
Will VS2008 compile binaries compatible with Windows 7

I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 (VC9) to compile a project that has a .dsw file. I already have the 2010 and would prefer to use it, but it seems this dsw was built for 2008. I'd like to compile and produce a binary that's also compatible with Windows 7. My questions: if I compile with 2008, will the resulting binary be compat...

How do I get unit tests to run continuously in Visual Studio

Maybe I'm using unit tests in the wrong way, but I have a very large database with a lot of data. Each set of data presents a different scenario and the number of scenarios is too large to individually test. Therefore, I've decided the best way to get adequate coverage is to run the unit test against the data as many times as I could, a...

Unit testing with Vs2008, is there an attribute or something where I can ignore Assert

Not ignore it completely, just have it not stop execution if it hits an Assert and it fails. I would like to see a summary of all the fails at the end. ...

Visual Studio 2008 and 2010 behave differently when referencing assemblies in the file system??

I am seeing a strange phenomenon in Visual Studio 2010. My project setup is this (I inherited this - can't change it any time soon, unfortunately :-(): a Winforms app that uses Crystal Reports X (v10) as its reporting engine; full CR X Developer Edition is installed on my dev box several Webforms apps that use Crystal Reports XI (v11)...

How can I deploy an application using Visual Studio 2008

I am trying to publish a website using IIS, I made a virtual directory and in this directory I've added all the webpages and configured the virtual directory but still I am not able to run my web application. ...

Template arguments

I have ClassA<ARG_TYPE> and ClassB<ARG_TYPE>. Now I want want to use ClassC, that has common ARG_TYPE and mentioned classes as template arguments. ClassC<ARG_TYPE, ClassA<ARG_TYPE>, ClassB<ARG_TYPE>> is easy. But is it possible do declare ClassC<ARG_TYPE, ClassA, ClassB> so that both A and B classes would know to use ARG_TYPE as their...

How can I set the default build target to x86 for all projects, in Visual Studio 2008?

Is there is a way to set the default build action to x86, instead of Any CPU in Visual Studio 2008? That way all new projects will be compiled for x86, and great features like edit and continue will work. Perhaps a registry hack or somthing simple, like a global option. Thanks, Carl ...

ATL macros only working on devel-computer

hi, i use ATL macros like A2T and A2CW. on the devel-computer everyhting works fine. when i use the application (visual studio 2008 pro) on another computer - the output of the ATL-macro-conversion is not readable. i hope someone can help me to solve this problem. my application is finished - only the ATL conversion macros are the prob...

Sharepoint Custom Sequential workflow using Visual studio 2008 not sending email

I have created a Sharepoint custom Sequential workflow. I have to use the SendEmail activity to send an alert at various steps. I tried the following code: this.sendalertEmail.To = ""; this.sendalertEmail.From = ""; this.sendalertEmail.Subject = "Regarding email"; ...

Javascript debugging Visual studio 2008

It is supposed to be one of the great feature of VS 2008, javascript debugging. But so far, I couldn't make it work. The only way is by using the "debugger" keyword (which don't really work for me but that's another story). Do you have any clue on why it's not working ? I unchecked the "Disable script debugging..." in the IE8 options but...

Visual Studio: Remove class diagram from project?

I accidentally clicked "View Class Diagram" for one of my projects. How do I remove the .cd files from my project? Update: You can't do this while debugging, but you can just right click on it and say "Exclude from Project". Thanks everyone! ...

Program uses Microsoft Visual Studio folder instead of relative path

When I try to run .aspx page with next code: System.IO.File.Delete("~/img/afisha/" + fileName); it writes a message: "Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\~\img\afisha\brs_01.jpg'." But I need to use relative path. ps. the same shit is with the connection string: <add name="acces...

Converting VS 2008 Website to Web Application

Hi Guys, The below URL is the best i got on googling Any better ideas? Regards, naveenj ...

Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors

Dim NorthWindOledbConnection As String = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;DataSOurce=SARAN-PC\SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=ssp1;InitialCatalog=Sara" Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset() rs.Open("select * from SecUserPassword", NorthWindOledbConnection, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockBatchOptimistic) i tried to run this ab...

Can't install Mono Tools for Visual Studio 2008

When I try to install Mono Tools for Visual Studio 2.0 I get an error that VS2008 is not present though I have Team Suite version installed on my machine. "Mono Tools for Visual Studio 2.0.7509 requires Visual Studio 2008" ...

Visual studio 2008 creates a additional bin\debug folder although I have no pre/post build events defined?

I have this structure: Projects |-bin |-Project1 |-Project2 .....|-crapBin When I build my solution from project1+2 all the built binaries goes into the bin. But additionally some binaries are also put into the crapBin folder although I have not set this path as output path of any project. Furthermore I have not defined any pre/post b...

VS 2008 Code Snippets - Removing an entire folder

OK, this is somewhat frustrating. We have a folder containing custom code snippets used by our company to ensure coding standards and the like. I was documenting the process of actually adding said folder to Visual Studio 2008, when I accidentally added the wrong folder (I added the folder one level up). Since we have both C# and VB s...

Boost autolinks libraries which are not build by Boost, but the intented once are build.

Hello, I am developing a Math application which can be extended by writing python scripts. I am using QT 4.6.3 (build as static library, debug and release versions) and Boost 1.43.0 (build as static library, runtime-link also set to static, multi-threaded version, debug and release). Everything is build with MSVC++2008. The boost build ...

selecting a node in a treeview, on select of a node in a seperate treeview

hi guys, So basically i have 2 treeviews running next to each other, one shows a list of drugs that someone might be on the next shows the latests prescription date for that drug. what i am trying to achieve is someway of when the user selects a drug in treeview A, it highlights that drugs latest prescribe date in treeview B, however m...

VS build randomly gives file in use by another process error

I just upgraded my development machine from Windows XP to Windows 7 Pro 64. On both OS's, I was using VS 2008 SP1. For some reason, VS randomly complains about one of the dlls that gets built being in use by another process and that process is always VS (devenv.exe). It's something like this, but I've tried lots of different fixes and...