
VTD XML inner XPath Expressions

Hi I have a xml file for example like this <root> <test> <bla>test1</bla> </test> <test> <bla>test2</bla> </test> <test> </test> </root> Now I want to parse it with the vtd-xml-parser by using XPath Expressions. First I search for the test tags by VTDNav vn = vg.getNav(); AutoPilot ap = new AutoPilot(vn); ap.selectXPath("//...

Can VTD-XML take a String as an input?

Hey, I'm trying to use VTD-XML to parse XML given to it as a String, but I can't find how to do it. Any help would be appreciated. http://vtd-xml.sourceforge.net ...

VTD-XML Parsing Performance (speed critical factor). Requesting Feedback/Comments

Hello, I am about to use VTD-XML (found at http://vtd-xml.sourceforge.net/) but I am interested in getting real-case usage feedback, by any one that has used the library and has any comments. At the URL (http://vtd-xml.sourceforge.net/) there are benchmarks but if someone has used VTD-XML and has comments FOR it I would like to hear th...

Using VTD-XML to modify element text only

Hi, I want to achieve below thing in vtd-xml xml modifier class. Original xml <xml> <element attr1='1' attr2='2' attr3='3'>text</element> </xml> int p = vn.getText() xm.updateToken(p, "new text"); But the code here is modifying the text to new text but it's not copying all the attributes. Any idea how to achieve this? Other op...

Best Java XML parser for producing/consuming REST services

Currently using Java's built-in XML DOM libraries for creation/parsing. Ugly, even with lots of helper classes and methods, and performance and memory usage sucks. What's the best Java tool or framework for dealing with XML in regards to producing and consuming REST services? A service I use uses JAXB. I was able to use their classes...