Intermittently I am getting "VBScript runtime error '800a0006': Overflow" on this line:
Response.Cookies("AffiliateID").Expires = Date() + 30 '30 day cookie
The error message is referencing this line but maybe it is happening in the code around it, which follows:
elseif Session("LoggedIn")<>1 and not isEmpty(request.querystring("aff"...
I am running into a bit of a problem with ByVal in VBScript. Here's a quick sample script that I wrote to illustrate the issue:
Option Explicit
dim PublicDict
Set PublicDict = createobject("Scripting.Dictionary")
PublicDict.Add "MyKey", "What's up doc?"
response.write OutputStringFromDictionary( PublicDict ) & "<br />"
Hi to All,
Is there a way to detect running services on a client machine using Java? I need to detect a specific running application and it's status (enabled or disabled) and execute something on my application once the running service is detected and enabled.
A little research on my part has come to extent that I have 2 options:
1) ...