
javascript jquery childnode

hi All, I have a problem that i want to access the normaltagCmt elements value: <div id="random no"> <div id="normaltagdialog"> <table style="width:100%; height:100%" border="2px"> <tr style="width:100%; height:13%" align="left"> <td> <label> {$LANG.TEXT}</label> </td> </tr> <tr style="width:100%; hei...

Blank String Default Value in core data designer iphone

Hi, Is there any way to set empty string as default value in core data Here the problem is, it is taking blank value in sqlite table as null and I don't want it. Thank you, Raghu, ...

Difference between C# and VB.NET for default values of private members

In C# I have the following code: a base class with a virtual InitClass() function a child class which overrides the InitClass() function. In this function I set a private variable a public property exposing my private field namespace InheritenceTest { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { ...

Bug in the dropdown control?

I have a dropdown control, with some values I added in using the designer. For example, "ANY", "Male", "Female". The value for Male is set to M The value for Female is set to F The value for ANY is blank. However, although it seems to be blank, I spent hours trying to debug a parse error... And to my horror I discovered it wasn't b...

How to return temporary table from stored procedure

CREATE PROCEDURE [test].[proc] @ConfiguredContentId int, @NumberOfGames int AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON RETURN @WunNumbers TABLE (WinNumb int) INSERT INTO @WunNumbers (WinNumb) SELECT TOP (@NumberOfGames) WinningNumber FROM [Game].[Game] g JOIN [Game].[RouletteResult] AS rr ON g.[Id] = rr.[gameId] WHERE g.[ConfiguredContentId] =...

How to alter the HTML of the value attribute for an input box?

What I want to be able to do is alter the "value=" of an input text box using jQuery. The ultimate goal is to grab a form using .html() so I have all of the code, along with the values typed into the input boxes. As an example I have this: <span id="example"> <input type="text" value="" id="rate" /> </span> If a user types into the ...

WPF Visibility based upon global variable value

I have a boolean global variable that is set true if an administrator is logged in and wants to amend the content of the lists and comboboxes. As a result, a button is displayed beside each combo to display a dialog box when clicked. If I was not coding for WPF, I would probably include some sort of code similar to the following in each...

C# Queue problem

Suppose I have a class XYNode { protected int mX; protected int mY; } and a queue Queue<XyNode> testQueue = new Queue<XYNode>(); I want to check if a node with that specific x and y coordinate is already in the queue. The following obviously doesn't work : testQueue.Contains(new XYNode(testX, testY)) because even if a no...

mateo ...javascript

hi what happens is that I am making an Enrollment Form, and I have a text field where I need 2 comparisons, I assess the number of ICFES snp, and if prior to 2000 has 12 digits, and after the 2000 14 ... and I've tried and nothing ... restricts me when I'm older than 14. function verificar(valor) { var letras=document.form1.snp.valu...

Prototype js get element with certain value

Hello, I am scraping some data and I want to get the the value of an element after a specific tag with value. It's a bold tag with value 'Types:'. <b>Types:</b> Once I get to that element I can use Prototype's to get the data I want. How exactly do I do this? I have been fiddling with $$ but can't seem to get it righ...

How to remove registry value and key from registry entry

Hi, I already setting key and value in the registry entry by using RegSetValueExA, and it's created . But Now I want to delete that key and value from registry entry and for that I am using RegDeleteKey but its giving error 2 which is "The system cannot find the file specified.", can you tell me how can I solve this. Thanks, Kamal Kuma...

XSL: How do I assign the value of an XML element to a variable (minimal change to page below)?

See for the original XML and XSL. I got an answer to my question there. My other question on this same XML/XSL is: if I would like to capture the value of an element (such as the "title" element) in an XSL local variable, and then operate on it...

How to set initial value + auto increment in mysql?

How to set the initial value (for example for "id" column) that start from 1001?? I do a insert "INSERT INTO users (name, email) VALUES ('{$name}', '{$email}')"; Without specify the initial value. ...

M/S - Access 2007 - Displaying Values of Parameters in a FORM

I'm just learning Access 07 and coding so, this may be a very simple question: I have a FORM that I want to display the value of Parameters so that I know what I have inputed. Similar to [Start Date] & [End Date]. "Your query will start at 07/01/2009 and end on 07/10/2009." I can do this in a REPORT "Parameters!Start Date.value" but...

MAMP php and forms "value" problem

Hi, im using MAMP on OSX 10.4.11 and while doing a form I came up with an issue: <?php $today = date("d.m.y"); echo "<div class=\"newpub\"> <form action=\"insert.php\" method=\"post\"> <span class=\"text\">Data</span><br><input type=\"text\" value=\"$today\" name=\"Date\" size=\"14\" height=\"1\"><br><br> <span class=\"text\">Co...

jquery accessing/changing value attribute of an element

hi, how to deal with value attribute of any element (hidden input in my case) i have tried with two styles alert($("#projectManager").attr("value")); and alert($("#projectManager").val()); but it returns 'undefined'. any help? ...

getting slider value from past

i'm having a page jquey slider and page gets refreshed by on submit. how to keep the past value of a slider after refreshing too ...

Add one to the value of a textfield

How do i add one to the value of a text field? For example, quantity? This is how i get the object from the DOM - what do i do from here? $(this).parent("div").children("input").val(); This is the value of my text field :) ...

Determine whether a checkbox is checked upon form submission

Hi, i have been looking for this script for a while now. I have some rules and then i have a checkbox to click if you agree the terms and rules. Now how do i make a check in PHP if the person has checked that box and agreed to the rules? Thanks for ur help, i appreciate it! ...

Setter.Value instead of Setter in Silverlight

I know I can write a Setter in Silverlight like this: <Setter Property="Background" Value="{StaticResource MyBrush}" /> However, due to other considerations, I have to write the setter in the format: <Setter Property="Background"> <Setter.Value> ????? static resource </Setter.Value> </Setter> Any examples I've seen have t...