
How to apply gcc -fvisibility option to symbols in static libraries?

I have a shared library project that is built from 4 static libraries (.a) and one object (.o) file. I am trying to add the -fvisibility=hidden option to restrict symbols in the output to only those that I mark in the source with an _attribute_. I've added the -fvisibility=hidden option to the compile options for the .so project (which ...

Using jQuery to select items that have style "visibility:visible" or "visibility:hidden" NOT "display: none"

How do you select only visible elements using jQuery? jQuery selectors :visible and :hidden only respects display:none as really hidden? NOT visibility:hidden or visibility:visible. I understand they are not technically hidden because they still take their space. I just want to know their state so I can check checkboxes that are visibl...

How to get "Control no longer visible" notification in Silverlight when any parent is hidden?

I need to receive some kind of notification when control is no longer visible in view. That is if I have control deep in tree (like Border -> Grid -> StackPanel -> TextBox) I need notification on TextBox when Border gets hidden. I DO NOT have access to Border itself, imagine like wrapping control of everything gets collapsed, I still nee...

using jquery to change visibility of divs with nested content, onclick

I have a list of links. When one of the links is clicked, I would like to change the visibility of the div associated with it. My html looks like the following: <div id="tab"> <ul> <li id="tab1" class="active"><a href="#">Link 1</a></li> <li id="tab2"><a href="#">Link 2</a></li> <li id="tab3"><a href="#">Link 3</a></li> <li id="tab4"><...

Make mask visible in ActionScript 3.0

I have Loader object containing loaded swf. I don't know how the shape of this swf looks like - it's not necessarily rectangular. I want to add some light reflection on it. I need to mask this reflection with Loader, but in the same time I need this Loader to be visible. I don't want to load swf twice, because it may contain some dyna...

Basic class naming and visibility questions

I always see people giving me code (I mean code examples for questions on SO and the like) like: class MyData{ ObservableCollection<Color> Colors; ObservableCollection<Fruit> Fruits; ObservableCollection<Pairs> Pairs; public void MatchCurrentSelection(){ ..... etc } } }...

Does a WPF storyboard animation continue to run when the affected control is hidden?

I am implementing a "marching ants" style animation by applying a StrokeDashOffset animation to a Rectangle control. I would like the animation to play when the rectangle is visible but not take up extra CPU cycles when it's hidden. Is WPF smart enough to automatically pause the animation when the affected control is hidden? ...

With an ActiveX control in an browser window container, how do I detect when user changes tab away from activex control

I have an ActiveX control that gets placed in an IE browser container. The control creates another dialog window that has WS_POPUP and WS_LAYERED properties enabled in order to be able to use SetLayeredWindowAttributes(...) function to accomplish color keyed transparency and alpha blending on top of the control. Because the WS_LAYERE...

ASP.NET - server side control & javascript interaction

Hi folks, on a page with textbox control, lets say this textbox is disabled on server side page load. What would happen if a javascript tries to set visibility of the textbox to false ? Edit: Can the textbox be hidden by javascript even though it's disabled ? TIA ...

if the visibilty is hidden of a particular column of a listview will it be shown in the disc if the files are burn?

my query is about hiding a particular column in the listview..if im successful in doing that then how i will be able to hide it to the user if the files in the listview are burn with that hidden can i apply the a particular column that a user cannot see that while burning the files in the disc that are pla...

Access a thread to notify it from another method (Android application)

Hi everybody, I'm developping an android application and trying to deal with threads without really knowing a lot about them... (Yeah bit stupid of me, I know) I'll try to explain it properly and quite quickly. In the onCreate method of my activity, I'm calling an AlertDialog to make the user choose to either load data from the internet...

How to control visibility of variables in Java?

I can imagine 3 type of visibility for variables (but I think there are more): Variable is used within a method and any changes of the value of this variable are not visible from outside of the method (so it is local for a particular method). A variable is local to the class meaning that it is unvisible from outisde of the class. Howev...

javascript style.visibility doesn't seem to work....

In my aspx page i have a tr which is set visible="false" by default... But on a selected index of a dropdown i make it visible="true" ..... On the form submit i am validating the control within the tr but couldn't find whether the tr is visinle or not using javascript... My aspx: <tr id="MeasurementTr" runat="server" visible="false"> <...

Interplay between visibility of class and fields.

I learned that a class can be either public or package-private (the last value is the default one). A field of a class also can be either public or package-private. These "statuses" have the same meaning. If something is package-private it is visible only within the same package. It is public it is visible from everywhere (from any packa...

jquery fade element does not show elements styled 'visibility: hidden'

I have a bunch of thumbnails which I am loading with a style of visibility: hidden; so that they all maintain their correct layouts. Once the page is fully loaded I have a jquery function that fades them in. This worked when their style was set to display: none; but obviously the layout screwed up then. Any suggestions? Heres the fade l...

Can fields of the class and arguments of the method interfere?

I have a class with a fields called "a". In the class I have a method and in the list of arguments of this method I also have "a". So, which "a" I will see inside of the method? Will it be the field or it will be the argument of the method? public class myClass { private String a; // Method which sets the value of the field "a". ...

How to set the same column width in a datagrid in flex at runtime?

HI, In flex, I have a datagrid with 22 columns. I initially display all the columns. The width of each column right is uniform. Now when i change the visiblity of a few columns, the width of each column varies. How do i maintain a uniform column width for each column whether or not there are any invisible columns?... Also how do i get t...

how to handle the visibility of the ItemizedOverlay in mapview in android?

i want set the visibility to itemized overlay in map view. if the zoom level is less than 10 i want to set visibility of overlay is GONE else VISIBLE. how to do that? and also cant set zoom level Listener. ...

Why my object sees variables which were not given to it in the constructor?

I have the following code. Which is "correct" and which I do not understand: private static void updateGUI(final int i, final JLabel label) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { label.setText("You have " + i + " seconds."); } } ); } I create ...

alternative to visibility:collapse not working on IE and Chrome

The following page: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt; <STYLE type="text/css"> tr.cccc { visibility: collapse; } </STYLE> <BODY> <TABLE border="1"> <TR class="cccc"> <TD>one</TD> </TR> </TABLE> </BODY> </HTML> works only in Firefox. IE always di...