
Josh Smith's MVVM Demo App: Add commands to MainWindowViewModel's command list

I have a question concerning Josh Smith's famous demo app on MVVM. I try building a "real" application around it to learn WPF. He creates this CommandsList in the MainWindowViewModel containing 2 Commands (create new and view all customers). This list is readonly (why? any particular reason?). I thougt it would be nice to add and remo...

WPF: LostFocus event on a particular control/view/viewmodel

I'm working in WPF using the MVVM pattern, and generally things seem to be working pretty well, as I wrap my brain around the nuances of both WPF and MVVM. However, I'm currently stuck on a particular issue. My actual application is fairly complex, so to simplify, let's take Josh Smith's near-defining article on the pattern and use the...

ASP.NET MVC ViewModel Pattern

EDIT: I made something much better to fill and read data from a view using ViewModels, called it ValueInjecter. using the ViewModel to store the mapping logic was not such a good idea because there was repetition and SRP violation, but now with the ValueInjecter I have clean ViewModels and dry mapping ...

Linq to SQL: Projections, ViewModels, non translatable queries

My application has to deal with large amounts of data, usual select size is about 10000 rows. In order to improve performance it is recommended only to select the data needed. When i have to do calculations or any meaningful business i am comfortable with selecting all the data in order to instantiate my model correctly so i can rely on...

JQuery Tab using ViewModel data...

using asp.mvc & jquery (with ui.tabs): i would like to change the view model before clicking the tab (programatically) but it doesn't appear to be working. i click the tab just fine but the view model's data hasn't changed. here is how i'm doing it: first: i check to see if you are my tab. if so, i check to see if the controller h...

Using JQuery datepicker with an ASP.NET MVC ViewModel

Hello all, I've been trying to use a JQuery datepicker (calendar) in my mvc view. Everything was working ok until I had to use a ViewModel: since I preferred to use the hard-coded object graph (ie <input name="viewmodel.Meeting.Date"...) instead of using a model binder I'm stuck with a script that doesn't work- apparently the JQ...

WPF MVVM Unit Tests for the ViewModel?

I keep reading about the benefits of using MVVM, especially for unit testing. So, now I need to write unit tests for my ViewModel. Does anyone have any examples of this? Should I just generate the unit tests using VS2008 and select those tests that appear important? ...

Passing ViewModel in ASP.Net MVC from a View to a different View using Get

I have a List View which has a strongly typed ViewModel which includes the entity list I am working with together with some other session-type stuff I am carrying aruound. On clicking an item in the list (an Html.ActionLink) to go to the Details view I can easily pass the entity id. But I also want to pass the rest of the ViewModel from...

Silverlight PRISM, instantiate a view and pass data into the viewmodel

Hi, I have been looking around and haven't found much information on this yet. I have a PRISM project set up and it all seems to be working so far, within the main class of a module I am programatically creating my views. What I am trying to do is get an object sent through to the viewmodel for each instance of the view. At the moment ...

ASP.NET MVC - Linq to Entities model as the ViewModel - is this good practice?

Hi There, Quick questions really. I am currently building a site using MVC and the entity framework. I have a couple of repositories in place which return entities or lists of entities. I am finding that in the majority of my pages I'm having to pull data from a variety of related tables. This is ok so long as I load up the rela...

binding a command to a list

Hello I have the same command that I want to use for two controls on a dialog type window. As potentially interesting background, I'm using Josh Smith's ViewModel / RelayCommand ideas, since I am new to WPF and it's the first thing I've seen that I can actually understand from a big picture point of view. So the command is a property o...

WPF items not visible when grouping is applied

Hi, I'm having this strange issue with my ItemsControl grouping. I have the following setup: <ItemsControl Margin="3" ItemsSource="{Binding Communications.View}" > <ItemsControl.GroupStyle> <GroupStyle> <GroupStyle.ContainerStyle> <Style TargetType="{x:Type GroupItem}"> <Sette...

WPF Treeview and ListBox synchronization

I have a treeview which shows a hierarchy of items where each item has a checkbox. I would like to show below the treeview a listbox with all the checked items. How to achieve such functionality using MVVM pattern? Thanks in advance Lukasz Glaz ...

MVP/MVVM - Filtering of lists, who has responsibility?

Hi, I'm implementing a wpf application which display a list of items, and provides the functionality to filter this list by typing in a textbox (quite trivial use case i think). We're using a MVVM structure. My question is, whose responsibility is it to filter the list? The view or the viewmodel? Should I implement an "OnTextChanged" ...

ASP.NET MVC, Model and ViewModel separation of concerns?

Hello, Lately, I've been exploring what's the best way to organize presentation layer of ASP.NET MVC application when underlying Model is complex. What came up till now is MVVM architecture with their ModelView objects. However, I'm not sure what are the best practices when this kind of architecture is in case. Does ModelView objects ...

wpf mvvm equality

I would like to use an MVVM in a WPF project I'm working on, including the use of RelayCommands (aka DelegateCommands). I'm running into an interesting but frustration problem in implementing equality for my ViewModels, outlined here. I have a base class in my ViewModel hierarchy which examines all properties reflectively as part of its ...

Building a complex page in MVC

Hi Guys, I am currently considering the best way of building a relatively complex page in mvc. The page (and pages like it) will contain numerous 'controls' such as a shopping basket, recent news widget, login controls and more. In other words, it will be very component based. My question is, what is the best way of building som...

TreeView Sync to SelectedItem in View Model

I have a ViewModel on top of a WPF TreeView control. I want the ViewModel to be able to set and read the SelectedItem from the TreeView. However, the SelectedItem property of the TreeView is not bindable. I am able to set and get the selected item in the code behind (using the ItemContainerGenerator and TreeViewItem.IsSelected = true) b...

Getting Unity to Resolve views in XAML

I'm starting out with MVVM, and I'm starting to understand things. I'm currently experimenting with the Cinch framework, though I'm not committed to it as of yet. I was injecting the ViewModels into the Views using by having a reference to the ViewModel in the codebehind of the view, with the property having a [Dependency] on it, and in ...

Push common ViewModel functionality into a base class?

I'm using MVVM with Prism and Silverlight. I have multiple different views of one model. As I am writing more views their ViewModels seem to duplicate a lot of common code related to handling this one model. Rather than repeating the same common code in all the VMs I am tempted to push it back into the model (which would probably mix ...