
Trailing slash in URL causing Partial Post Back issues

Hey all! .NET 3.5 app written in C# here with both jQuery and some ASP.NET AJAX UpdatePanel flavouring. I'm running into an interesting issue. I created a pagination user control that is made up of LinkButtons. The user control fires off an event called CurrentPageChanged whenever someone clicks on a page, previous, first, or next butt...

Free .NET 2.0 Cover Flow User Control

I'm looking for a free User Control that provides functionality similar to that in Apple's Cover Flow. I'm aware of FluidKit, but I want something that targets .NET 2.0 for cross-platform compatibility with Mono. I've also found IndexCards, but it costs money, and I want to make the source of my project freely available, so I can't use ...

Invert colors on a control

I made a control that uses the OnPaint and base.OnPaint. Now I want that all colors be inverted on certain conditions. But how do I do that? I now how to invert an image, but how do I do with a Graphics object? protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) { base.OnPaint(e); MyOwnPaint(e); if(Condition) InvertColors(e); }...

Is there a User Control Library project type in VS 2010

I was looking for it all night, but it seems that the project type is not on vs 2010. But the main problem is, I want to make a custom control (or a user control compiled to a dll, if vs 2010 does not have the custom control library feature). Unluckily, I was not able to find any article for 2010 but only for 2008, which is pretty much ...

C#/WPF: Keep aspect ratio of UserControl?

Hello, Does anyone have an idea how to keep the Height/Width Ratio 1:1 of a UserControl? E.g. if Height > Width, Width & Height will have the same size and vice versa. Thanks for any help. Cheers ...

How to Find Children of a UserControl instead of a Window - replacing Window.FindName

I currently have a WPF project which has one main Window, and many UserControls which are children of this Window. Many of the children of this window are Tabs. I have successfully replaced my main Window with a User Control that implements almost exactly the same functionality as the Main Window. Replacing the Window with a UserContro...

User controls called from child pages do not appear on master page.

Hey, I have a custom user control in MenuButton.ascx: <%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="~/MenuButton.ascx.cs" Inherits="MenuButton" ClassName="MenuButton" %> <li><a href="<%= Link %>"><span><%= Text %></span></a></li> MenuButton.ascx.cs: using System; public partial class MenuButton : System.Web....

WPF control in windows forms?

I would like to create some custom UI controls that work with both WPF and Windows Forms. Is this possible? If so, can I create these controls in WPF or do I need ot use a Windows Forms control? Are there any other considerations? ...

Adding and changing usercontrol at run time in a WPF application

I have a situation as follows, i am going to use WPF for first time, so any suggestion abt how to proceed whould be great: I hav a drop down, when i select any item from it - it should change the structure of controls in same window. New controls contain - two menu items and a text box and a list box. Selecting one menuitem will display ...

ASP.NET User Controls and Information Passing

I have written a user control that contains a text box and a button. Functionality is such that you input a QuoteID into the textbox and click the button then the app goes and fetches a bunch of information about the specified quote and plops it onto the screen. My employer wants this to be modified to be only a button which will reside...

how to get instance of .net control which is in child page from user control in master page

i have user control called shopping cart. which i have used in master page. i want to get the textbox value from the child page in to user control. is it possible to access control from child page in "Custom User Control" which is on master page? ...

Why doesnt Window.FindName() discover the x:Name of a button in a child UserControl? AKA how do NameScopes work?

So in the example code below, I create a UserControl UserControldChild which is a child of the main Window, Window1.xaml. Why does the FindName() method fail to find the "myButton" in the code below? This must have to do with the WPF XAML NameScopes, but I have yet to find a good explanation as to how NameScope works. Can someone enlig...

ASP.NET UserControl class library

Is it possible to create class libraries that contain UserControls so I can reuse them? If so, how? Is the markup compiled with the .dll? Thanks for any help! ...

How can I execute something between instantiation of the user control and OnInit call?

What is the simplest solution here? ...

WPF - How to expose subelements of a UserControl

I have created a XAML UserControl that is used to enter the current date using some up/down controls. The interesting parts of the UserControl are as follows: <UserControl x:Class="MyApp.Controls.DateEntry" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:uCon...

Rendering different repeating data

What is the best method to display repeating data with slightly different controls or sub data? For example displaying an expanded list of questions and answers. Some questions will have answers, some will not. Some button controls would show for some items while not for others. In classic ASP I've used XML/XSL quite effectively fo...

How should I set up a user control to fire events of its children as if they were its own?

In other words, I have a UserControl that has, for example, a label on it. Well, when the client registers with the MouseMove event of the UserControl, it should get that event whether the mouse is over the label or somewhere else on the UserControl. What would be the best way to set this up? C# ...

How to force a certain UserControl design

I am writing a Base UserControl, that will be inherited by a bunch of other UserControls. I need to enforce a certain design for all these descendant controls (e.g. a couple of buttons must be on the top along with a label or two). The rest of the descendant UserControl area is free to have whatever on it. Initially, I thought that ...

InvalidCastException: System.Web.UI.PartialCachingControl -> MyCustomControl when OutputCaching

The problem: I am unable to use OutputCaching with my controls which derives from MyCustomControl. Controls are loaded dynamically using definitions from database with Page.LoadControl method. When I add to ascx <%@ OutputCache VaryByParam="*" Duration="3600"%> the "InvalidCastException: System.Web.UI.PartialCachingControl -> MyCustom...

WPF: How to accept both string and FrameworkElement in dependency property (like wpf Label does)?

Hi, I am creating a custom WPF control that should have several content slots. I'd like the user to be able to use either string, or a FrameworkElement as a value of property, for example: <!-- MyHeading is a string --> <MyControl MyHeading="Hello World" /> <MyControl> <!-- MyHeading is a FrameworkElement --> <MyControl.MyHeading> ...