
How to pass Multivalued parameters through URL in SSRS 2005

Hi All, I have main matrix report and I want to navigate my sub report from main report by Jump To URL:(Using below JavaScript function) method. ="javascript:void(window.open('http://localhost/ReportServer/Pages/ReportViewer.aspx?%2fKonsolidata_Data_Exporting_Project%2fEXPORT_REPORT_TEST&rs:Command=Render&RP_cntry="+Fields!STD...

File name length limit for AppleScript in URL Access Scripting?

I'm having a strange AppleScript issue, and can't seem to figure out the underlying cause, or a solution. I'm trying to download files with a process that mimics the one below. This code fails for me, reporting "URL Access Scripting got an error: Can’t make some data into the expected type." number -1700 to item" If I remove 3 character...