I read the docs, but got even more confused.
I have the following error generated by the compiler:
"cpp\c1.cpp", line 13: error(114): identifier
"rot" is undefined
1 error detected in the compilation of "c1.cpp".
I know how to detect the line where the error line is given, but I get loads of extr...
TextMate has a feature where pressing Command-Return at any point inserts a new line below the current line placing your cursor at the beginning of the new line. This works much (exactly?) like pressing 'o' while in command mode in Vim.
Is there a way to emulate this TextMate feature while in insert mode in Vim? The same question phrase...
I like to use spaces for indentation rather than tabs; replacing tabs at the beginning of a line is easy in sed or vim:
s/^I/ /g
But if there are tabs within a line (pretend the spaces are the width of the tab char):
'foo'^I ^I => 'bar',
'bazzle'^I => 'qux',
Each tab doesn't correspond to a set number of spaces to maintain the...
OK, here is the thing -- I keep on seeing Recording message at the bottom of my gvim 7.2 windows. Sort of annoying!
What is it? how to turn it off? what is it used for? explains. explanation, directions are appreciated!
Is there a fast command to change
In gVim for windows it's possible to execute current buffer via :!% command. But, unfortunately, the buffer file name is supplied to cmd.exe without quotes, so if file path has spaces gVim will not be able to execute it.
Is it any easy way to fix it in order to be able execute .bat, .py etc from within gVim?
Is it possible to yank an entire block of python code in vim? be it a def, for, if, etc. block..
How can you find the repetiting sequences of at least 30 numbers?
Sample of the data
I'm able to get the cursor position with getpos(), but I want to retrieve the selected text within a line, that is '<,'>. How's this done?
I think I edited out the part where I explained that I want to get this text from a Vim script...
I often want to paste some text after the last space in line. If I have
sometext <cursor>
and press Ctr+O, P, I got
sometext <pasted_text>
How do I achieve the latter in vim?
I have a horde of buffers open in vim, with only a few of them open in split windows or on other tabs. Is there a way to close all but the ones that are currently visible in one of those splits or tabs?
I am sick and tired of the white background when I edit c/c++/etc code. I want the black backround. that is what I currently have in my .vimrc file in regard to coloring. Please help me change it:
if !has('gui_running')
set t_Co=8 t_md=
highlight NORMAL ctermbg=black ctermfg=white
I am trying to find an optimal font for gvim to program in C/C++.
I currently have the following in ~/.gvimrc and I don't like it:
if has("gui_gtk2")
set guifont=MiscFixed\ 11
set guifont=-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-c-60-iso8859-1
set columns=80 lines=50
set guioptions-=T "hide toolbar
"Try to load h...
Is it possible to define a syntax group where highlighting would extend to the right edge of the screen (and not just to the last character in the line) ? This group could potentially match several lines. I am not trying to highlight the current cursor line, but rather whole comment blocks.
I am using the css_color.vim script with gvim 7.2 on vista. Because of this script I am not able to use omni-completion for css that came with the gvim I installed, which works perfectly fine if I rename the css.vim file to css.vim.bak or something.
I usually open omni-completion drop down using <C-x><C-o>, but with the css.vim, when I ...
I don't like how vim clutters up my folders with backup files, so I have the following line in my .vimrc file:
set backupdir=~/.vim_backup
However, sometimes this folder doesn't exist because of new machines where I am copying my user files over.
How can I create this folder automatically, if it doesn't exist, from within .vimrc? Or ...
In vim, I often want to search on a string with finicky characters which need escaping. Is there a way I can turn off the meaning of all special characters, kind of like regex-off mode in less, or fgrep?
I am dealing with particularly hairy strings; here's an example:
Not having to escape any characters to do a search...
i worked in netbeans and liked its feature - when you place cursor in a variable name all occurences of the variable are highlighted. this is very useful for quick searching all occurences of the variable. is it possible to add this behavior to Vim ?
This may sound silly, but I did not find it in the help.
How to determine the number of errors in the QuickFix, after running :make ?
Or at least see if there are any errors, i.e. errors > 0?
In vim, I did to much undo.
How do I undo this (i.e. redo)