
How FORCED views are significant if there base tables don't exist?

In context of Oracle 9i database, usually for a view to be created an underlying base table is mandatory, however this constraint can be violated if the FORCED clause is used while creating the view. What is the significance of these views if their base tables does not exist? In which conditions these views will be of help? ...

Access Drupal views arguement in the same views header or footer section.

In drupal views module, is there any way to access the arguements in the header or footer section? What i need to do is show a more/[arguement-1] link in the footer section of the view. I've changed the input format to php and stuck as to how to access the views variable. ...

Drupal Views 2 path

At the moment you can use arguments in you view path, for example user/%/friends where % is an argument (user's ID). But is it possible to use an argument in different way, let's say user-%/friends, so the normal path would look like user-123/friends instead of user/123/friends? Thank you. ...

How to manage shared vs customizable tables

We have many clients using our application, and each of them has their own, identically structured database on our MS SQL Server. We also have a central database for information that is invariant and therefore shared among all the clients, such as the USPS ZIP Code database. Each client database has a view to these tables, like so: cr...

How do indexes work on views?

Can someone please explain to me in simple English how an index on a view works? I have a fairly simple understanding of indexes on tables; how would indexing a view work differently from just letting the indexes on the underlying tables do their thing naturally? ...

Should I use Response.Write directly from a View?

I have been trying to avoid using Response.Write(...) directly in my MVC Views. The reason being that I just need to type the string literals and the view engine knows what to do. However, in certain circumstances I seem to be creating way too many pointy brackets (<% %>). So, which of these 2 code snippets do you find more acceptable? ...

Defining Views Based On Selection

Well the title isn't very descriptive but I'm not exactly sure how to explain but here goes! I have a web application (can use either MVC or standard web forms) which a user signs in to. If the user has signed up for more than one product they will have the option to switch between them. For the sakes of this example lets say User1 sig...

DRYing my views, helper / method / something else?

Have written some RoR sites in the past, but never bothered too much at DRYing up my views as it's only ever been me looking at the code. Just starting a new site, that is likely to be a collaboration, and need help I call this line multiple times in my views, and from multiple places. <%= Person.find_by_id(rider.person_id).name %> ...

cakePHP: how to combine two or more application views on one cakePHP layout page?

Using cakePHP my goal is to combine the index view of two or more controllers in one layout page. Example: I have controllers for: news, events, links. I want to show the last five entries from each table in one layout page. Also, when one of the links from the views is selected it should take the user to the respective view for that re...

Rails - Too much logic in views?

I have an application used by several organizations and I want to check that users of one domain ( cannot edit users of another domain ( My question is where to put the logic, in a before filter or in the view? View: <% if @user.websites.detect {|website| website.url ==} %> render :partial => '...

Unable to generate a custom path in ASP.NET MVC Master Pages.

I am working in an ASP.NET MasterPage and am having trouble with <link href="..." />. I am trying to substitute in a stylesheet with a specific name: <link href="/Content/Styles/<%=Model.Style%>.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> Unfortunately, this creates the HTML output: <link href="/Content/Styles/&lt;%=Model.Style%>.css" ...

Set values for an exposed field in a block (in Drupal)?

I've set up a view of "properties". One of the fields is "price". Now, i've exposed price in a block, so that you can search for it from the block. The problem is that when you view the block, it shows the field as a box where you can enter a value. What I want is a dropdown, where you can select the following options: < 1 million < 2 ...

drupal: hide single taxonomy term in particular view display

Have a documents content type, with three taxonomies applied to it. Taxonomies are document type (form, policy, other), document group (hr, i.t., training, project specific, etc.), and a free-tagged project name (for when document group = project specific). Have single view displaying all documents, segregated by tabbed page displays: ...

Passing Variables between views / view controllers

Hi I'm new to ObjectiveC / IPhoneSDK and I'm informally trying to study it on my own. What I'm basically trying to do is from one view there are 12 zodiac signs. When a user clicks one, it proceeds to the second view (with animation) and loads the name of the zodiac sign it clicked in a UILabel, that's it. Here are my codes: Lovescopes ...

iphone application layout

Hi there, I'm trying to get started with an iPhone application, I had a look around at other questions but i'm still sorta stuck so hopefully someone can help... First thing is I'm totally confused with the whole view concept, I'm more used to visual studio so I'm going to use the term 'form' to describe what I have in my head. I want...

Missing template

Hi so i have this code: <% form_tag(:action => 'find') do%> Product name: <%= text_field("cars_", "name", :size => "30") %> <input type ="submit" value="Find"/> <%end%> upon pressing the button I want it to complete the method (def find) found in the controller but its requesting the html.erb file: Template is missing Miss...

Problem with form_for Helper

I have the following form_for declaration in a Rails site I am building: form_for(form_question, :url => { :controller => "form_questions", :action => "edit", :id => }) do |f| but the site renders; <form action="/form_questions/1/edit"> why is it putting the '/1/' before the "edit" in the action url? ...

Rails conditional sidebar in application layout

The following is my application layout file .container_12.clearfix = render :partial => 'shared/flashes' .grid_8 = render :partial => 'shared/search' = yield .grid_4 = yield(:sidebar) It has to grids, one for content and another for sidebar. Now I'm creating a login page in which I don't want to show my si...

Retrieving names of over-ridden theme hooks in views 2 (Drupal 6)

I have a created a view (lets call it my_view). In the theme: information section if the view I have noted one of the suggested template names (views-view--my-view--default.tpl.php (or close to that)), and created my own template file with that name. This all works fine and when I visit the theme registry, I can see there is a hook the...

Order the sharepoint group-headings in a View

In Sharepoint (WSS 3.0) I have a list with a custom view that groups some items. A item 1 item 2 B item 3 item 4 C item 5 item 6 How can I specify a custom ordering of the group-headings? I would prefer to have something like C,A,B as example. Is there a way to do so through CAML? ...