
using various types in a using statement (C#)

Since the C# using statement is just a syntactic sugar for try/finally{dispose} why does it accept multiple objects ONLY IF THEY ARE OF THE SAME TYPE? I don't get it since all they need to be is IDisposable. If all of them implement IDisposable it should be fine but it isn't. Specifically I am used to writing using (var cmd = new Sql...

What's This C# "using" directive?

I saw this C# using statement in a code example: using StringFormat=System.Drawing.StringFormat; What's that all about? ...

How to build ASP.NET MVC user controls into class libraries

I'm trying to build some .ascx controls into a class library for plugins for a CMS I'm building. My project type is a typical C# class libary with references added for system.web.mvc & friends. My problem arises in trying to create a strongly-typed user control. My control looks like this: <%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.W...

explain the USING command

Take a look...;q=using&amp;lr=lang_en The official MySQL site doesn't explain the USING command. Can you do that please? ...

Do we need to close a C# BinaryWriter or BinaryReader in a using block?

Having this code: using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(ProjectPath, FileMode.Create))) { //save something here } Do we need to close the BinaryWriter? If not, why? ...

Why can't this file be deleted after using C1ZipFile?

The following code gives me a System.IO.IOException with the message 'The process cannot access the file'. private void UnPackLegacyStats() { DirectoryInfo oDirectory; XmlDocument oStatsXml; //Get the directory oDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(msLegacyStatZipsPath); //Check if the directory exists if (oDirectory.Exists) { ...

Namespaces and Using Statements C#

If I have a namespace like: namespace MyApp.Providers { using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Configuration; using System.Globalization; } Does this mean that if I create other files and classes with the same namespace, the using statements are shared, and I don't need to include them again? ...

How is performance affected by an unused using statement

Visual Studio will automatically create using statements for you whenever you create a new page or project. Some of these you will never use. Visual Studio has the useful feature to "remove unused usings". I wonder if there is any negative effect on program performance if the using statements which are never accessed, remain mentioned ...

Do I have to Close() a SQLConnection before it gets disposed?

Per my other question here about Disposable objects, should we call Close() before the end of a using block? using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection()) using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand()) { command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO YourMom (Amount) VALUES (1)"; command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text; ...

Namespace references in C# vs. VB.Net

In VB.Net you can do something like the following without any issues... just ignore the fact that this is a pretty useless class :-) Imports System Public Class Class1 Public Shared Function ArrayToList(ByVal _array() As String) As Collections.Generic.List(Of String) Return New Collections.Generic.List(Of String)(_array) ...

Is it possible to use 'using' declaration on the static class function [C++]?

Is it legal? class SomeClass { public: static void f(); }; using SomeClass::f; Edit: I forgot to qualify function. Sorry. ...

Nested using statements in C#

I am working on a project and have to compare two files and see if they match eachother excatly. My first draft before alot of error checking and validation came up with: DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\TestArea\\"); FileInfo[] files = di.GetFiles(filename + ".*"); FileInfo outputFile = fil...

When does a using-statement box its argument, when it's a struct?

I have some questions about the following code: using System; namespace ConsoleApplication2 { public struct Disposable : IDisposable { public void Dispose() { } } class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { using (Test()) { } } static Disposable Test() ...

draw using mouse drag event in JOGL.

Hi, Well Guess I could need some help here. I'm new to JOGL, and I am trying to draw on the 3d canvas perhaps just anything, but the point is to use mouse drag events. Any idea how am I be able to do that? I try something as below but it did not worked out. And also in the below codes, I do not understand why the display() method is b...

Why doesn't parent object fail with a previously disposed child object?

Potentially embarrassing question, but there is obviously something I'm missing that I want/need to know. I expect the following code to create a new table row with new cells to be rendered later. And that's what it does ... as you would expect. using (TableRow tr = new TableRow()) { using (TableCell td = new TableCell()) { ...

Using statement and try-catch()-finally repetition?

The using(...) statement is syntactic sugar for try{} finally {}. But if I then have a using statement like below: using (FileStream fs = File.Open(path)) { } Now I want to catch the exceptions that opening this file could cause (and this is fairly high risk code in that it can fail due to the environment), but if I write try-catch...

How to stop a new form from using namespace System::Collections

If I create a new form called myForm, the top of myForm.h looks like this: #pragma once using namespace System; using namespace System::ComponentModel; using namespace System::Collections; //<<<< THIS ONE using namespace System::Windows::Forms; using namespace System::Data; using namespace System::Drawing; None of these are even ...

Help me to understand MY`Using` and `DataContext`

Can someone please explain the below to me. First is how I call the method and the second bit is the LINQ Method. My curiousity stems from the fact that I get a context error if I un-comment the using portion. Why? I apparently do not fully understand using and context's. And I would like to better understand this. Guid workerID =...

Is re-using GDI+ objects bad practice? (or: How to use many nested using blocks without getting headaches?)

I'm currently writing a fairly complex paint method for a user control, involving a fair amount of drawing code. I know that all GDI+ resources need to be properly disposed so I wrap each of those in a using block. But when I noticed that I used three using blocks for three different SolidBrushes I wondered whether I couldn't just re-us...

yield return statement inside a using() { } block Disposes before executing

I've written my own custom data layer to persist to a specific file and I've abstracted it with a custom DataContext pattern. This is all based on the .NET 2.0 Framework (given constraints for the target server), so even though some of it might look like LINQ-to-SQL, its not! I've just implemented a similar data pattern. See example be...