
C++ pointer question

Hi, still working at C++, but this came up in my book and I don't understand what it's for: MyClass * FunctionTwo (MyClass *testClass) { return 0; } My question is what is the signifigance of the first indirection operator (MyClass *[<- this one] FunctionTwo(MyClass *testClass))? I tried making a function like it in codeblocks...

The value for a object inside a viewmodel lost on redirect to action in mvc 2.0?

I have a view model - public class MyViewModel { public int id{get;set;}; Public SomeClass obj{get;set;}; } public class SomeClass { public int phone{get;set;}; public int zip{get;set;}; } So on my controller when I post back MyViewModel it has all the values for all the fields...but when I do return RedirectoAction("Som...

PHP - How to share / pass variables across different methods in a PHP Class

I am trying to set a value from a method of a class and trying to get it in another method. The example code is as below. I think the below kind of set/get works in a Java class. Googled out but still could not find a relevant solution. Searched:;client=firefox-a&amp;rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aof...

Creating and Destroying Objects for passing between Views

Overview of app My RVC has an object of custom type 'Entry' that has various values (AssetURL, Notes for item). I pass an instance of this to two viewControllers in order to add information about the Entry into this instance for saving. I do this successfully, but am unsure about how I should be creating / destroying my objects. If I ...

Pass session from jsp to

My website login page is in jsp & some of modules in .net , So i want pass the session to .aspx page so that access those module Thanks in advance ...

Passing a php json encoded variable to a jquery function

How to pass a php json encoded variable to a jquery function using codeigniter? My code $data['customerlist'] = $this->customerlist->customerchart(); //print_r($data['customerdata']); $data['encoded_data'] = json_encode($data); //print_r($data['encoded_data']); if(empty($data['encoded_data'])) { $data['comment...

State of preexisting connections when using file descriptor passing?

I'm playing around with a webserver, using a unix socket and sendmsg / recvmsg to pass the socket file descriptor to a new server process without losing any requests. While testing it with ab I found that client connections would linger, and apachebench (ab) would show the error: "apr_poll: The timeout specified has expired (70007)". I ...

jQuery Passing Variables to MySQL from PHP

The below code works as far as I can tell except for the var tid and var open section. They are being submitted from an image href: $("#chngeHref").click(function() { var tid = $('tid').attr('value'); // VARIABLES DONT WORK var open = $('open').attr('value'); // VARIABLES DONT WORK $.ajax({ type: "POST", ...

codeigniter display warning error if argument in URL not provided

If I don't provide the value in the URL for Codeigniter, it'll display a PHP Error was encountered saying it's missing argument for a function call. I do NOT want it displayed at all. If there's no argument in the URL, it should just reroute to its index function. How do I prevent that from happening? For example,

call a java method from javascript

when a button is clicked a textbox value needs to be sent to a java class so it can be processed . I've tried applets but failed ..i really could use some help here coz i'm stuck help is much appreciated Thanks =] ...

Passing variable to callback after Ajax request

Is there a more elegant way of passing a variable after performing an Ajax request (JS->PHP) other than printing the results? Printing can get a little messy and also doesn't offer a lot of flexibility in terms of the return value (e.g. hard to pass objects). Also, I had this random space that was printed in one of my Ajax request cal...

Pass from PHP to Javascript

Hi All, I have a little problem here, and no tutorials have been of help, since I couldn't find one that was directed at this specific problem. I have 2 hosting accounts, one on a server that supports PHP. And the other on a different server that does not support PHP. SERVER A = PHP Support, and SERVER B = NO PHP Support. On server a...

Checkbox - pass values

Hi, I have a page with a checkbox that is populated from a sql. The table on the sql is setup as follows. sopid, Type, DisplayOrder, Deleted. 1 test1 1 False 2 test2 2 False What i want to do is if check test1 and test2 for example it outputs the sopID to a textbox in the following manor - 1,2 etc......

Passing int from one Function to another

I really have no idea how this is done, it should be simple but i just cant get it i have an IBAction and void and want to do this: -(IBAction)pass{ int VariableX = 10; [self getVar]; ---> send var to -(void)getVar } -(void)getVar{ get the VariableX if(VariableX=10){ do something } } ...

Passing variables to JavaScript inside a URL?

I'm dealing with a web-service that serves video files (host). They provide you with a Guid which is used in an embed code (link to js file). Their URL's are structured like this: Somehow, the script.js parses this URL and retrieves the variable. Can someone clue me in how this is done?...

How to send textbox value to a CGI script

I have a textbox with id kTb. When I click the button after entering some value in the textbox, the below changeV(str) is called inside a javascript ('onClick="changeV(kTb.value)"'). The 'alert(str)' gives me the value I entered in the textbox but when I pass it 'urll = "uSetENV.cgi?kullaTest=str"', I am NOT getting the entered value, it...

How do I pass variables using 'file?x=3' instead of 'file.php?x=3' ?

Possible Duplicate: How come some site urls do not include a file extension? Hi there, I was wondering how I can pass a variable to my PHP script using the following syntax: It seems I have to include .php after the script name or it won't work, but YouTube for example doesn't have th...

Sending data with an event listener

I have a predicament: I want to send some data with an event listener but also be able to remove the listener. Here's the standard closure approach... var fn = function(e){method(e,data)}; el.addEventListener('click',fn,false); el.removeEventListener('click',fn,false); and you could remove the event, just fine. But say, the element wa...

What should I use to pass value in mvc posting form?

I am passing the edited value and retrieving it back but I dont get back the id value.. how do I get back the value for Id...The id value will actually remain the same..all I need to do is pass it back again... public ActionResult EditValue(int id) { ViewData["id"]=id; ViewData["Value"]=GetOriginalValue(); return...

jQuery and PHP session issue

In uploadify I have a problem passing variable into the php script. Here's the code: $(document).ready(function() { var counter = 0; $("#uploadify").uploadify({ 'uploader' : 'scripts/uploadify.swf', 'script' : 'scripts/uploadify.php?upload', 'scriptData' : {'PHPSESSID' : '<? echo sessi...