2.com/test, they should be redirected to: d...

Redirect additional domains to main .com domain using IIS7 URL Rewrite Module

How should I configure the URL Rewrite Rule in IIS7 to redirect my aditional domains ( domain.net, domain.org, domain.info) to the principal .com domain? ...

Redirect all .php traffic to .php5 files

Hi, I have a personal website with a MediaWiki installation on a shared host. The Apache configuration treats all .php request with PHP 4, and all .php5 requests with PHP5. For compatibility reasons I need to be able to use the .php extension, but MediaWiki is only available on PHP5. I tried to use the mod_rewrite engine, but I'm stuck...

using non-latin characters in a URL

I'm working on a site which the client has had translated into Croatian and Slovenian. In keeping with our existing URL patterns we have generated URL re-writing rules that mimic the layout of the application which has lead to having many non-ascii charachters in the URLs. Examples š ž č Some links are triggered from Flash using getURL...