
PostgreSQL Long VACUUM

Hi again, I am currently cleaning up a table with 2 indexes and 250 million active rows and approximately as many dead rows (or more). I issued the command VACCUM FULL ANALYSE from my client computer (laptop) to my server. It has been going about its business for the last 3-4 days or so; I am wondering if it will end anytime soon for I ...

Dynamic data in postgresql

Hi world, I intend to have a python script do many UPDATEs per second on 2,433,000 rows. I am currently trying to keep the dynamic column in python as a value in a python dict. Yet to keep my python dict synchronized with changes in the other columns is becoming more and more difficult or nonviable. I know I could put the autovacuum on...

how to automatically determine which tables need a vacuum / reindex in postgresql

i've written a maintenance script for our database and would like to run that script on whichever tables most need vacuuming/reindexing during our down time each day. is there any way to determine that within postgres? i would classify tables needing attention like this: tables that need vacuuming tables that need reindexing (we find ...

PostgreSQL - how to run VACUUM from code outside transaction block?

I am using Python with psycopg2 and I'm trying to run a full VACUUM after a daily operation which inserts several thousand rows. The problem is that when I try to run the VACUUM command within my code I get the following error: psycopg2.InternalError: VACUUM cannot run inside a transaction block How do I run this from the code outsid...

JDBC postgres vacuum timeout

I'm trying to vacuum my Postgres database by running the following SQL instruction within Java: vacuum verbose analyze Sometimes it just seems to "hang" is there any clean way to abort the process? I have tried SET statement_timeout TO XXXX But I get the error message "VACCUM cannot run inside the transaction block" ...

Why does $dbh->do('VACUUM') fail with Perl's DBD::SQLite?

I want to do VACUUM at a certain time on a SQLite database under Perl, but it always says DBD::SQLite::db do failed: cannot VACUUM from within a transaction So how do I do this? my %attr = ( RaiseError => 0, PrintError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 ); my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:SQLite:dbname='.$file'','',\%attr) or die $DBI::errstr;...

postgreSQL vacuum temp files?

Hey, I've got a "little" problem. A week ago my database was reaching full disk capasity. I deleted many rows in different tables trying to free up disk space. After wich i tried running a full vacuum wich did not complete. What i want to know is. When i stopped the vacuum from fully compliting does it leave any temp files on the disk...

Vacuum PostgreSQL DB from PHP

I want to vacuum a PostgreSQL database from PHP. I have tried this: pg_query($conn,"vacuum analyse;"); How can I tell if this works? ...

How to VACUUM a Core Data SQLite db?

By design, Core Data does not issue a VACUUM SQL command to its SQLite database(s), as detailed here. I'm creating a Core Data application that'll store, and later delete, large binary files (2-10MB in size) in a SQLite db. Over time this will lead to fragmentation and a larger-than-necessary SQLite database. I'd like to periodically ...

What does it mean to vacuum a database?

As referenced by this Firefox bug, what does the act of vacuuming a database accomplish? Is this operation supported by all modern database software, or only certain ones? ...

Is it possible to issue a "VACUUM ANALYZE <tablename>" from psycopg2 or sqlalchemy for PostgreSQL?

Well, the question pretty much summarises it. My db activity is very update intensive, and I want to programmatically issue a Vacuum Analyze. However I get an error that says that the query cannot be executed within a transaction. Is there some other way to do it? ...