What is the difference between Semantic-markup and Semantic Web?
Are both same concepts? or different?
Is semantic markup is first step of semantic web?
What is thee importance of Semantic web in XHTML CSS development?
since Mobile Safari's Geolocation API should be an implementation of the W3C Geolocation API I found some bugs. I was wondering if anybody noticed the same.
As specified in the W3C Geolocation
API the PositionCallback returns a
Position object, which contains a
Coordinates object. In this object
all attributes are of type double....
Hi, there is a script in my html tag
<script type="text/javascript">
function setTaxDisplay(display)
window.location.href += (window.location.href.indexOf('?') > -1 ? '&' : '?') + 'taxInclude=' + display;
When passed to validation It returns that the ampersand there isn't valid, but it's absolutely vital to the func...
Hi, I'm having hard time with tables and column widths.
Update: I'm using XHTML Strict 1.0.
The page is: http://www.pro-turk.net/try
The first problem I have is, I have a column with a fixed width of 100px and 4px padding, but it disobeys my padding depending on the value. The column width (as the distance between two borders accordin...
If I prefer semantic naming then shouldn't i use any CSS Framework and grid approach?
Which approach is better Grid or Freehand?
Is any CSS Frameworks really can save time and make semantic code even for Experienced CSS developer?
Many CSS Frameworksd are popular in static PSD 2 XHTML+CSS conversion and in wordpress/drupal/joomla them...
What is the practical benefit to keep CSS 100% validated (not using any hacks), for client's projects.? even if there is no cross browser problem.
And what type of problem i can face in future if i do not maintain CSS validity 100%.
While implementing a Java regular expression for URL based on the URL BNF published by W3C, I've failed to understand the search part. As quoted:
httpaddress h t t p : / / hostport [ / path ] [ ?
search ]
search xalphas [ + search ]
xalphas xalpha [ xalp...
I just realized that the method Element.getElementsByTagName("someTagName") returns a nodelist of all elements in the document that have a given tagname. What if I just want to get all child elements by tag name?
For example...
<name>Toyota Corolla</name>
What is the usefulness of W3C's Semantic Data Extractor?
This tool, geared by an XSLT
stylesheet, tries to extract some
information from a HTML semantic rich
document. It only uses information
available through a good usage of the
semantics defined in HTML.
The aim is ...
What are cons if we do not care about validation of XHTML and CSS? Errors other than CSS 3 and vendor specific properties
In terms of development time(How valid XHTML and CSS code save time to find problems?),
Code debugging (How we can track then problem quickly?),
Cross browser compatibility (How it helps us to achieve cross browser ...
i am trying to install w3c validator locally on windows xp with apache server.
I am following this document
but when i validate some site i am getting this error
SGML::Parser::OpenSP version 0.991 required--this is only version 0.99 at C:/www/validator/httpd/cgi-bin/check line 60.
BEGIN fai...
I have installed W3C validator locally on Windows, following their instructions.
I am getting this error while validating a site:
Can't locate loadable object for module SGML::Parser::OpenSP in @INC (@INC contains: C:/www/perl/site/lib C:/www/perl/lib .) at C:/www/validator/httpd/cgi-bin/check line 60
Compilation failed in require...
Why validation giving this error. How to solve?
ul#navigation li#navigation-3 a.current
Value Error : background-position Too
many values or values are not
recognized : -164px -164px -36px
-164px -164px -36px
This is error screen.
ul#navigation { height: 36px; left: 300px; list-style-image: none; list-style-...
I'm getting this Warning (it's not a error, my CSS is valid).
I choosed full report just to check to validate
You have no background-color set (or
background-color is set to
transparent) but you have set a color.
Make sure that cascading of colors
keeps the text reasonably legible.
What is this and how to solve. I'm gettin...
is there any css validator with CSS3 and vendor specific extensions support?
I only want to see problem other than CSS 3 and vendor specific extensions related errors.
And is there any better xhtml css validator than W3C's?
Hi all
I'm using the navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function) api in firefox 3.6. When i try to call this method repeatedly I see that sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I figured that the problem is because of its asynchronous callback nature. I can see that the callback function is being called at some point but my...
Hi all,
This is may not be a true programming question but deals with geolocation Api, hence hoping StackOverflow is the right place for this.
I'm calling the navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition at every 3 seconds interval. After 10-15 tries the responses stop. So i'm wondering is there a limit on the number of calls being made, O...
I understand that these are client-side apps, but all three must be based on some component of the computer itself.
Which component is this, and how can I utilize it programmatically for a C# app (NOT FOR WEB)?
Is there a way to lookup the line number that a given element is at in an xml file via the w3c dom api?
My use case for this is that we have 30,000+ maps in kml/xml format. I wrote a unit test that iterates over each file found on the hard drive (about 17GB worth) and tests that it is parseable by our application. When it fails I thro...
I need to control some script elements, that's why I want to add class attribute to do it.
But, w3c says that it's invalid. Some effect, if I add rel or id attribute.
Any other ideas how I can access appropriate script tag?
Doctype: XHTML 1.0 Strict