
Unable to create/save output avi file in OpenCV

I Have following source code to detect BLOB and i am using MS 2008 , OpenVC 2.1 #include "stdafx.h" #include <cv.h> #include <highgui.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; /*You may change the values of the sthreshold and hlower and hupper to get different results....*/ const int sthreshold=210; const double h...

Restrict download of the video files stored in iFrame

I was wondering if it is possible to restrict download of the video stored in the iframe. We have a website with some training videos and even thou we encrypt file names before they are loaded to flash player - this still doesn't prevent anyone to look at the source of the page and simply copy the link and download the file. I thought ...

Can FFmpeg encode video in VP8 codec?

Can FFmpeg encode video in VP8 codec? (I mean its trunk vercion) ...

can an image be manipulated using canvas

Is it possible to manipulate images using canvas? How do we get the image onto the canvas? @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.icon); Bitmap mBitmap = bitmap.copy(bitmap.getConfig(), true); canvas = new Canvas(mBitmap); Matrix matrix = ne...

Unknown error while reading AVI files in OpenCV

Hi, whenever i am trying to read out the avi file and converting into grayscal using Opencv 2.1 and VS 2008 in windows xp i don't why i am getting following run time error at the same time i am unable to get the help on it ERROR 1 [NULL @ 0x37da10]Invalid and inefficient vfw-avi packed B frames detected fps=23 frame (w, h) =...

Is it possible to use Adobe's (Open Source Media Framework) OSMF when targeting a FP9 only project?

Is it possible to use Adobe's (Open Source Media Framework) OSMF when targeting a FP9 only project? I noticed the vector class in the source code which can easily be swapped pout for arrays, but was wondering if there is much deeper compatibility issues? ...

Capture a frame from a video (mpg, wmv, etc) at a specific time interval.

Is there a way I can capture a single frame from a video file (mpg, wmv, flv, etc) at a specific point in the video (e.g. 5 seconds or the 25th frame)? Then save it as an image? [Edit] Something link YouTube does. That can't be all done manually? ;) ...

downloading a movie file and placing it in the Videos directory... is that possible

I want to programattically pull a movie file down into a NSData object and write it to iPhone disk in the movies directory so that the user can open up their iPhone iPod section and watch the movies from there... Is that possible? Or do I need within my app to create a 'viewing' area, download the files to NSHomeDirectory add a folder i...

ColdFusion: CFEXECUTE/FFMPEG Memory Issue?

So my application allows for users to upload video, convert it using FFMPEG and then transfer it over to the Flash Media Server. Lately, I've run into an issue. If ever there is an error when converting video, I automatically generate cfcatch report PDF. This time I came across a "Cannot allocate memory" error. This massively concerns m...

How to load webpage after video completes.

I have an image that takes up the window, is the first frame of a video clip and has an "enter" button for the website. When you click "enter" it plays the video and then needs to load the home page. I have tried HTML5's video tag and the 'onend' method, but no luck. I have tried about 5 different open-source video players-none have scr...

Playing short animation xCode iPhone

Hi all, thanks for all your advice I took out of this forum over the last weeks. Now I've a problem where I would need your help: I want to show a series of short animations (5 animations, 10 sec each) on the iPhone. The animation would loop but the code will decide if the current loop is repeated or another loop will be started (Laug...

How can I extract the title and description of a video?

I have a project that I need to add many many videos, some of which are videos. Is there an easy way I can perform an AJAX, JSON, or cURL request to obtain this information? This information does not seem to be in the embed object. ...

Loading many videos in WPF (.NET 4)

I am developing a WPF application (in .NET 4) which contains a lot of videos (40 videos, each video > 1 G) using the WPF media element. Unfortunately, I cannot load more than 10 videos at a time. When I try to display more videos, a black screen appears where normally the video should be played. Has anyone ever experienced such a pr...


I'm developing an app that I would like to deploy for iPhone 3.0, iPhone 4.0 and that can run on the iPad in emulate mode. I'm developing with XCode 3.2.3 and I have videos to playback. I would like to use MPMoviePlayerViewController for >= 3.2 and MPMoviePlayerController for < 3.2. If I use Class mplayerControllerClass = NSClassFrom...

How to get YCbCr or RGB from FLV video "Tag" using FFmpeg?

So I have some uint8_t buf or FILE buf with FLV Video tag. We know its a video tag but we do not know in what codeck it is. We know its with a Key frame. How using FFmpeg C librarys to decode that encoded frame into RGB or YCbCr? ...

Has anyone used the "onended" function of HTML5 Video Element and if so, how?

I have an intro movie that I want to play full screen and then load a page. I need it to be usable on iPad/iPhone, so I figured I would use HTML's element. Unfortunately, I cannot figure out how to detect the end of the video. I have been told that the onended event would fire, but the DOM description makes it sound like onended is a b...

iPhone video player tracking system

Hello, I almost spend one month on Object c programming and iPhone Xcode id, to get familiar. Thanks to all for providing samples and book online. I would like to customize existing video player in such a fashion so that it could play video file from any intermediate point. Example: - Let say video file of length 30:00 mins stopped...

Recording Video in mac os x

hello need help for mac development , i need to develop an application in which i need to record a video , can any one tell me how to do this , i am new in mac development Thanks in advance Sid ...

Seems like every cool new website has an intro video. Where's the best place to host it?

Almost every new website seems to have an intro video that tells prospective new users about what the site's about and what it does. What's the best way to host such a video? I looked into the usual suspects, but each seems to have crippling flaws: Youtube - Can stick ads into my video, making it look very amateurish Vimeo - Expres...

using dispatchDraw(Canvas) to obtain subsection of video preview

The following is the overriden dispatchDraw in a subclass of SurfaceView. I'm trying to change the parameters of the Surface(getting only a subsection of the video preview. @Override public void dispatchDraw (Canvas canvas) { Log.d(TAG,"**************inside dispatchDraw************"); int VIEW_WIDTH =