I have maven project that fails when release:perform is called, though release;prepare works as expected.
I have found the bug report (below) which certainly seems to resemble the issue I have but not entirely sure I understand the problem: MRELEASE516
The last few lines of output I get:
[INFO] Executing: cmd.exe /X /C "p4 -d E:\hudson\jobs\myHudsonJob\workspace\target\checkout -p client -d myProjectWorkspace-MavenSCM-E:\hudson\jobs\myHudsonJob\workspace\target\checkout"
[INFO] Executing goals 'deploy'...
[WARNING] Base directory is a file. Using base directory as POM location.
[WARNING] Maven will be executed in interactive mode, but no input stream has been configured for this MavenInvoker instance.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Error executing Maven.
Working directory "E:\hudson\jobs\myHudsonJob\workspace\target\checkout\workspace" does not exist!
From reading the bug report the possible cause of the error is related to my modules' structure, I've tried to outline it below:
/workspace | |+ pom.xml (root pom whose parent is the build pom, | calling release:perform on this pom) | [Modules: moduleA and moduleB] | |- moduleA |+ pom.xml (parent is also build pom) |+ build/pom.xml (the build pom - no custom parent) |- moduleB |+ pom.xml (parent is build pom)
It seems that the root pom should be in some common directory inside 'workspace' from the error but tried that and doesn't work, nor make sense as to why I need it.
What does the warning Base directory is a file want me to do instead?! It then figures that the base directory is workspace which then means the working directory is not found...any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
Having checked the SCM configuration it all looks ok to me...in each module and the root pom I have:
Maybe I have hit MRELEASE-261?