
What is the best way to visualize a DataTable while debugging?

I have some very big DataTables, which I need to see their content while debugging. Is there a better way to do that other than opening the Columns' and rows' lists Properties in the Watch panel? Thanks. ...

Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Studio Express Edition 2010 CoExist in the Same Machine?

Hello...I run a Windows 2003 VMWare Machine which has Visual Studio 2008 Professional. Now, I want to play with Visual Studio 2010 Express Edition (primarily, the Visual Web Developer 2010). Can they co-exist. I have had a look at the following questions, but still posting this because this one is specifically asking about VS2008 Profe...

VS2010 - Project Macro Variables in Start Options Command Line Arguments

In a projects settings, on the Debug tab, is there a way to use to use the project macro variables in the command line arguments box? I know you can't use them directly because they don't get expanded but is there a clever solution to this? EDIT: I'm using a C# project. ...

How can I see other schemas apart from my own when connecting to an Oracle database through server explorer?

I am attempting to add a connection to an Oracle database through Server Explorer. The 'Test' Connection' is successful, however whenever I go to view the list of tables / schemas, I can only see the one associated with my login. I realise this sounds silly, but when I use the same login/password through Toad for Oracle, I am still allo...

How do I stop Visual Studio 2010 from downloading large files when connected through FTP.

Here is the scenario. I connect to my server from a random computer to do a couple of updates through FTP in Visual Studio 2010. I open up the page I wanted to edit which has links to several very large files. It seems the intellisense goes out to look for these files. Visual Studio will then be stuck trying to find these very large ...

Get Visual Studios to use subdomain?

While writing an project i may have this url for testing/debugging http://localhost:1234/ I have code that takes in account of subdomains. Can i make visual studios call the same code with http://anysub.localhost:1234/ ...

splitting a namespace across projects

Hi guys, I seem to be having trouble splitting a namespace across projects. I have a DatabaseAccess project which has a folder called SCS (Some Crazy System) which provides data access to the database for SCS. Now this SCS has entity framework (.edmx) generated entities. I would like to extend these entities in my BusinessModel proje...

Silverlight xaml TextBlock.Text with CDATA not showing up at runtime?

The following xaml causes the text "Activate a test to the left." to be visible at run-time and at design-time (in Vs2010): <TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap"> <TextBlock.Text>Activate a test to the left.</TextBlock.Text> </TextBlock> The following shows nothing at run-time, but the text IS visible at design-time: <TextBlock TextWrap...

Autogenerate code with shortcuts in Visual Studio?

I noticed that when you type ctor then hit the tab button, VS will automatically create a constructor skeleton for you. I also saw in a screencast, the speaker could generate, among other things :Console.WriteLine, and also skeleton methods for all interface methods using keyboard shortcuts. However, I couldn't get what keyword he wa...

Intellisense between projects in visual studio 2010

Hi, I've got a c# project that is full of intellisense comments, and this project compiles to a DLL. Now when i add this dll as a reference in another project, i do not get intellisense when accessing the members of the original project. Any ideas how i can get this to work? Thanks ...

How to create a new solution in Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate without TFS

I installed Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate edition and it seems like there is no way to use it without connecting to TFS. On the File menu, the only option is Connect to Team Project, but I just want to create a new Solution on my local machine. I looked in Tools > Options > Source Control and chose "None" for the Current Source Control P...

.browser MenuFix won't works on 2010

I used <browsers> <browser refID="Safari1Plus"> <controlAdapters> <adapter controlType="System.Web.UI.WebControls.Menu" adapterType="" /> </controlAdapters> </browser> </browsers> This menufix for my menu to make it html table in browsers like safari. But with 2010 it makes no sense and even i...

What is the best way to use SVN in Visual Studio 2010 solution

Hi, Can anyone recommend the best way to use version control system in Visual Studio 2010. I'm currently working on a mvc 2 web application and want to use version control system. A SVN repository has been setup, and internaly in my company they use Tortoise. I have no issues in using Tortoise, but I wondered if there was a plu...

Odd bug in C#4 compiler? Alias namespaces getting mixed up.

Here's my issue, I'm using a namespace to remove ambiguity from a factory class which is creating domain objects from entity framework entity objects (a POCO factory,.. if that makes sense!). Call me old fashioned but I like things this way :-) The namespaces I'm working with are aliased as such - using Entities = DataAccess.Models.Ac...

What I see isn't what I get in RDLC report

Design screen : Result: Why does it put that unwanted space between them? (By the way, my elements fit the page, it doesn't produce extra page caused by overflow) Thanks in advance. ...

Creating Web Deploy package to set .net version and create new website

I'm starting to use web deploy to build and deploy a web application. So far I can build a package and deploy it, but it's not doing much more than a xcopy deployment would do. so my command to build the package is this: msbuild EMP.WebAdmin.csproj /T:Package /P:Configuration=Release;PackageLocation="D:\Packages\";DeployIis...

Problem with memory and coverflow control.

Hello, I use the coverflow control from and my problem is that is going verry bad because i had very much item in it. Could someone tell me how can i reduce the number of the items and load them dinamicaly as i need them. The items are a user control in which i also have a google map and an imag...

How does ER/Studio compare to VS2010 tooling?

I'm new to the world of data and DBA work (I'm mostly an .NET developer)... we have an old version of ER Studio (7.5) and I'm wondering how it compares to what comes with VS 2010. Your experience is much appreciated! Also, feel free to reccommend tags for this post ...

JavaScript Plug In for Visual Studio?

I am working on an ASP.NET project, and it is very frustrating how poor the support for JavaScript is in VS. For example, no outlining, no f12 to find a definition, no refactoring, no code analysis, no ready support for documenting functions, horrible navigation and barely functional intelisense. Although JavaScript is no doubt an intra...

vs2010 automation : Get the text value of a EnvDTE.CodeElement

So I'm playing around with EnvDTE, and the EnvDTE.CodeModel API, And I was wondering if there was a way to get the text value represented by a CodeElement. Let's say I have an CodeAttribute, is there some way to get a string of what the CodeAttribute represents, i.e.[MyAttribute(value="myvalue")]. I know it's possible to reconstruct th...