
20 Billion Rows/Month - Hbase / Hive / Greenplum / What ?

Hi, I'd like to use your wisdom for picking up the right solution for a data-warehouse system. Here are some details to better understand the problem: Data is organized in a star schema structure with one BIG fact and ~15 dimensions. 20B fact rows per month 10 dimensions with hundred rows (somewhat hierarchy) 5 dimensions with ...

SQL Server What size is VLDB

Is it 1TB minimum or is it 2? My current client has sub 1 TB and I wanted to know if I write that they are on the verge of a re-classification due to their size they should consider these BOATLOAD of issues. :) TIA ...

SQL Server Automatic Partitioning of Large Database Tables

I am dealing with database tables with tens of millions of rows (with the potential to go to the hundreds of millions over time), and am looking at implementing database partitioning to try to keep performance stable as the row count increases. This is what I'd like to do: Say I have a table that stores animals. One of the fields is the...

Impact of ALTERING column in enormous table NOT NULL to NULL.

SQL Server 2005: 240 million row table. Column requirements changing from NOT NULL to NULL. Generally bad practice (and often impossible) to use ALTER statements when dealing with tables this big, however, trying to avoid rebuilding the table, if possible. Tested ALTER statement against a dev table containing 20m rows, and the statem...

Recommendations for TimeSeries db

preferably open source for storing tick info. ...

How to use visual leak detecter ( vld ) for com/atl dll projects?

I included vld.h file in my activex dll project. when i try to compile my project from visual studio 2008.I am getting the following error, 1>Registering output... 1>Project : error PRJ0050: Failed to register output. Please ensure you have the appropriate permissions to modify the registry. How to use visual leak detecter for com/act...