
Microsoft CRM 4.0 View: How can I create a complete new one?

I want to create a complete new View for Microsoft CRM 4.0. I don't want to create a custom view and select which columns show. I want to create a view that represent the result of a specific join between my entity and another entity. Is it possible to create it? Thank you! ... Grid View

How can i retrieve NULL Field [ Date Out ]in sql 2005 database to a Grid View in ASP.Net. I need this field to be edited by the user. ...

What happens to an existing DB2 view, if the table is dropped ?

If we have created a view on an existing DB2 table and then drop the table. What will happen to the view ? ...

Does JPA support mapping to sql views?

I'm currently using Eclipselink, but I know now days most JPA implementations have been pretty standardized. Is there a native way to map a JPA entity to a view? I am not looking to insert/update, but the question is really how to handle the @Id annotation. Every entity in the JPA world must have an ID field, but many of the views I have...

How do I perform a secondary action (i.e. calculate fields) in ASP.NET MVC?

I need to do some calculations on an ASP.NET MVC View, an action different than the form submission. I've tried various methods of passing the current Model on to a new controller action via an ActionLink, but the model doesn't appear to be passed. public ActionResult Calculate(MuralProject proj) { ProjectFormRepository db = new Pro...

Passing a boolean value in my .net MVC view to a javascript, but JS doesn't accept True, wants true

Hi, I am passing a boolean value to a javascript function in my .net mvc action page. problem is, it is outputting the value True and javascript apparently only accepts 'true' (in lower case). I don't want to hack the variable and make it a string and convert it to lower case in my action, but it looks like I have no choice? ...

Android WebView save state?

Hello, In the Browser that comes with Android, when you rotate the phone, the WebView is not reloaded. I was wondering how to do this. I can save the current URL of the webview and pass it to the next version of myself, but how do I with the whole WebView. Thanks, Isaac ...

iPhone memory management question (adding a subview to a view in a for statement)

I need to add more views to a view for handling multiple webaddress and the clicks on the labels. I try to do it in a for statement. My code is something like that: // we have a UITabbarViewController for holding amongs other the parentViewController UITabBarController *tabbedViewController = [[UITabBarController alloc] init]; // creat...

I would like to generate view in oracle that converts comma-separated entry to columns

I would like to generate view CUSTOMER, CUSTOMER_ID, PRODUCTS ABC INC 1 A=XYX, B=ZZZ DEF CO 2 A=XYX, B=ZZZ, C=WWW GHI LLC 3 B=ZYX Would like the view to be something like CUSTOMER, CUSTOMER_ID, A B C ABC INC 1 XYX ZZZ DEF CO 2 XYX ZZZ WWW GHI LLC 3 ...

Do you find the view implementations in PHP frameworks convenient?

All the popular PHP frameworks today use their own view layer implementation that is based on pure PHP templates and lots of helpers. I've tried some of them and always found that this approach introduced huge complications to quite simple things. For example, in Zend Framework forms and the pagination use their own solutions to customiz...

SQL Server / Oracle Linked -- Julian Date Error

I have a client who has a SQL Server 2000 database linked to an Oracle 8i database. They have dozens of views in the SQL Server 2000 database which reference the Oracle database, often with simple syntax such as: SELECT * FROM SERVER..DB.TABLE These views (and the sprocs which reference them) have worked for YEARS without issue. Sudd...

iPhone: How do I capture the "tag" of a view I am touching

I am having trouble determining the tag of the view I am touching. I have a scrollview and subclass-ed it inorder to capture touch down events (I have pictures on the subview). However, I need to determine which picture I touched down. I want to determine that .tag of the subview, but I am getting random results (mostly tag 0). Whats t...

Creating a view like Facebook Profile and Wall in an iPhone application

I have to create an application which contains the same type of view that the Facebook iPhone application has - Profile View and Wall portion. My requirement is to have a question and the user can give an answer with an unlimited number of lines. So obviously I have to use UITableView. Now my problem is deciding my table row height if th...

Page View Class Design

Hi all, Suppose i have the following class. public class Location { public Id { get; set;} public Name { get; set;} } And i have a WebPage called Location that looks like this. txtId txtName txtCountStaffWorkersAtLocation txtCountVehiclesAtLocation txtCountNonStaffWorkersAtLocation txtCountetc listViewPersonnel listVi...

C#: How to add subitems in ListView

Creating an item(Under the key) is easy,but how to add subitems(Value)? listView1.Columns.Add("Key"); listView1.Columns.Add("Value"); listView1.Items.Add("sdasdasdasd"); //How to add "asdasdasd" under value? ...

What is the proper way to handle forms in ASP.NET MVC?

Forms + ASP.NET MVC = Confusing for me: What are the preferred ways to setup your controller action for form posts? Do I need to specify an attribute that has [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)]? Should the controller action take a "FormCollection" or should I use ModelBinders? If I should use ModelBinders, how? How do I setup the f...

Create a List View with Header sections

I would like to create a 'New Document' dialog similar to the Office 2007 style (see pic). I am having trouble with the list shown on the left. I have tried using a ListView control but I can't figure out how to display the header sections that scroll with the list (e.g. 'Template Categories' and 'Microsoft Office Online' What is my b...

how do i can swich the view based on the logged in user in mvc

I need to either redirect user or show not authorized page according to usertype of the logged in user. Here is some which would give you an idea. public ActionResult Index() { if (Request.Cookies["isadmin"].Value != "true") return View("NotAuthorized","Index"); else return Vi...

Converting Views into tables using SSIS

Is it a good idea to convert complex views in "db1" into tables in "db2" using SSIS. the purpose of converting views to tables is to make the reports faster. Is there any disadvantages or risks? ...

Render View (or Partial) In another project?

Hello, i have a solution with the following two projects - MyNamespace.Services and MyNamespace.Web. Web contains a MVC web application. In the Service project i have a EmailService class that takes care of sending out emails to the user. I want to use either a partial or a view (ascx or aspx) for email templates. I have found severa...