
Rails 3 Form Helpers: UTF8 and other hidden fields

The view: <%= form_for :blog_post do |f| %> <ul> <li> <%= f.label :title %> <%= f.text_field :title, :type => 'text', :id => 'title', :size => '', :limit => '255' %> </li> </ul> <% end %> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>LevihackwithCom</title> <script src="/javascripts/prototype.j...

iphone switch views by swiping fingers to left and right, similar as the stock app

Hi, I am interested in how the lower portion of the iphone stock app is implemented. The lower part of the app, where you can switch the views by swiping your finger to left/right and the "..." below the view to indicate which view the user is looking at. It looks to me a tabview component. I am trying to look for the UI component as ...

how to see/script definitions of system views?

I tried to execute scripts from [1] in model database and user-defined databases but they give definitions/scripts of only user-defined (non-system) views, i.e. those that I anyway can easily get from GUI. How can I see/script the definition/script of a system view in SQL Server 2008 R2? [1] Answers to question "System Views text i...

rails_xss, prefer raw or .html_escape?

Which is preferable? <%= raw @item.description %> or <%= @item.description.html_safe %> ...

Drupal Views question

I want to display a different set of 2 or 3 images in a block on each page. So far, I have: Added images to each page using CCK and filefield. Removed the images from $content. Created a view with node ID (Nid) as the argument, and added the field created with CCK, and added display type of Block. When I try the Live Preview, it wil...

Drupal Admin is not able to access edit views page

I have a Drupal site and the Drupal site's admin is not able to access the edit views page. Lately, the site has also had the problem of Content Access permissions which required me to rebuild the permissions.However, the warning that 'Content Access Permissions need to be rebuilt' continues to persist. Whenever I goto admin>build>vie...

What are the disadvantage of SQL views?

Recently I faced an interview and I was asked the above question. I was dumb when I think about it. Interviewer said: All people are saying views have lots of advantages but I find no disadvantages, why so? EDIT Based on the answers of all experts, I think I can summarize it: When table is dropped or modified, view become...

Drupal: Dynamic View using Arguments

For a current project i need to setup a specific view to display a gallery detailpage. It should work like this: 1. User clicked a node (costum-post-type: gallery) 2. User received an overview page with linked images 3. User clicked an image 4. User received the gallery page (gallerific view) Step 1-3 are done. But how can I get Drupa...

Rendering one partial view in two different strongly typed views

I have a strongly typed Person view, that I want to render a partial in: Person View (strongly typed as person) <label for="name">Name</label> <% Html.RenderPartial("AddressForm"); %> </label> AddressForm View (untyped, because I also want to use this in the Distributor strongly typed view) When I try to call this partial from t...

django: dynamically populate nav elements

I am writing a blog application as a part of a larger website. I want to have a main (static) nav bar for the site navigation, but I want to have a sub nav that allows the user to filter the blog posts by other criteria when viewing the blog. Something like Latest | Popular | Category | Author | Date | Tag |-> News ...

generate rss according to views argument in drupal

is it possible to generate RSS according to views(module) argument? ...

ASP.NET MVC Show to end user that action was successful

Most of the ASP.NET MVC examples I have seen depict scenarios where a user is viewing an object (or collection of objects) and then moves from that page to one that displays a form that the user completes. Upon submitting the form with good input, the user is redirected back to the page that shows the object (or list) and the user can s...

What drawbacks are there to maintaining a table of calculated records with triggers and FK constraints?

I have a table containing roles. Many users can be assigned to a role. Permissions can be assigned to a role, granting all users to that role with the permission. When I assign a permission to a role that has 500 hundred people, I've effectively created 500 permission assignments. With each permission that is assigned to a role I spe...

Updatable views - SQL Server 2008

A question about updatable db views: I'm reading through some MSDN documentation on the subject, and I come across the following restriction: Any modifications, including UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements, must reference columns from only one base table. I just want to be sure I understand the restriction. I'd like to use views...

How to call views from multiple controllers?

I have multiple controllers having their own views (Index.html). Now, I want to create another controller (Say "Welcome") and I want to include views of all other controllers into the view of "Welcome", so that all the views are available on single page and welcome page gets updated automatically whenever I change any individual index pa...

Drupal Views- li tags around every 2 results?

How can I put li tags around every 2 results in drupal views? I have this; result1 result2 result3 result4 And I need this; <li> result1 result2 </li> <li> result3 result4 </li> Thanks ...

AFOpenFlow touchevent Image

Hello users, does anybody know a solution that i could implement at this code, that the pictures could be touched and an event will be started? - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; // loading images into the queue loadImagesOperationQueue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init]; NSString *imageName; for (int i=0;...

mysql: how to write a table of views

I think my question is best explained via an example: Suppose I want to write a webserver for streaming music. I have the following columns in the songs table: |song_id|song_name|song_genre|song_length|artist I would like to enable my users to save playlists, but I don't want my playlists to be defined by explicitly specifying the songs...

Drupal Views and Content Taxonomy.

Hello, I have been searching all morning and have yet to come across the solution for my problem.. problem is: I have successfully created a CCK content type using the content taxonomy module (which allows me to use a vocabulary as the content). the user is asked to select his/her preferred cultures. so in simple terms form holding a...

Drupal Views of nodes to show node comments

Hello everybody! I've encountered a Drupal problem: I'm using the Views module for rendering nodes of a kind, based on the user id of it's author (it is a Content Profile actually). I want the view to show the comments for the node, just like in node/%. I could not find any option in views or any relevant module. Am I in the wrong direc...