
Adding controls to a frame in an Excel userform with VBA

I need to create labels and buttons dynamically and then add them to a frame within a userform. How do I do this? Seems like it should be easier than it really is. ...

Problem getting multiple selections in a listbox to export into a worksheet

Hi there, I am new to VBA and need some help. I have created an Excel Userform with labels, textboxs, command buttons, frames, option buttons etc and they all work fine. All the data entered in the userform goes into a sheet within the excel workbook with the exception of the listbox selected data. I use the RowSource property to defi...

Outlook VBA: UserForm not responding (can't close, button click event doesn't fire)

I've created a simple UserForm in my Outlook VBA macro - I can make the form visible using this code: VBA.UserForms.Add (PasswordForm.Name) PasswordForm.Show (Modal) ...and the *UserForm_Initialize()* event does in fact fire. But clicking on the "Submit" button on the form does nothing - the SubmitButton_Click() event (which was auto...

vba userforms carriage return behavior

In a textbox of a userform in VBA, I would like to enable the feature where the user can add a new line in the textbox by pressing the "Enter" key on the keyboard. However, I had trouble finding a UI option in the UI editor to achieve this. Is this even allowed in VBA userforms? Thanks in advance for the advices and answers. ...

Cell (SubItem) editing in ListView using VBA

Hi, How to implement cell editing for ListView SubItems in VBA? I would like to use ListView as an editable Grid on a VBA UserForm. ...