
Uploading a File via SCP with Maven fails

I try to upload an ear created by maven to an application server using scp. When I tried to run mvn wagon:upload-single But I get the following error: [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:wagon-maven-plugin:1.0-beta-3:upload-single (default-cli) on project de.volkswagen.dps.ear: Unable to create a Wagon instance for nu...

maven release plugin - wagon fails with ssh auth but snapshort and release deploy works - eh?

I'm baffled and would appreciate any help. My build machine can no longer use the maven release plugin. When I try it fails on auth during the deployment from the tag. However, this machine can release using the standard deploy method to snapshot and release repositories (which are on the same machine with nexus as intermediary). ...

Why does Maven disable caching for HTTP requests?

The default Maven settings for HTTP requests, such as the ones Maven uses to fetch artifacts from repositories, include the following headers: Cache-control: no-cache Cache-store: no-store Pragma: no-cache Expires: 0 Accept-Encoding: gzip This seems to be the documented behavior. The default Maven wagon for HTTP (i.e., the "lightweig...