
Use user control in the same folder as the page.

I get this message at runtime of ASP.NET 2 page : The page 'MyFolder/blabla.aspx' cannot use the user control 'MyFolder/MyControl.ascx', because it is registered in web.config and lives in the same directory as the page. Of course I can separate them to 2 different folders and thus solve the problem, but the question is : WTF !?!?! W...

WPF UserControl weird binding problem

Hello! Im usign a Ribbon Window and in the "content area beneath" I have a grid in which I will be displaying UserControls. To demonstrate my problem lets take a look at this simple UserControl: <ListView x:Name="lvPersonList"> <ListView.View> <GridView> <GridViewColumn Width="120" Header="Na...

WinForms: How to find all BindingSources in an UserControl

In the program we are working on, the user data is collected in UserControls which is data bound to a business entity using BindingSources. I need to find all the BindingSources in a UserControl programatically. Since a BindingSource source is not added to the UserControl's Controls collection, I cannot search in there. Can this be do...

Passing parameter from one user control to another user control in an aspx page.

Hi I have two user controls on one aspx page. UC1 has a grid which contains a link button column which user clicks. Based on the value of clicked cell, I need to show some data into UC2. How do I pass data from UC1 to UC2? How do I invoke a function of UC2 from UC1? Please advise. Thanks AJ ...

Server ccntrols in user control are null when user control serves as a base user control (

I don't think I understand fully how ASP.NET does inheritance of controls. I have a user control, ucBase, which has an label in the ascx file. Code behind references the label and it works fine during run time if the control is not a parent for another user parent. If I have another user control, ucChild, inheriting from ucBase...

ASP.NET Button click not caught (button in user control which is dynamically loaded in Repeater)

I have written a user control that captures some user input and has a Save button to save it to the DB. I use a repeater to render a number of these controls on the page - imagine a list of multiple choice questions with a Save button by each question. I am loading the user control inside the repeater's ItemDataBound event like this (co...

Trigger function inside a usercontrol from a page

Hi there, I have created a usercontrol to capture education details, it contains 5 textboxes and an functionto insert that values into my db. I have added the usercontrol 5 times to a page. I have a button on my aspx page which I want to be able to click and call the function to insert the values. Can anyone suggest how I can do this? ...

ASP.NET UserControl OnError

UserControls in ASP.NET (4.0) inherit from System.Web.UI.UserControl. VisualStudio intellisense suggest OnError as valid override of TemplateControl. At runtime .NET ignores this error handling. Only the OnError at Page-Level gets invoked. Did i miss anything or is there a design issue? public partial class Sample : System.Web.UI.UserCo...

Custom Control in Silverlight ListBox

I have a custom control I created from a expression design I created and exported to xaml. I have put in it a bound itemtemplate/datatemplate of a ListBox contorl. It doesn't seem to be rendering more than once and/or it is rendering each item in the same place(kind of like the same x,y coordinates. It would seem to me that this should ...

ScaleTransform transforms non-linearly

I am using scale transform to allow a user to resize a control. What happens though is that when you start to move the mouse the control jumps to a new size, and then scales oddly. The further you move your mouse from the starting location the larger the increase in size becomes. I expect its the way I calculate the scale to be applie...

Set property on usercontrol that can be used in custom panel in control... Silverlight

I have a simple usercontrol that uses a simple custom panel where I just overrode the Orientation and Measure functions. What I want to do is to have a property in the usercontol to control the orientation So I basicaly have UserControl --> Listbox --> MyPanel And I want a property for the usercontrol that can be set in xaml (of...

Visual Studio adds a circular reference when I drag and drop a user control from the Toolbox

I have a user control C that is defined inside project P. C is present as a ".NET Framework Component" in my Visual Studio Toolbox. I open a form F (also defined inside project P) and drop C onto F. Once I do that drop, Visual Studio adds a reference under P pointing to P's own DLL. This is unnecessary and causes tons of build errors ...

c# How to return a usercontrol from a handeler ashx?

I want to return the HTML output of the control from a handler. My code looks like this: <%@ WebHandler Language="C#" Class="PopupCalendar" %> using System; using System.IO; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; public class PopupCalendar : IHttpHandler { public void ProcessReq...

Passing value from One user control to another usercontrol

I have three usercontrols uc1.ascx ,uc2.ascx ,UC_Combined.ascx UC1 has one label control UC2 has one Dropdownlist Control UC_Combined is created by combining UC1 and UC2 Now I placed UC_Combined.ascx on my aspx page webForm1.aspx has one more Label servercontrol Now when I run my webForm1.aspx page I can see see DropDown list and...

Is it possible to load a UserControl into an anonymous object, instead of just instantiating it?

Currently I'm generating UserControls as follows in an abstract base class so they are available for any other pages that implement the base class: // doc is an XML file that may or may not contain a TopStrapline node var pageControls = new { TopStrapline = (from strap in doc.Elements("TopStrapline") ...

Hundreds of custom UserControls create thousands of USER Objects

I'm creating a dashboard application that shows hundreds of "items" on a FlowLayoutPanel. Each "item" is a UserControl that is made up of 12 or labels. My app queries a database and then creates an "item" instance for each record, populating ethe labels and textboxes with data before adding it to the FlowLayoutPanel. After adding abou...

ASP.NET user control list/collection/array property

Hello. I created user control. It has string[] public property (it may be List<string> or whatever). I want to support defining this property in aspx code, when declaring the instance of this usercontrol. Something like this: <uc1:MyControl ID="MyControl1" runat="server"> <MyStringCollectionProperty> <string>My String 1</str...

MVVM-Light: Load UserControl into Window

What is the best practice to load an UserControl into an Window with MVVM-Light? Where create the UserControl instance, in the ViewModel from Window or direct in the window? ...

When to draw/layout child controls in UserControl

I have a list-type UserControl (like a ListBox). The items inside the control are another complex UserControl containing a few other controls (ComboBox, TextBox, etc). I'm wondering what the preferred or best method would be to override to draw/layout the child controls. I basically want to trigger this method any time the list change...

Initiating UserControl via MVVM in WPF / focus issue.

Hi there I have a few usercontrols loaded into a tabcontrol via MVVM in WPF. Within the XAML for the usercontrol I am setting focus to a textbox using the FocusManager, however this appears to only work when the first instance of the usercontrol is created. Just to test I added a loaded event handler to the usercontrol - this is only ...