
In procedure to vb ,access the temp table values from then procedure is worked in sql & vb but the result set does not access and displayed the error that operation is not alloed when the object is closed

That operation is not allowed when the object is closed, that is the problem , when we used temp table used in procedure,the result set not displayed in vb ...

Compiled C dll can't set pointer when called from ASP.NET App

I've got a 3rd party C application that's compiled to a non-.NET non-COM DLL. It has one simple function declared like so: Declare Function CapiTaxRoutine Lib "taxcommono.dll" (ByVal sInData As String, ByVal OutputData As String, ByVal intINPutLength As Long) As Integer If I place the taxcommono.dll in my path (C:\Windows\System32 is...

Classic ADO and Table-Valued Parameters in Stored Procedure

Is there some way to pass a table-valued parameter to a stored procedure in SQL Server via classic ADO? ...

Utilize Paypal IPN with VB.Net

I'm really frustrated trying to use a PayPal IPN and receiving variables back to use in my VB.NET application. It looks like my transactions are going through when I test it, but I can't get the variable values. My rm parameter is the default ("0") and I have Paypal set to auto return because that is the behavior I want. I'm using the...

how to add value to combobox item

hi how can i add data value of each item to combobox in visual basic 2010. like html drop-down box. or is there anyway to add values to each item ? i am adding item from mysql database like this Command = New MySqlCommand("SELECT * FROM `maillist` WHERE l_id = '" & id & "'", connection) Command.CommandTimeout = 30 ...

How to restore a source file for Help

Hi, could you please help? I have a VB 6 application with a Help HLP file. The source file that was used for creating the HLP file is lost. Is there a way to restore the source file so that I could edit it and recompile the new Help file? Thanks, Lev G ...

handling connection timeout error

Hi sometimes when my server is down or busy, i get error telling "connection timeout" while connecting to MYSQL. but with the error program also crashes. my question is how can i prevent crashing, it would be better to show a msgbox when this happens. (visual basic 2010) here is a screenshot of the error i use this, Dim connStr As S...

Changing DateTimePickers Default Color?

Is there anyway to change the dropdown button of the datetimepickers color to look like the attached image? If I have to use WPF I will, but I was hoping there would be a way to do it through code. Thanks ...

.NET Framework security issue

Hi when i run my application on my friend's win 7 os, i get .Net security error. here is a screenshot and here is manifest <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <asmv1:assembly manifestVersion="1.0" xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" xmlns:asmv1="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" xmlns:asmv2="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v2...

MS Chart Controls - Ignore Zero Values

Hello, I am trying to ignore zero values in my Chart but when a value is NULL the marker always jumps to 0 in the Y-Axis. How can I exclude zero values, so there will be no marker for that value? Is that even possible? Im writing in VB. ...

retrieve all possible substring matches with n characters from a string

Basically I want to retrieve all possible substring matches with n characters from a string, Here's my initial code but it only returns 2 matches. String input = "abc12345abcd"; Regex regex = new Regex(@"[A-Za-z]{3}"); //this will only return 2 matches MatchCollection matches = regex.Matches(input); How should I get the following ma...

how to check if a string contains an alphanum chars appears at least n times consecutively

I am testing for a string if it contains at least n chars in consecutive order: I have this regex but it doesn't seems to work (\w\1){3,} Can someone please help!!! Thanks ...

excel vba adding programatically commandbutton to userform

hi, in excel vba i have added a commandbutton to userform... like below Set ctrl = Me.Controls.Add( _ bstrProgID:="Forms.CommandButton.1", _ Name:="CommandButton1", Visible:=True) Now I wanted to know how would I tell it what to do when it is clicked? thanks!! ...

ASP .NET - How to change from VB6 Modal Userforms to ASP .NET?

I am thinking about migrating a VB6 (winform) application to the Web in ASP .NET (C#). In the current VB6 program the screens structure works like this: Login screen - enter parameters - takes you to Schedule screen - enter parameters - takes you to Barcode scanning screen - scan barcode - takes you to Piece count screen - enter piece...

C++ moving labels, and pictures

What's the code to move pictures left to right using x and y axis instead of hide and show? ...

Role Management in asp.net

Hi, In my project i have a side menu from which i am redirecting to different pages. I have used the .NET ADMINISTRATION TOOL for the login purpose. All the pages are displayed in my sidemenu so that every user can view every pages. Now i want to hide some pages like "Manage Roles","Role Authorization" etc from the ordinary users so tha...

WPF/Silverlight: Instantly render large amounts of multi-colored text

I need to constantly display large amounts of colored text in WPF or Silverlight, and I need the user to percieve it as showing up instantly. Currently I'm doing this using a canvas and textblocks, one textblock per 80-character line, with multiple runs to a textblock to handle the different colors. There can often be 20+ runs to a lin...

Visual Basic 6: What type of binary? Execution environment?

We are planning to move a VB6 binary only from one Windows machine to another in production environment. What type of Windows OS cannot run a VB6 binary? What type of extra run time application needs to be installed to make sure that a VB6 binary would run on that machine? Underneath the hood how is a VB6 binary different from a C# b...

determining which DLLs are in memory

I have a problem with a VB6 DLL and some of the behaviour leads me to wonder whether Windows is unloading it from memory after a period of inactivity. Are there any good applications/techniques for determining which DLLs are loaded into memory at a given point? I'm using Windows XP if that makes any difference. ...

Ajax-based ListView never works! (how to? help?)

... i ask this mainly because when i try to use the update panel, it does not work, i've tried placing it in itemTemplate and editTemplate and both (even tho doing this would mean having to call the whole page), however i was running out of options because when i tried to place it inside the LayoutTemplate (where it makes sense to place ...