
How to move files in C drive using MoveFileEx APi

Hi, when i use MoveFileEx to move files in C drive, but i am getting the ERROR that ACCESS DENIED. Any solutions int i ; DWORD dw ; String^ Source = "C:\Folder\Program\test.exe" ; String^ Destination = "C:\test.exe"; // move to program Files Folder pin_ptr<const wchar_t> WSource = PtrToStringChars(Source); pin_ptr<con...

Is it safe to install VC++ 6.0 after Visual Studio 2008?

When I built this new PC I didn't install VC++ 6.0 as I didn't think I'd ever need it again. However, I've just discovered I need to rebuild a really old application. It doesn't compile under VS 2008 (which isn't surprising since it hasn't been touched in 7 years) and as my C++ skills are a little rusty I don't have the time to try and ...

MS C++ 2010 and mspdb100.dll

Microsoft's C++ compiler and linker seem to have an odd relationship with mspdb100.dll. When run from the IDE, of course, the compiler and linker work fine. When running either one from the command line, I get the following error: No problem, I located the DLL and copied it to the directory. Now the compiler works fine, but the linker...

Visual c++ opencv 2.1 contains()

how to check whether a given point is contained in a rectangle using the contains() function in Rect_ construct... Please give me the exact function and its parameters.Like when i type this Point b(2,2); Rect a(10,10,50,50); cout<< Rect_::contains(b); There is a compile error saying 1>c:\users\kaushal\documents\visual studio 2008\proje...

how to debug VC++ program, input file not open while debuging

i am using Visual studio 8. i pass command line argument to my program when i execute the program using exe file it works fine but when i use to debugg. it is unable to open the input file which i have given it in the form of command line argument. although i have given the command line argument in the Project->properties->debug->command...

running visual c with command line arguments

i am using Visual studio 8. i pass command line argument to my program when i execute the program using exe file it works fine but when i use to debugg. it is unable to open the input file which i have given it in the form of command line argument. although i have given the command line argument in the Project->properties->debug->command...

Code crashing compiler: main() returning a struct instead of an int

Hi! I'm experimenting with a piece of C code. Can anyone tell me why is VC 9.0 with SP1 crashing for me? Oh, and the code is meant to be an example used in a discussion why something like void main (void) is evil. struct foo { int i; double d; } main (double argc, struct foo argv) { struct foo a; a.d=0; a.i=0; re...

Any side effect of not using USES_CONVERSION

Recently, I have a utilities function of // T2CA #include "ATLCONV.H" std::string Utils::CString2String(const CString& cString) { #if _MSC_VER > 1200 // Convert a TCHAR string to a LPCSTR // construct a std::string using the LPCSTR input CT2CA tmp(cString); std::string strStd (tmp); #else // Deprecated in VC2008. ...

How to trigger notification code TBN_TOOLBARCHANGE from inside c++ program?

Hi. How to trigger TBN_TOOLBARCHANGE from inside my c++ code? Is it the same as writing like this line below? SendMessage(m_hWndToolbar, TB_SETBUTTONINFO, m_buttonID, (LPARAM)(&inf)); Inside this project's code there is this line inside one the header file: BEGIN_MSG_MAP(CRebarHandler) NOTIFY_CODE_HANDLER(TBN_DROPDOWN, onNotifyD...

how can we generate the bit greater than 60000?

we can now generate about 50000bits. my code cannot generate more than 60000 bit..please help me............m_B is member variable and type is CString. // LFSR_ECDlg.cpp : implementation file // #include "stdafx.h" #include "myecc.h" #include "LFSR_ECDlg.h" #include "MyClass.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE sta...

WIN32 visual c++

I would like to write a simple program in c++. After the program is done i would like to get my answers in form of a graph or picture that would give some certain information if i click on a certain area. i have only written console apllications in c++ before and don't really have a clue where to start with the graphic part of it all. C...

How to get calling convension of a function from type library?

Hello, how can I get calling convention at run time using type library ? whether stdcall,cdecl or winapi or any other? Regards Usman ...

Windows Server 2003 provide network mutexes

Hi! I want to coordinate use of common files on Windows Server 2003 from two Windows XP Workstations. Does Windows Server 2003 provide network mutexes for this purpose? Are there any libraries of C functions to access to them? I couldn’t find such functions in Visual C++ 2008. ...

Parent/Child forms communication issue

Hi, I am very new to Visual C++ programming, but I have to write simple program which needs to do two things: ( I am using MS Visual C++ ) main ( parent ) form should be displayed when program starts, and after clicking a button on it, second form should be shown. Second form ( child ) also has a button, but this one should ( after cli...

Is there a 2003 compatibility setting in Visual Studio 2008 (compiler compatibility, not project / solution files)

Hello, I have a Visual Studio 2003 solution that I've opened with VS2008, and it converted successfully. However, it won't build because the code contains some things that were acceptable under Visual Studio 2003, but simply don't fly under Visual Studio 2008. Changing the code would be really difficult in my particular situation. Is th...

visual studio 2008 vs 2010 Pro unmanaged code

Hi, I'm a C++ programmer, I use Visual Studio 2008 Professional, only unmanaged code. I'm thinking of buying VS 2010 Pro. I'm confused, I don't know what are differences between those two. I know that, in plus, it has tr1 included. When I started using 2008 edition I was very pleased to see f.e. unit testing support but all new features...

No memory window in Visual Studio 2010

I have VS2010 Premium RTM version on Windows 7 Ultimate x64. In the documentation they refer to the Memory 1-4 windows, supposedly under Debug->Windows->Memory. I have "Enable address-level debugging" enabled in VS (Options->Debugging). The problem is that I have no Memory menu item under Debug->Windows during debug of a c++ program. ...

Using the same CArchive object for archive and un-archive

Following is a sample code: CFile serFile; serFile.Open(_T("Person.ser"), CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite); CArchive writer(&serFile, CArchive::store); me.Serialize(writer); writer.Close(); serFile.Close(); serFile.Open(_T("Person.ser"), CFile::modeRead); CArchive reader(&serFile, CArchive::load); CPerson clone; clone.Serializ...

How to run debug file on another computer?

I have a debug .exe file that i want to run on other machines that don't have MS Visual Studio 2008 installed on them. How can this be done? The release option doesn't work as the application does not function correctly when build in release (not sure why). At the moment I'm getting a message saying "This application has failed to start...

In threads, WaitForMultipleObjects never returns if set to INFINITE

Let say I have three thread handles HandleList[0] = hThread1; HandleList[1] = hThread2; HandleList[2] = hThread3; /*All the above are of type HANDLE*/ Before closing the application, I want the thread to get its task done. So I want to make app wait till thread completes. So I do, WaitForMultipleObjects(3, HandleList, TRUE, INFINITE...