
VisualStateGroup Triggering Animation in Another VisualStateGroup

There's something fundamental about VisualStateGroups that I'm not understanding. Everything I've read has led me to believe that they are orthogonal. That is, a state change in one group won't affect other groups. Indeed, they would be rather pointless if this were not the case. However, in an attempt to understand some odd behavior I ...

Animating background color of border in Silverlight, State precedence in VisualStateGroups

This is a silverlight/XAML question. Not sure what I'm doing wrong, this seems to throw an error: <ColorAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="btnRemoveBorder" Storyboard.TargetProperty="Background" To="#FFDEBA29" Duration="0" /> 2nd question is... rather confused with the Selected and Focused states. Can one state take precedence ove...