
Nullable<> as TModel for ViewPage

What are the possible reasons what Nullable<> types are disallowed to be passed as TModel parameter of System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<TModel> generic? This could be handy sometimes. In ASP.NET MVC source defined what TModel should be a class: public class ViewPage<TModel> : ViewPage where TModel : class but Nullable types are value types. M...

How do you ignore/persist values in MVC when your view-model doesn't have as many fields as your domain model?

I have a site where I'm using fluentNhibernate and MVC. I have an Edit view that allows user to edit 8 of the 10 properties for that record (object). When you submit the form and the Model binds, the two un-editable fields come back in the view-model as Empty strings or as default DateTime values depending on the type of proper...

Broken binding with Prism, Silverlight and ViewFirst approach.

The problem we are having is that we cannot get binding to work in our prism silverlight application when using the view-model first approach. The view first approach work fine. We have gone over the official documentation and various web sites, but have still not resolved the issue. Below is the code for both the view-model first, and t...

Displaying data from multiple tables in a view as a list - ASP.Net MVC

Hi, I have the following two tables (basic outline): Tbl_CategoryType ID LevelID Description Tbl_Levels ID Name Basically, I want to present all of the information in the Tbl_CategoryType table while referencing the Tbl_Levels.Name data based on the Tbl_CategoryType.LevelID number. I have tried using a join in my repository as below...