
High-level multithreading/concurrency abstractions for .NET

I just wondered why, unlike Scala, F# or Haskell, the basic .NET framework (as available in C# or VB) seems to have very little native support for higher level concurrency patterns. There are basic mechanisms available - locks, monitors, the thread pool - but what about Synchronized variables (MVar) Synchronous channels Asynchronous ...

Delphi to Visual basic conversion utility

Is there any code conversion tool for converting Delphi to Visual Basic? Please advice. Thank you very much. ...

Convert this to VB .Net?

Hi, Can any one help me to change the below code to VB .Net. var(query = From row In dtInvoice.AsEnumerable()) group row by new { InvNo = row.Field< string >( "InvNo" ), EmpUNID = row.Field< decimal >( "EmployeeUNID" )} into grp OrderBy(grp.Key.InvNo) ...

Memory leak in VB file reader

I'm currently coding a file reader for fixed-width tables in VB, and the compiled application seems to be sucking down memory like there's no tomorrow. I'm working with a series of ~50 megabyte files, but after running through several, the process starts taking up about 200+ megabytes of RAM, which is way more than it should. I've done ...

Can i embed an image on my asp send mail?

hello all i have a client that has old school asp. Is it possible to edit the asp file to embeded an image? i only have the asp file and inside that asp file it has an auto response form like this body = "Dear " & cName & "," & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Your request for the " & vehHeader & " (" & FormatCurrency(vehPrice)& ")" & " has been rec...

Data report in VB 6.0

I'm using data report in VB 6 and trying to display images from database. It retrieves the image but showing the same image for all output the code i'm using are given below Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset, rs1 As ADODB.Recordset Dim a As String k = 0 i = 0 j = 0 k = 0 Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset With rs .CursorType = adOpenDynamic...

What is the VB equivalent of this C# syntax, dealing with delegates?

Is it possible to translate the following C# code into VB.NET, using VB 9.0? delegate Stream StreamOpenerDelegate(String name); void Exec1() { WorkMethod( x => File.OpenRead(x)); } void Exec2() { StreamOpenerDelegate opener = x => return File.OpenRead(x) ; WorkMethod(opener); } Can I do something like this?: Private Del...

Transform date represented as String to Date in Visual Basic

I am using SSIS and I need to transform a date. How can I transform a date in String format (e.g. 14/09/1980) to the same but in date format in VB.NET? I would like the datetime format to insert it into a SQL database. ...

Best Translation method - ASP.NET VS2008

Currently I am doing a CMS and I want to include multi language support. What do you suggest? ...

SSIS how can i insert a blank date to database with visual basic

Hi all, how can i insert a blank date to sql database in ssis working with a visual basic script component? I have to transfer date from excel to database and i would like to insert a blank or null value in the database if in the excel is empty thanks ...

MS Access 2003 - VBA for SELECT query and only choosing specfic record for form

Okay so on this form, I create a grid, almost looks like a bar chart with little "cells" stacked by month. Each of these "cells" are square sub forms, and I create the little square forms that I use as the sub forms. So what I wanted to know is, what is the code (VB) for running a select query, and only working with specific records wit...

Visual basic script that control a date format

Hi all, i would like to control a string if is in the dd/mm/yyyy format and if the dd number is between 1 and 31 and if mm is between 1 and 12 Someone can help me? thanks ...

visual basic 2008 connection to sql server compact 3.5

i'm a beginner user of microsoft visual studio 2008 and i want ask of what would be the initial code to connect a visual basic 2008 form to a sql server compact 3.5. i want to create an add new account program using the above applications. ...

isDate control on european data in vb.net

How can i do a isDate() control on a date like 16/01/2008 in vb.net? ...

MSVS solution file generator?

I'm looking for a simple tool, that accepts a path, scans folders, and creates a solution (sln) file with all the projects found. Setting project dependencies automatically would be a big plus for the tool from me. I know it is simple to write the thing, but there must be plenty of "little helper tools" out there that can do the job fo...

IIS7 parse error.

I just put all my aspx files on the local folder and made a website in IIS7. I added a virtual directory to it and then converted the virtual directory to application. The website loads properly but when i click the link that calls my application i get this error message. Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource r...

Visual Studio 2008 - Start debugging?

Using VB 2008 When I press the F5 or Start Debugging it does a rebuild even when I have made no changes since the last time. Where is the setting to tell it to only do a rebuild if there are changes? ...

How to pass stored procedure parameter values from vb6 application to show a report (made by crystal reports 8.5)?

Hi How Can I pass stored procedure parameter values from vb6.0 application to show a report (made by crystal reports 8.5) ? any help will be appreciated ...

Can I implement code snippets at runtime in vb?

I need to port an old Clipper app to vb.net. It relies heavily on user-written macros and indeed would be almost impossible to create without them. As VB is interpreted, I am sure it must be possible to implement code that the user has entered, but I have no idea how to do so! For example, I might have a text field txtMacro, into which ...

Log in and password using VB6 and Access 2007

I'm trying to create a VB6 application linking to Microsoft Access 2007. I'm going to save account names and passwords in Access 2007. I'm using VB6 as the front end. Would somebody help me on the connection string and the codes to store and check the account names and passwords. ...