
git archive vs cp -R

If I have a clone of a git repository as a cached copy on a remote server for capistrano/vlad style deployment, is it better to do A) git archive --format=tar origin/master | (cd #{destination} && tar xf -) or B) cp -R cached-copy #{destination} && rm -Rf #{destination}/.git ? To Clarify, the repository is already on the remote serv...

Ruby on rails deployment with Vlad on windows.

Hi, I am having a problem with Vlad on windows. After calling rake vlad:deploy I am getting the following: uninitialized constant Fcntl::F_SETFD After googling for a while I figured out that there is problem with open4 gem that is not suitable for Windows and I should use popen4 gem instead. I installed it but nothing has changed. Ho...

Vlad the Deployer - Usage Patterns?

I'm starting to use vlad for new deployments and am wondering what's the best way to set it up so I can use the same tasks for my local development and remote production servers? I thought about defining everything as remote tasks then having dev/prod methods which set the domain variable, then I can just call rake dev/prod vlad:do_some...

vlad the deployer: why do I need a scm folder?

I'm learning to use vlad the deployer and I've got a question. Since I'm still learning I don't know what is pertinent to the question and what isn't, so please bear with me if I'm a little verbose. I've got 2 environments for a new application (test and production) besides my development machine. I've figured out this way to do the i...

Vlad the deployer on Dreamhost - initial script

Hi, I'm trying to deploy an app with SVN and Vlad the deployer. Vlad and its dependencies are installed and seem OK. I'm trying the following: rake prod vlad:update Being my config/deploy.rb file: task :prod do set :application, "xxx" set :deploy_timestamped, "false" set :user, "username" set :scm_user, "scmusername" set :re...

vlad the deployer vlad:start_app with passenger issue

I'm trying to deploy a rails app using vlad the deployer. I'm using nginx and passenger. I have an issue with the vlad:start_app task. When I deploy I get the following issue touch: cannot touch `/var/www/mysite.com/releases/20100623130302/tmp/restart.txt': No such file or directory rake aborted! execution failed with status 1: ssh ...

vlad the deployer - deploying with different users?

We're using vlad the deployer for deploying rails apps to production and test servers. All our servers are Ubuntu servers. We have a problem related with linux permissions. Vlad uses ssh to put files on any server, be it production or test. My company has several people, and each one has a different account on each server. On the othe...