
PHP Pass variable to next page

Hello, it seems pretty simple but I can't find a good way to do it. Say in the first page I create a variable $myVariable = "Some text"; And the form's action for that page is "Page2.php". So in Page2.php, how can I have access to that variable? I know I can do it with sessions but I think it's too much for a simple string, and I do ...

How to pass paramater into code-template in eclipse-plugin

I want to create a plugin which defines a new code template (like this blog post). How can I pass a parameter into the template? like ${name:param}? ...

Pass a set function as an argument

Hi, How can I pass a 'set' function as the Function Object argument of another function? eg: public class IdModel { private var _id:String; public function IdModel(source:Source) { //Create Binding BindingUtils.bindSetter(id,source,"id"); } public function get id():String { return _id;...

pass variables from one asp(classic asp) page to other asp page without using parameters in URL

Hi, I need to pass variables from one ASP(Classic ASP) to another ASP page. I am using javascript ( to open the second ASP page. I should not pass the variables in the URL like'second.asp?first_name=sdf&last_name=asdas'); I have number of buttons in first ASP page,on click different buttons-different pages wil...

Pass functions to a class

PHP mysql database I have created a follow on question to this one here that is specifically about pagination I need to call a method from one class in another, and be able to change the method that is called. Like so class db{ function a(){ echo 'I run a query';} function b(){ echo 'im the other query';} } class YourClass...

Passing Variables between views / view controllers

Hi I'm new to ObjectiveC / IPhoneSDK and I'm informally trying to study it on my own. What I'm basically trying to do is from one view there are 12 zodiac signs. When a user clicks one, it proceeds to the second view (with animation) and loads the name of the zodiac sign it clicked in a UILabel, that's it. Here are my codes: Lovescopes ...

passing array of structs from c# to regular dll

Hi there I have a regular dll with the followign fucntion exported. extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int FindNearestStuff(double _latitude, double _longitude , LocationStruct * locations[]) LocationStruct is very simple struct LocationStruct { long positionIndex; long item; }; I'm tryign to call it from c# using [DllIm...

Model generation for manually entered page in Spring framework

I have to extend some Spring web application, but I'm not very familiar with the framework (however, I have some experience with few other frameworks). I can see that there is "ModelAndView" concept used by the framework. Controller returns both: a model and a view from onSubmit() method. But what to do if a model have to be generated fo...

*Passing a Method into a Class

Hi all, I'm coding a small class that maximizes a given function F and returns the coordinates. For example in maximizing the 1-dimensional fitness function below I currently have: using System; public static class Program { public static double F(double x) { // for example return Math.Exp(0.4 * Math.Pow(x - 0.4...

Multiple models sent to a single view instance

My terminology is probably way off here but basically I'm trying to learn the ropes of ASP.NET MVC and so far so good (largely thanks to Phil Haack and Scott Hanselman's tutorials). One thing which I haven't seen addressed yet is the 'right' or most elegant way to pass multiple data models to a view. To help put the question in context, ...

Java parameter passing question

Hey everyone, I am relatively new to Java and while trying out some code came across something that surprised me. Hopefully some one can shed some light on this. Here's some code snippets relevant to my question. Those who've read the practice of programming might find this familiar. This function is defined for the List datatype, and...

Passing a PHP variable

Hi there, I have the following php code below... if ($username == 'fredk') { $fname = 'Fred'; } else if ($username == 'arbonk') { $fname = 'Arbon'; } else if ($username == 'arsalana') { $fname = 'Arsalan'; } else if ($username == 'minhn') { $fname = 'Minh'; } else if ($username == 'nathanielg') { $fname = 'Nathaniel'; } $msg =...

Android - Sending data from a class to an activity?

Hi all, Have a question about sending data between classes and activities. I currently have a class that monitors outgoing class and gets the number of an outgoing call. I instantiate this class in my main Activity and run its method that retrieves the number. However I now have another Activity that I want to pass the number to. I...

Is multiple-producer, single-consumer possible in a lockfree setting?

I have a bunch of threads that are doing lots of communication with each other. I would prefer this be lock free. For each thread, I want to have a mailbox, where other threads can send it messages, (but only the owner can remove messages). This is a multiple-producer single-consumer situation. is it possible for me to do this in a lock...

Android - Passing data from a service to a non activity class/object

Hi all, I currently have a service running in my Android application that makes a wifi scan at a set interval and returns the results. I was then passing the data using an aidl interface and to do this I had to bind the service to my Activity I was passing the data to. However the design has changed and I now need to be able to send t...

Undefined index pass variable with javascript to php

Hello. I am making an "updating" pages with JS jquery.. But in my updateit.php i just get Undefined index on all my fields. I dont know why. Here's the form: <form action="javascript:updateit()" method="post"> <b>+ Giv points for at være online:</b><br> Points hvert. <input type="text" size="1" id="gpe" name="gpe" value="<?=$row["gpe...

2 quick questions about passing by const pointer/const reference

1) Can someone explain the following? void OnCreate(HWND hWnd, const LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { lpCreateStruct->x = 2; // this compiles } void OnCreate(HWND hWnd, const CREATESTRUCT * lpCreateStruct) { lpCreateStruct->x = 2; // this does not compile } 2) Is it faster to pass by pointer or by reference? Or the same? ...

[PHP | MySQL] multi-page forms and SESSIONS vs HIDDEN form data

I'm working on a 2 page form that POSTs a query to a database. Read-only, no writing. None of the information is confidential, nor will it every be. The site must be 100% non-JS compliant, so Ajax and the like are not available. All I got is PHP, baby! FORM-2's content is dependent on a fraction of the data in FORM-1, but ALL of the da...

Argument passing in c# does not work as should ? Inside function used reflection.

Hi all, I am passing one parameter/object to the function "RefValTest(object oIn)" by the value but after function call is over object passed by the value is changed, that shoud not happened, right ? class MilanTest { public int SomeValue { get; set; } } class PR { public static object RefValTest(ob...

Passing variables to Controller via RESTful routing in Rails

The following question is related to passing a variable from routes to the controller. I have a Ruby on Rails (v 2.3.3) app with one model, which is delivered to the user with multiple views. The current solution involves using multiple controllers which are triggered by multiple routes. For example: ActionController::Routing::Routes.dr...