
Vestal versions not working

I'm trying to get the Vestal Version gem to work, but I keep getting this error: >> Song.first.version => 8 >> Song.first.revert_to(7) NoMethodError: undefined method `>' for #<Version:0x231bddc> from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.3.2/lib/active_record/attribute_methods.rb:260:in `method_missing' from /Library/Ruby/...

Is this a bug in Vestal Versions or am I doing something wrong

I think I might have discovered a bug in Vestal Versions ( -- it seems like revert_to's behavior depends on the reverts I've done in the past with the same object. Here's an example: >> a = Annotation.find(1384) => #<Annotation id: 1384, body: "Just hanging out -- \"playing possum\" -- at th...

Versioning of Models in Ruby on Rails

I'm looking for a plugin/act to allow versioning of my models. It's kind of difficult to find a list of the available solutions. So far I gathered: acts_as_versioned simply_versioned vestal_versions The last two solutions only require a single version table - this sounds nice, but I've got a bad feeling about how the ease of migratio...

Vestal_versions and acts_as_taggable_on

Hi, Does anybody successfully integrated vestal versions and acts_as_taggable_on plugins? I've added to my app, that using acts_as_taggable_on following line to environment.rb config.gem 'vestal_versions' and on any rake task or generator script call i see $ ./script/generate /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rails-2.3.5/lib/rails/...

vestal_versions and htmldiff question of reversion...

I'm guessing there's probably an easier way to do what I'm doing so that the code is less unwieldy. I had trouble understanding how to use the revert_to method... i wanted something where i could call up two different versions at the same time, but this doesn't seem to be the way that vestal_versions works. This code works, but I'm won...

vestal_versions : problem with column named changes

Hi, I am working with vestal version for 2 months. Everything was fine until this afternoon. I didn't done anything special(or i don't remembered...) but the code works fine on others computers... The problem is that i'm not able to save my model anymore: rails give me this error : ActiveRecord::DangerousAttributeError: changes is de...

rails wiki site - article edit highlighting/strikethrough with htmldiff maxes cpu

Hi I'm implementing a wiki style site and want to highlight changes made to articles between successive versions. Using htmldiff to highlight changes works great, except it is rather cpu intensive. I'm using the awesome vestal_versions plugin for versioning. So how best to handle this? I considered having an on_create callback on versi...

Versioned associations using vestal_versions?

I'd like to be sure if vestal_versions does support versioned associations (it seems like it doesn't) before switching out to another versioning gem that can support versioned associations e.g => has_versioning. I haven't looked at the code yet but I couldn't find anything related with versioned associations from the readme file or the i...

How can I get vestal_versions to store the user who changed the record?

I'm using vestal_versions 1.0.2 and rails 2.3.8 I'm trying to associate a user with changes made to models as shown in the the documentation: @user.update_attributes(:last_name => "Jobs", :updated_by => "Tyler") @user.versions.last.user # => "Tyler" Documentation: After calling

Model changes to widgets (price/description) over time in Rails

I recently asked this question and the answer makes alot of sense to me. Now I ponder how those answers hold up in an environment like Rails where there are plugins/gems available like, say, vestal_versions? If I'm selling widgets and the price and/or description of the item will change over time and Rails is my framework. How would you...

Vestal Versions - Rails 3 Support?

Hello, I'm real interested in using Vestal Versions with Rails 3. Does anyone know if Rails 3 works with Vestal Versions? I've heard some users are running into issue: ActiveRecord::DangerousAttributeError: changes is defined by ActiveRecord" It uses a field in the model called changes. Not sure if there are plans to fix that or not. ...

Vestal Versions -

Hi, I'm using the Vestal Version Fork here for Rails 3 support: The issue I'm having is that the updated_by => current_user is not storing in the versions table on update. def update @book = Book.find(params[:id]) respond_to do |format| if @book.update_attributes(params[:...