
Can't disable the button from executing .BAT

Can anyone explain why my button keeps launching the associated .BAT file every time I click it, even though I have set it to disabled? Private Sub TabPage3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TabPage3.Click Dim RetBat3 RetBat3 = Shell("c:\QUEEN ANNES REVENGE\SYSTEM\BAT\UNDO_1.bat", 1) ...

how put predifined text in text box

how do i put text in a text box that shows up on start i used the following but it dont work? TextBox1.Text = "enter your name here!" the text box remains empty? ta- ...

Image doesn't show up in picture control

I have a report in MS Access with 4 image controls. In the format event of the detail section I have code that sets the picture property based on the values of fields in DAO.recordset. Below is an example of my code. For i = 0 To 3 If Not rs.EOF Then Me.Controls("img" & i).Picture = blobGet(rs!phBlobId) rs.MoveNext ...

Sumif Based on Multiple Criteria and Text Color

I am using a Macro to Sum up Values of a specific Debtor. It currently works fine but I need to add another Criteria; Range("DebtorList_Payed")=Application.SumIf(Range("InvoiceList_Table_ItmCode"), _ Range("Debtor_list_Debtors"), Range("InvoiceList_Price")) I have another Range on the Invoice List Worksheet called Range("InvoiceLis...

Create automation macro support within an application

Hi All, I need to get an automation macro like thing within our desktop application. The desktop app will probably be in VB.NET or C#.net. The reason is to enable the user to record and replay certain tasks that they'd like to automate. Something like macros within office apps and visual studio. The first thing that comes to my mind is ...

Using Or and + Criteria in VBA WorksheetFunction.Sumifs

Hi I was wondering if there was a way I could conbine these 2 Macros as I want it to Sum Invoice_list_Price if it has either or both "(Custom) CREDIT" or "CREDIT" Criteria, Thank You. Range("DebtorList_Credit") = Application.SumIfs( _ Range("Invoice_list_Price"), _ Range("Invoice_list_Debtor"), _ Range("Debtor_list_Debtors"), _ ...

How can I access a socket in VBA?

Is it possible to build a micro-webserver using just Excel VBA? I can't find any working examples (some examples found, none working). ...