
Echoing the "then" state of variable in a mootools event even after var has changed

Let's take some pseudo-Mootools code: for loop (i) from 0 to 5 { create.element { id: 'element_'+i } $('element_'+i) { alert(i); } } The events get added to the elements properly. However, when clicked, they'll all alert the latest iterator... which would be 5. Is there any way I can cha...

When and how SQL Server disposes variables from memory in stored procedures?

When we create a stored procedure propably we create some variable like this : DECLARE @UserCount INT We use that variable in stored procedure. But we don't dispose that variable at the end of stored procedure. We dispose Cursors with DEALLOCATE but we don't write ant lines for variables which we create. Another stuation is we creat...

return type of who_user in scilab

greetings and apologies if this is a repost (i searched this site, and i believe its not a repost, though) I work with scilab, but during a project, scilab has to deal with a large number of variables. I was wondering if i can do the following var_list = who_user(); for _var_ = var_list do if _var_ is global then writetofile(huma...

Where can I learn about CS Scrpit?

Hi, I have this piece of code: var arrayParamaters = sParameters["split"]("|"); I want to find a documentation that map the functions/variables of a cs script var. as in the example I treat the sParameters as an array, and I would like to know the functions I can use with it... Adam. ...

Objective-C variable with multiple permissions

I have a data model which is similar to this: (in another project) ________________________________ _______________________ | | | | | Graph | | DetailedGraph | | GraphListener lstnr ...

Issue posting variable with iPhone SDK

Hey everyone, I am encountering an issue while posting a variable with Xcode: While running this code the app crashes while posting the variable to a webservice: NSArray *array = [stringFromFile componentsSeparatedByString: @","]; NSString *time = [array objectAtIndex:1]; UTCorLocal = time; NSLog(@"%@", UTCorLocal); UTCorLocal varia...

JS: Using variable names to call function.

Im working with jQuery. I have an app that makes ajax requests to server that responds with JSON. in some cases the response from the server will indicate the name of a JS function to be called {"responseType":"callback", "callback":"STUFF.TestCallback","callbackData":"this is in the callback"} If the responseType is "callback" as a...

PHP: Using a variable name, doesn't work on arrays?

I'm trying to figure out why this works: $joe = "hey joe"; $something = "joe"; print_r(${$something}); But this doesn't: $joe["where_you_going"] = "hey joe"; $something = "joe[where_you_going]"; print_r(${$something}); Why is this? Is there a way to do what I attempted in the second example? ...

PHP - Extremely light templating system

Hi does anyone know a php templating system that is very simple, something like almost as simple as str_replace("{variable}", $variable); ? I need this for a series of textareas in the administration panel, where the site admin should change templates for various elements of the website (not complex stuff like pages etc, just blocks of...