
Modifying app.config file with Visual Studio Extension

Hello, I am trying to create a Visual Studio Extension (either Add-In or VSPackage) that will do the following: 1) Find all selected projects in the current solution. 2) Obtain access to each project's app.config or web.config file and modify it. I have been able to figure out step 1 for both an Add-In and a VSPackage. I haven't manage...

How to create setup project for Visual Studio Integration Package on VS2008 SP1?

I just finished for creating Visual Studio Integration Package. But I don't know how to create setup project for this. I only test on Visual Studio 2008 SP1 under Experimental hive. Everything works fine. What's requirements for setup project of integration package? Provide Key like this Update I just found answer about how to inst...

Troubleshooting Plk Verification for Visual Studio Package in a VSIP Development Edition

I have a custom domain specific language project which was developed a while back, was deployed and run on the same machine inside the normal Visual Studio hive with no problems. Server has been reinstalled and I'm trying to setup the environment again, so that the normal hive (which is a Visual Studio VSIP Edition SP1, with Visual Stud...

Testing Visual Studio 2008 Package

I'm developing a Visual Studio Integration Package. When I try to run the Unit Tests that are included in the unit test project that is included in the template I get the following failure on the first test: The test adapter 'VsIdeHostAdapter' threw an exception while running test 'MenuItemCallback'. Call was rejected by calle...

How to watch the built-in editors in a VSPackage?

Hi, I have been reading the MSDN documentation on VSPackages about the editors and so-forth, but I am failing to see anything in the samples or on MSDN regarding watching the built-in editors from a VSPackage. It all seems to be information on building custom editors. I would like to receive notifications when the current selected file...

How to dock a toolwindow by code in a VSPACKAGE

I'm trying to force a ToolWindow into the right docking area without success using : windowFrame.SetFramePos(VSSETFRAMEPOS.SFP_fDockRight, ref viewGuid, 0, 0, 0, 0); But I found out on MSDN that SFP_fDockRight, SFP_fDockLeft and SFP_fDockRight are now obsolete. MSDN doesn't says what to use instead. I know we can use the registry t...

Is there a way to prevent a ToolWindow from being closed?

Is there a way to hide the "X" closing icon of a ToolWindow or is there a way to use IVsWindowFrameNotify3's OnShow method to discard (ignore) the event? It seems that the OnClose method is called only when VS exit. When the ToolWindow is called, the OnShow method is called with the __FRAMESHOW.FRAMESHOW_WinHidden state. thanks ...

Custom WPF editor using the Visual Studio Shell

For the project I'm working on, I want to have a custom form designer. I want to use WPF to create custom XAML. I don't know exactly which changes will be in the XAML but it will be custom XML tags. At the moment if I add those tags in a XAML file and try to edit it with VS, I get errors. The custom tag data would come from custom Tool...

Using IVsSelectionEvents.OnSelectionChanged for with the designer

I'm trying to use IVsMonitorSelection to know when the user is selection a control (label, textbox, etc.) on the designer. So far I get events when the user click on item from the "Solution Explorer" window and when he click on the designer window, but when the focus is already on the designer window and he select another control, there'...

Client Application Services and VSPackage

Hi, I'm currently developing a VSPackage, and it will have some log-in functionality external to the system, so I thought I would use Client Application Services. I have followed online tutorials word for word and cannot seem to get a VSPackage to return true for the following: Membership.ValidateUser("username", "password") I have ...

VSPackage save all files button not working.

I have created VSPackage for my custom editor, I have written my save code in EditorPane 's int IPersistFileFormat.Save(string pszFilename, int fRemember, uint nFormatIndex) method, when i click save its working fine, But when i click save all files button from IDE this function wont get call ? Any idea why ? What is work around for thi...

how to access current open file from custom ToolWindowPane

Hello all, I have created ToolWindowPane (ToolBar for VS2008) using VSPackage but I am not able to access current opened file by the user. Is there any way to do this ? I wrote following code which travels through project and find out all elements in opened solution. EnvDTE.DTE dte = (EnvDTE.DTE)Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Package.GetG...

Finding a ProjectItem by type name via DTE

Given a type name, is it possible to use DTE to find the ProjectItem that the type is located in? Something similar to how the Navigate To... dialog works in Visual Studio 2010. The closest I could find is Solution.FindProjectItem, but that takes in a file name. Thanks! ...

VSPackage fails PLK verification on clean machine, but passes on Dev machine when /noVSIP is set

I think the title pretty much says everything. But just to be safe... I've got a VSPackage developed on my main machine that has the VS2008 SDK SP1 installed on it. When debugging in the experimental hive, all works fine. I got a PLK, applied it, and followed the directions for testing the PLK (i.e. pass in /noVSIP on the command lin...

Visual Studio Package for 2005/2008/2010 ??

We are looking to turn an internal tool we have developed into a Visual Studio Package that we would sell to other developers. The tool will impact the custom editor and/or custom languages. Visual Studio 2010 has redesigned the API's heavily to simplify much of the work involved for these types of integration but the key question we hav...

Suppress "No Source Available" pane in 2010

Arg! I have a custom "harness" executable running my class library project. Every time I step into the harness's code, I get that "No Source Available" pane popping up. As I know there is no source available, and that this is completely expected, I don't want this very intrusive and useless pane popping up every time. How can I suppr...

How to deploy and register a VSPackage supporting multiple versions of Visual Studio (2005, 2008, 2010)?

I have an open source VSPackage that I would like to release with support for Visual Studio 2005, Visual Studio 2008, and Visual Studio 2010. I'm trying to figure out how to create the installer and how to perform the package registration with each edition of Visual Studio. The deployment research I've done indicates my best bet for an...

Adding VC++-like project extension to MSVS.

Hi everyone. I'd like to have new project type in MSVS. The instances of this ptoject type would have their own characteristics: such as - they would be linked against my custom dynamic libraries - there would be some specific controls for this project type - and so on... But all code in this projects would be written in C++. At fi...

VSPackage load order - load before another VSPackage?

Hi folks. How do you create a VSPackage that has a dependency on functionality in another VSPackage? In other words, if I have VSPackage A that exports a certain feature that I need in VSPackage B, how do I ensure that VSPackage B is loaded first? Thanks Matt ...

Can a VS2010 VSPackage project be installed to VS2008?

I am wondering whether the result VSIX artifact of a VSPackage project created and written in Visual Studio 2010 can be deployed to Visual Studio 2008 - provided, of course, that the package does not use/rely on any .NET 4 assemblies? Alternatively, what other paths may exist, that allow me to create an installable extension targetting ...