
why does maven release plugin allow for SNAPSHOT version in dependency managment?

We have 1 company parent pom. This uses dependencyManagement to manage the versions for all the dependencies of all the artifacts used. What is alarming, is that SNAPSHOT versions can be defined in dependencyManagement. Though when maven release is performed, the pom is allowed to be released with SNAPSHOT version in depende...

Deploying assembly package with maven-release-plugin

We use Hudson and the maven-release-plugin to do the release builds. Now I have a project which contains an assembly that puts together all needed components and then packages them into a .tar.gz package with the desired directory structure. Now I'm trying to get the release-plugin to deploy this package to our Maven repository during t...

maven release:perform failed

I'm trying to understand the maven-release-plugin (version 2.0, CVS). The release-prepare works well. But I do not understand why the release-perform don't work?? I've tested the deploy feature and I can deploy artifacts to the remote repo without any exceptions. [INFO] [ERROR] BUILD ERROR [INFO] [INFO] Failed to configure plugin param...

maven multi-module versioning

I have a multi-module project. parent POM (1.0-SNAPSHOT) |-- module1 (1.0-SNAPSHOT) |-- module2 (1.0-SNAPSHOT) `-- module3 (1.0-SNAPSHOT) When I execute mvn release:prepare it verify that parent POM has a SNAPSHOT version and all dependent modules don't have a SNAPSHOT version. How automatically update all child modules from SNAPSHO...

mvn release:perform automatically specify scm tag that includes release version

I would like to setup my maven release to run in batch mode, but I'm not a fan of the default scm tag ${artifactId}-${releaseVersion}. Instead, I'd like to simply tag it with ${releaseVersion}; however, I'm unclear if such a property exists (ie. without the -SNAPSHOT suffix). I'd like the configuration to resemble the code below. Is s...

Using maven-release-plugin to tag and commit to non-origin

When I do a release of my project, I want to share the source with a wider group of people than I normally do during development. The code is shared via a Git repository. To do this, I have used the following: remote public repository - released code is pushed here, every week or so ( remote private reposito...

Does maven-release-plugin push tags to remote Git repository?

When using the maven-release-plugin with Git, mvn release:prepare happily tags the release in the local repository. I'd expect mvn release:perform to push the tags to the remote repository, but this doesn't seem to happen. Am I mistaken? If not, is there an option to enable pushing release tags to the remote repository? ...

Listen to all Perforce commands made by my client machine to server

Hi, Is it possible to somehow listen to all perforce cammands issued from my machine to the perforce server? I did some googling yesterday and found a page somewhere about a perforce proxy or broker that would intercept perforce commands and allow you to do what you wanted with them before sending them to the server...and now can't fin...

maven-release-plugin: Perform fails with 'working directory "...workspace\target\checkout\workspace" does not exist!'

Hi, I have maven project that fails when release:perform is called, though release;prepare works as expected. I have found the bug report (below) which certainly seems to resemble the issue I have but not entirely sure I understand the problem: MRELEASE516 The last few lines of output I get: [INFO] Executing: cmd.exe /X /C "p4 -d E:\...

How can I supply Maven release prepare information without prompts?

I want to automate the execution of Maven release:prepare with Perl so that the user doesn't have to answer the prompts for version names etc. Are there a -D arguments that can be supplied so that no prompting is done? I tried the obvious solution which is to feed the prompt answers to mvn via perl code like this: my $cmd = qq(mvn relea...

Unable to disable generation of sources JAR with maven-release-plugin

I am trying to release a web project using Maven 2.2.1 and the maven-release-plugin 2.0-beta-9, but it always fails when doing release:perform on generating the sources jar for the EAR project, which makes sense since the EAR project doesn't have any source. [INFO] [INFO] [source:jar {execution: attach-sources}] [INFO] [INFO] --------...

Maven Release Plugin with JAXB issues

Hiya, We've got a project set up to use the Maven Release Plugin which includes a phase that unpacks a JAR of XML schemas pulled from Artifactory and a phase that generates XJC classes. We're on maven release 2.2.1. Unfortunately the latter phase is executing before the former which means that it isn't generating the XJC classes for th...

mvn2 release:stage: why doesn't it finish the job, or, is something supposed to come next?

The documentation for release:stage is pretty minimal. We tried it out, and found that it didn't clean up the intermediate files or otherwise finish up the job. This suggests that either (a) it is 1/2-cooked or (b) the intention is to use it as one step in a larger process. Anybody out there know which, and, if (b), what the process is ...

Maven - Error Releasing Code to GitHub (Hangs After Push)

I'm attempting to run the mvn release:prepare goal and it's hanging after the push. Any idea what I could be doing wrong? [INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] [INFO] BUILD SUCCESSFUL [INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] [IN...

Maven release:perform without deploy and calling an external shell script

I am using the maven release plugin. Problem is simple: I don't want to do a deploy on release:perform. I actually want to execute a shell script that will do the deploy for me. So I have two things to accomplish: 1 - Somehow disable the default "deploy" goal from release:perform 2 - Somehow make release:perform call the exec:exec plug...

perform:release calling exec:exec does not work! Bug?

I have the exec-maven-plugin installed. If I do mvn exec:exec it works fine. But if I set the goals of release:perform to install and exec:exec, it fails. Below the pom and the error: <plugin> <artifactId>maven-release-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.0</version> <configuration> <tag...

Wrong working directory used when tagging Maven release

When I run release:prepare on my Maven project, it fails when attempting the scm-tag phase. My Maven project uses Bazaar for its SCM. My plugin versions are maven-release-plugin 2.0 and maven-scm-plugin 1.4 [INFO] EXECUTING: cmd.exe /X /C "bzr tag myproj-pathway-0.0.2" [ERROR] Not a branch: "D:/proj/". The problem of course, is that...

Release problems with Nexus + Maven + Hudson

When using the release plug-in for Maven on Hudson(1.368), I am getting an error that my distributionManagement section is missing during the deployment phase to our Nexus Maven Repository Manager. If I deploy without using release It woks just fine so should not be a misconfiguration with the server, the section or the settings. It is ...

merging changes from a maven relase branch yields conflicts due to changed versions in poms

Hi, following standard practice, I have an svn trunk for feature development, and a forked-off branch for building releases. The branch has been created using the maven release plugin, which is also used for creating releases. As it happens, the occasional bug will be fixed on the branch, and those changes need to be merged back into the...

Maven release plugin fails when creating tag

Hi everyone, I'm trying to use Maven release plugin 2.0 to tag the version and hopefully deploy the resulting jar to the repository. I got stuck at release:prepare, getting this cryptic error [INFO] Checking in modified POMs... [INFO] Executing: cmd.exe /X /C "svn --non-interactive commit --file C:\Users\ME~1\AppData\Local\Temp\maven-...