
Saving V4L2 video camera output

What video format would be the easiest when saving the output of a camera using V4L2 if I capture it in bitmap format? Getting mpeg directly could be, of course, nice, but I can't unfortunately count on that. I have managed to capture the frames, now I need to somehow view the video. Can I simply convert those frames using some Linux t...

streaming video to and from multiple sources

I wanted to get some ideas one how some of you would approach this problem. I've got a robot, that is running linux and uses a webcam (with a v4l2 driver) as one of its sensors. I've written a control panel with gtkmm. Both the server and client are written in C++. The server is the robot, client is the "control panel". The image analysi...

user pointer in python

*I am trying to display preview from webcam captured using v4l. Here is an idea of how the code looks like: from ctypes import * from v4l2 import * from Image import fromstring from Tkinter import Tk, Label from ImageTk import PhotoImage from ctypes.util import find_library libc = CDLL(find_library('c')) posix_memalign = libc.posix_me...

capture using v4l2 and display preview using gstreamer

How to pass the buffer/userpointer to gstreamer after Q_BUF, STREAM_ON, DQ_BUF. I tried using PIL's method frombuffer, but with no success. so I want to use gst sink now. Should I use gst.parse_launch() and how? Have anybody done it? ...

Android V4L or V4L2

Does Android Linux Kernel support V4L or V4L2 (Video for Linux). If not, it'is possible to add it ...

How can I suspend \ resume the video caputre operation in v4l2 ?

Hi, I use the v4l2 api for video capture and image applying image processing algo' on each frame. I wish to be able to suspend the video capture. I see that there are 2 options for ioctling (new verb, its gonna catch) the stream. VIDIOC_STREAMON, VIDIOC_STREAMOFF will start and stop the stream. Is there a way to suspend \ resume it? ...

v4l2 very simple example

Hi, I'm looking for a simple example for camera access in Linux using V4L2. Where I can find it? As simple, as possible. Thanks, ...