
I want to use VI-like commands in Web Browser?

I love VI and I'm looking for a plugin of some sort that would allow me to input text in my browser (preferably Firefox or Chrome) using VI commands. It would save me an immense amount of time and at the same time when writing long emails. Can anyone think of any plugins that would allow me to do this? I was hopeful with Vimperator (h...

open a file under cursor in a split window

I often jump from a file to file, while working a large codebase. I typically do this by way of putting cursor on the file, say foo.h, and typing "gf". I wonder if I can do the same thing, yet open the file in a split window. One obvious solution is to simply type: vsp (sp) filename. ...

Command to surround a character with spaces in vim

I am trying to use vim properly - to aid me I've mapped my arrow keys to "" so that I am forced to use {hjlk} to move around. This is causing me a problem when I want to just surround a character with spaces, eg: "2+3" is better formatted "2 + 3" Previously I would have put my cursor over the + and typed: i[space][arrow-right][s...

Package management for Vim

Emacs 24 looks like it will have a package manager. What package management options are there for Vim? ...

vim superuser mode

After opening a file in vim,And if that file is created by root .How to change the current user to superuser mode without quitting or before saving. Thanks. ...

Resolving patch conflicts manually

I've downloaded a patch from some site and trying to apply it (twisted, python web framework). Several hunks failed. How do I automate manual patching process using vim? Details: I'm trying to automate the process of applying failed hunks. Many tiny changes, each about adding/removing 1-2 chars. Difficult to see. I Have to create...

Can someone help fix my vimrc config?

set nohlsearch set ai set bg=dark set showmatch highlight SpecialKey ctermfg=DarkGray set listchars=tab:>-,trail:~ set list autocmd BufRead *.py set smartindent cinwords=if,elif,else,for,while,try,except,finally,def,class set tabstop=4 set shiftwidth=4 set expandtab set autoindent set smartindent syntax on set listchars=tab:>- set listch...

How does one align code (braces, parens etc) in vi?

How do you prettify / align / format code in vi? What is the command? I have pasted in a hunk of code and I need to have it all formatted/aligned... obviously I am a vi neophyte. x ...

How can I swap or replace multiple strings in code at the same time?

Given the following code sample: uint8_t i, in, ni; i = in = 2; ni = 1; while (2 == i > ni) in++; How can I replace i, in, and ni, respectively with either in, ni, and i or inni, inin, and nini using emacs, vi, *nix commands, or anything else? ...

Custom keys with NERDComment plugin and remapped Leader?

I'm trying to set up the NERDComment plugin in vim, but I'm having some trouble with the keys. I'd like to set the basic toggle functionality (comment a line if it's uncommented, uncomment if it's commented) to be c. The problem is that I've remapped the Leader to be ,, which is the same key that NERD wants for all of it's hotkeys. Anyon...

is there a way to switch bash or zsh from emacs mode to vi mode with a keystroke

I'd like to be able to switch temporarily from emacs mode to vi mode, since vi mode is sometimes better, but I'm usually half-way through typing something before I realize I want I don't want to switch permanently to vi mode, because I normally prefer emacs mode on the command line, mostly because it's what I'm used to, and over the yea...

vim special character "^\"

Hi, I opened a file in VI and I see a few instances of "^\" What exactly is this character? Thanks ...

How can I split the Vim window vertically, and make the bottom panel some height?

With the [N]sp option, I can split a Window and make the Top panel of size N. Is there any way to make the bottom panel of some size? ...

Removing contiguous duplicate lines in vi without sorting

This question already addresses how to remove duplicate lines, but enforces that the list is sorted first. I would like to perform the remove contiguous duplicate lines step (i.e. uniq) without first sorting them. Example before: Foo Foo Bar Bar Example after: Foo Bar ...

How to retrieve the currently searched for text in vim?

For example, I have some code and I use "*" to search for something within that code. Not finding what I want in that file, I'd like to use something like ack or grep to search for it within the local directory. I know I can do :! ack whatever to do the search from within vim, but what I'd like to know is is there a way to replace whatev...

How to execute Vim commands in a file, like .vimrc?

I need to create a file with a list of commands (in particular key mappings) that I may sometimes need, like a .vimrc that I can execute inside Vim when I need them. ...

Is there a command in Vimscript to get the current Operating System?

What the title says. I can think of some hackish ways to do it, but is there a correct way to do this? ...

Editing Multiple files in vi with Wildcards

When using the programmers text editor vi, I'll often using a wildcard search to be lazy about the file I want to edit vi ThisIsAReallLongFi*.txt When this matches a single file it works great. However, if it matches multiple files vi does something weird. First, it opens the first file for editing Second, when I :wq out of the fil...

Auto-Completion in Unix VI editor

Hey guys, after using graphical IDE's like Visual Studio, I'm used to pressing CTRL+Space to auto-complete a variable or function name. Now, I know such a thing isn't completely possible in VI, but I heard there was a list of commands that could be mapped that allowed automatic completion of variables and functions in the current file op...

Limiting search scope for code in Vim

How can I limit the search scope in Vim to the function/class/code block that the cursor is currently in, without having to figure out what the line numbers are? Being able to search in the visual selection would also do, as there are methods for selecting the current code block. (Similar to this question, but more generic) ...