
NuPack and version control

I wonder if it is possible to use nupack to only store references to the required packages in version control (only the package.config and ignore the packages folder). Is there a way to tell nupack to (re)download all the referenced packages in the various package.config files? Or something similar which could be put into a build script...

How to deal with committer name change in Mercurial

I have a project in Mercurial with a group of committers. Unfortunately, some of the committers has changed names several times, e.g. first it was "nickname", and then it became "Name Surname ", and then something else. Most of the repository analysis tools expect committer to have same name over the course of the project, so ideally I'...

How I do versioning for an web application.

How to achieve a good versioning system, I do use SVN for updating a code and making them to sit on trunk. My boss always ask a new feature and before one feature is completes he ask for another feature in same module. How Do I manage Branching in this situation ? Note : I had posted this Question on but so...

Making php development more robust

Hi all, I've spent some time now developing a web application in php. It has mostly been just for the fun of learning as a side project, but the app now has a few users which I don't want to upset by breaking things as I develop. At the moment, I have a very rudimentary method for managing the development - I use a text editor (ultra...

DVCS working on remote server

My workplace is considering moving to a modern (D)VCS which is something that I am pushing for. My boss is in on the idea and the current workflow would be to have a centralized repository where everyone can commit/merge their changes when a task is done, While working on a task each developer can have their own branch to work on and co...

Is there any way of specifying a different author name on Google Code with git-svn?

My Gmail/Google username is not a username I generally go by, and one I'd rather forget. I don't seem to be able to change my Google username, but I contribute to a Google Code project using git svn. In Git, I can specify my name and e-mail address using my ~/.gitconfig file in the [user] section. Same with Mercurial and hgrc. But the ...

Are there any apps that save backup versions of a file with one click (save, commit, etc) live while editing?

Just something that will save changes automatically, while i'm editing say in gedit, or notepad plus plus, or even windows text editor, etc. I can't seem to find exactly what i'm looking and SVN, BZR, and GIT are too complicated. One should be able to start a new project, start writing code, and that's it! So... I'm going to create a w...

Is it possible to do a "destory history" in TFS?

Is to possible to "purge" history from a given change set/date in TFS? So, for example, For file X destroy all version older than date Y. or destroy all version before revision Y. ...

Eclipse SVN synchronize problem

Hello; We changed our SVN machine because of a hardware problem. We established the same environment from back-up to another machine. Now Subversion seems to work properly, I can update, commit and browse from Tortoise Client. But in Eclipse problem exist for Synchronize command (subclipse plugin). I can browse and commit from Eclipse...

Access a project using Xcode and SVN - The subversion control system.

Hello nice person! I have never used version control in my life. A friend of mine wants me to access his project on my machine using Xcode. All he has given me is a URL. So, the question is: how do I get said source code? Thank you ;) EDIT 1 Please keep in mind I just need to download the source code. I don't have to do any updatin...

In Mercurial, is there any way (aside from "Cherry picking") to push a changeset without also pushing changesets associated with a different head?

In the answer to this question, Ry4an states that "you cannot push Changeset2 without pushing Changeset1". This certainly makes sense if the repository looks like this: + Changeset2 | + Changeset1 | + Original However it doesn't seem to make as much sense in the following scenario, which is what I currently have: + Changeset2 | | ...

Control Version System for webSites

hi, I work as a webmaster with another guy, who is gonna moving away from our city. We're thinking of using a control version system to keep on working but we 're looking for help choosing one. We do not develop big heavily-coded sites, but small presentation sites (you can have an example here ) The most important things are: we have...

Source Control System for Binary File

We use subversion, which works great for software projects. We also have a lot of flash projects, which we don't use any kind of source control. Each flash project contain quite a few images. The time frame of each project is a couple weeks, but few can go upto a couple months. The number of files we create contribute to quite a bit of ...

Fossil: how to display checked in image files on wiki pages?

Here is the complete workflow: Initialize the repository and the workspace $ fossil new repo.fossil $ mkdir workspace $ cd workspace $ fossil open ../repo.fossil Add an image file to the repository $ fossil add image.jpg $ fossil commit -m "added image.jpg" Start fossil server: $ fossil server Open the web interface in the brow...

Distributed Revision Control with automatic synchronization or Eclipse plugin better than FileSync?

I have what I hope is not a unique situation... ...and I'm looking for suggestions. I am looking for a better synchronization plugin for Eclipse than FileSync -or- I am looking for a distributed (preferably) version control system that will allow me and the other developers in my team the ability to work with local files and have tha...

How to Configure and use web Dash Board In Cruise Control.NET

I Have a single project in my ccnet.config file. I build that project using MSBUILD.exe in .config file. Now I want to see the build results on web Dashboard, But i don't know , how to see and configure dashboard to view the build status. Kindly Help. Thanks ...

Select an effective revision control

Hello, We are a company, working on small and some huge project. Sometimes on one project are more developers 5, 10, 20 etc. We are searching for an effective revision control system with best optional properties: Performance issues – one file size, complex directory structure Scalability – support for 5, 10, 25 developers, 10, 50, ...

How secure would github hosting be for private repositories?

I have read this thread but I'm wondering how secure such a solution would be? I know that github offers ssh/ssl support and am familiar but could someone give me a breakdown of what sort of internal security they would use to make sure my committed conf/credential files don't get hacked? EDIT: I've read

I want to separate binary files (media) from my code repositories. Is it worth it? If so, how can I manage them?

Our repositories are getting huge because there's tons of media we have ( hundreds of 1 MB jpegs, hundreds of PDFs, etc ). Our developers who check out these repositories have to wait an abnormally long time because of this for certain repos. Has anyone else had this dilemma before? Am I going about it the right way by separating code...

In depth guide to using source control in a team environment?

Hi, Is there a good, vendor-neutral, in depth guide to using source control in a team environment? Thanks ...