I have a VB6 COM client that makes calls to an inprocess STA ATL/COM server. One of the Server methods, X, can take a while to finish so I need to be able to cancel it. What I tried was to run the method code in a new thread and include another method, Y, that does a timed WaitForSinleObject. So the client first calls X then goes into a ...
I've recently decided to start using some light unit testing to see if it adds any value to our project, but I'm having trouble finding documentation for SimplyVBUnit. Any suggestions?
Using SQL Server 2005 and VB6
When I executing for yearly data or more than 3 months' data, it is showing "Timeout Expired" error. It is not executing completely.
My Connection String
ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;" & _
"Persist Security Info=False; " & _
"User ID=" & Settings.SQL_Username & _
"; Password = " & S...
Using VB6
At the time of executing, it showing white blank screen while it was working with database,
How to avoid the white blank screen in VB6.
How to avoid that?
I am trying to perform a database operation from a VB 6.0 application (connecting to SQL 2000). The application is running fine in my local and test machines, but it gives the following error in the UAT environment.
dbConn - Nothing
lErrorNum = -2147024770
sErrorDesc = Method '~' of object '~' failed
My source code is:
Dim conne...
Using VB6
Using MDI Forms, sub Forms also
When I run the Software in More than 15 Inch Screen, Crviewer Control, Frame Control, Everything is appearing in 75% of the screen, I Wrote the code for Crviewer Control in the form resize event.
Private Sub Form_Resize()
CRviewer2.Top = 1450
CRviewer2.Left = 0
How can i restrict an event to occur? Suppose i don't want textbox change event to occur when i press backspace.
How can i add an autocomplete feature in a textbox? As soon as i write something in a textbox(whether 1 character or 2 or 3), it should match it with the student name in the database and complete the name.
Several users have reported that if they launch Excel by double-clicking an Excel file, the add-in will not load. But, if they open Excel via the Start menu (or Quick launch toolbar) the add-in loads fine.
Some details, in case they help:
It is a COM add-in, written in VB6.
The problem has been reported on Windows XP/Excel 2003 and Vi...
Hello all. VB.NET newbie here.
I've learned (through this site) how to negotiate a dataset via:
For Each dRow In quanDS.Tables(0).Rows
'do something to each row
I now need to figure out now to loop through a subset of the records returned in the dataset - here's a VB6 example I need to convert:
strSQL = "select * from tblDQ ...
I have a com callable wrapper written in C#. The wrapper uses a Socket internally to SendAsync and ReceiveAsync. In order to make this appear synchronous to the VB6 code that calls this wrapper, I use Monitor.Wait.
I can't figure out if Monitor.Wait pumps messages while it blocks. According to cbrumme's blog over on MSDN -
I mentio...
I have a VB6 application implemented as an ActiveX exe.
I also have a C# application that interacts with the VB6 app via COM.
This all works fine except in one scenario.
If the VB6 app is kicked off from the C# app, everything is fine. If, however, the VB6 app is already running stand-alone, then although the COM interface still works...
Using VB6
Now I am using a Browse button in my software to select the text file, then it is converted in to mdb (access). I don’t want to select the text file.
Once I installed my software in any system, the text file should automatically select in a specified path. Then the text file automatically converts into mdb. Once converted in...
Using VB6
CommonDialog1.DialogTitle = "Open File"
CommonDialog1.Filter = "*.*"
CommonDialog1.FilterIndex = 1
CommonDialog1.Flags = cdlOFNAllowMultiselect + cdlOFNExplorer
CommonDialog1.Flags = cdlOFNFileMustExist + cdlOFNHideReadOnly
CommonDialog1.CancelError = True
On Error Resume Next
If Err Then
Given the following statements in VBA:
Assume that val = 4 and Option Base 0
Dim dataStr() As String
ReDim dataStr(val)
Will the ReDim statement intialise the String array dataStr to 5 empty string elements(0 to 4).
What exactly will be the contents of the Array after the execution of the ReDim statement.
Using VB6
I want to delete the last 5 words of the filename, then i want to give so other filename.\
Name FileName As NewFileName
The above code is working for rename, but i don't want to rename, i want to delete the last 5 letter of the filename.
Expected Output
sufeshcdk.txt - I want to take (sufeshcd) only
How can i add an animated file on VB form? What extention does it support?
Using VB6
In a folder, am having n number of text files, file names are like abc.mis-.txt, [email protected], so i want to rename the filenames like abcmis.txt, deffin.txt. I used a function for renaming.
Dim filename3 As String
filename3 = Dir$(txtSourceDatabaseFile & "\*.txt", vbDirectory)
Do While filename3 <> ""
'Function for re...
Using VB6
When I Reading the blank text file, showing error as Input Past end of file
Dim fso As FileSystemObject
Dim TS As TextStream
Dim TempS As String
Dim Final As String
Set fso = New FileSystemObject
Set TS = fso.OpenTextFile(txtSourceDatabaseFile & "\" & FileName, ForReading)
Final = TS.ReadAll
Do Until TS.AtEndOfStream
How can I remove the scrollbars from a web browser control using VB6?