Here's my code:
<a href="#">
<img src="myimage.jpg"
'Text', 'Text with HTML tags in them<br />More text');"
alt="Image description">
The W3C Markup Validator doesn't like this. It doesn't want HTML tags inside my JavaScript code. Here's the...
do you know about any XHTML validation library for .NET? I found that it's possible to use W3C API. But the problem I have is that I need to validate passwords protected pages or page on local server. All libraries I found are using URL as parameter for W3C validator.
Do you know about any library?
What are cons to use transitional doctype with presentational or deprecated element, if our code is valid in W3C validation with transitional doctype?
Will we have to rewrite/edit site's code again after few years for the site's in which we are using XHTML/HTML transtional doctype.?
This is not semantic but using less character, and it...
Just recently I studied about HTML W3C compliance and started understanding its benefits. But when it comes to CSS W3C compliance, is it really possible for a web 2.0 website (like:,,, ) ? I found that jquery ui's CSS did not pass the validation (link) because of ... on this page's example of nested Unordered lists <ul> list's code is not validating on W3C validation
this is a code of this page
<li>Item one</li>
<li>Item two</li>
<li>Watch, you can easily nest list item...
As a step in our automated-testing, we're considering spidering our site and running each page through an HTML validator to validate against our doctype.
However, there are many JavaScript DOM-manipulations happening. So we had the idea that there might be an HTML validator written in JavaScript that we could use. Even if it's just so...
What is the quickest way to test validity of any xhtml css code snippet (not whole page} in W3C validator? and give link of that test in forum/question/discussion.
code snippet like this
<li>Item one</li>
<li>Item two</li>
<li>Watch, you can easily nest list items: This item has some sub-items</li>
<li>Sub-item on...
I am trying to make my site fully w3c validator compliant.
At the moment, I am getting an error because a table which is generated programatically and insterted into a label's text attribute shows as a table nested in a span tag.
strHtml = "<table><tr><td>Hello World</td></tr></table>"
Me.myTable.Text = strHtml
Does anyone know of a solution to the following markup validation error? I'm not sure if this is an issue in ColdFusion or my own code, but the output of the following snippet does not validate correctly on W3C markup validation service:
<cfform class="SearchForm" id="SearchForm" action="">
<td align="left" valign="top"> is it mean both are valid?
If my code is valid then Should i add
logo to all my personal and client
Should i add logo to client sites and
tell to client these are good to
If code is valid but semantically
correct even can we use logo?
What is benefit and purpose to add
these logos for XHTML, CSS
And w...
I have a reacurring problem. I code nice standards compliant code only to have it fail due to ampersands within some of the hyperlink urls.
Does anyone know of a work around or hack for this.
Running a validation on my pages where I used jQuery gives me lots of errors..
I escaped the closing tags but keep getting errors.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#main").html('<p>hello world<\/p>');
Is it OK if everything looking OK but HTML and CSS are not valid , for CMS Admin/control panel?
Should we only consider Web-standards for site, not necessary for site-management tools?
for example
Hi, is there any way to validate -moz-border-radius / -webkit-border-radius in the CSS validator?
The client wants validation buttons in the sidebar (ugh!) and I can't find any way to bypass it. I've used @import too, no success.
<span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffd700">Background color</span>
How screen reader handle inline css ? is there any other cons of inline CSS except css management?
Inline styles are valid also . i tested with W3C Validator and with XHTML 1.0 Strict doctype?
<p><span style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">Left indent</span></p>
I developed a web page and now i am validating it with w3c HTML4.0... I got one error it says
Error Line 30, Column 57: there is no attribute "DATA-FLEXMENU"
href="about.php" class="mainlink" data-flexmenu="flexmenu1">About Us</a></div>
You have used the attribute named above in your document, but the document type you are using doe...
Line 30, Column 57: there is no attribute "DATA-FLEXMENU"
… href="about.php" class="mainlink" data-flexmenu="flexmenu1">About Us
My website can't pass XHTML strict validation. What should I do?
Maybe I can use:
<object data="include/index.html" type="text/html"
style="border:none; width:960px; height:244px; margin-top:-10px;"></object>"
But it scrolls when I use that.
What is the practical benefit to keep CSS 100% validated (not using any hacks), for client's projects.? even if there is no cross browser problem.
And what type of problem i can face in future if i do not maintain CSS validity 100%.