
Maven - Include dependent libs in jar without unpacking dependencies?

We're trying to build a client jar that includes unpacked depenedent jar's. And the manifest should have class-path entries to the dependent jars. The snippet below works but the jars are unpacked - how can we stop the jars from being unpacked? <plugin> <artifactId>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactId> <co...

maven-assembly-plugin for certain files

I have the multi module project this is the parent pom. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""&gt; <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>...

Problem using Maven assembly and dependency plugins

I want to assemble a web module which looks like the following: src/main/java (has some common utilities, actions etc.) src/main/resources (has some spring beans files, configuratios etc.) src/main/webapp (has some jsp, css, images etc.) and then I want to use this assembled module as a dependency in another web application which als...

Maven 2 assembly with dependencies: jar under scope "system" not included.

Hello, I am using maven-assembly plugin to create a jar of my application, including its dependencies as follows: <assembly> <id>macosx</id> <formats> <format>tar.gz</format> <format>dir</format> </formats> <dependencySets> <dependencySet> <includes> <include>*:jar</incl...

Deploying assembly package with maven-release-plugin

We use Hudson and the maven-release-plugin to do the release builds. Now I have a project which contains an assembly that puts together all needed components and then packages them into a .tar.gz package with the desired directory structure. Now I'm trying to get the release-plugin to deploy this package to our Maven repository during t...

Is it possible to build a zip-distribution that would contain a jar-with-dependencies?

Hi, I would like to produce a binary zip distribution of my project that would contain an uber jar and a set of scripts. Right now, I am using two descritors, first one for the uber jar, and the second for the zip that contains the uberjar + extra scripts and documentation. The problem is that both of these get deployed to maven repo, w...

Maven best practice for generating multiple jars with different/filtered classes ?

I developed a Java utility library (similarly to Apache Commons) that I use in various projects. Additionally to fat clients I also use it for mobile clients (PDA with J9 Foundation profile). In time the library that started as a single project spread over multiple packages. As a result I end up with a lot of functionality but not real...

Maven best practice for generating artifacts for multiple environments [prod, test, dev] with CI/Hudson support ?

I have a project that need to be deployed into multiple environments (prod, test, dev). The main differences mainly consist in configuration properties/files. My idea was to use profiles and overlays to copy/configure the specialized output. But I'm stuck into if I have to generate multiple artifacts with specialized classifiers (ex: "...

What is the right approach for assemblying module resources in Maven project?

I have a project structure like module-a/src/main/java module-a/src/main/styles module-distribution/src/main/assembly module-distribution depends on module-a, and they both share parent pom and are included as modules in that parent pom. The idea is to have an assembly layout like my-final-assembly/lib my-final-assembly/styles Whe...

maven-assembly-plugin doesn't add dependencies with system scope

This is my pom file: <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""&gt; <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> <groupId>com.sia.g7</groupId> <artifactId>sia</artifactId> <packagi...

How do I surpress maven assembly plugin skipping files that are already added? Or allow overwrite?

Hello, For weeks, I've been wrestling with maven, getting it to deploy our project "properly." I'm almost done but I have one stubborn little problem: When I use the maven assembly plugin with the "directory" goal as in mvn assembly:directory I get LOTS of console output like the following: [INFO] tomcat/conf already added, skippi...

Maven Assembly Plugin - install the created assembly

I have a project that simply consists of files. I want to package those files into a zip and store them in a maven repository. I have the assembly plugin configured to build the zip file and that part works just fine, but I cannot seem to figure out how to install the zip file? Also, if I want to use this assembly in another artifact,...

maven assemblies. Putting each dependency with transitive dependencies in own directory?

I have a maven project which consists of a few modules. This is to be deployed on a client machine and will involve installing Tomcat and will make use of NSIS for installer. There is a separate application which monitors tomcat and can restart it, perform updates, etc. So, I have the modules setup as follows: project +-- client (a...

How to make jetty-maven-plugin deploy a war that is retrieved from a repository?

Hi there. I'm setting up an integration test module for a good sized web project. The integration test module is separated from the web project itself, and it has it's own pom. The idea is to use the maven-soapui-plugin to send requests and verify the response. Setting up the soapui-plugin is no hassle. However, I'm having trouble with...

Maven Assembly: include a dependency with a different classifier

I would like to build two different versions of a WAR in Maven (I know that's a no-no, that's just the way it is given the current situation). In the version of a WAR depicted by an assembly, I want to replace a dependency by the same dependency with a different classifier. For example, I was expecting this assembly to work: <assembly> ...

Jersey message body reader not found in maven-built JAR

My application uses a REST (JAX-RS Jersey) interface. When I run it in Eclipse, everything' s fine. The domain objects are annotated, I'm not using XML files for the REST mapping. Now I created a standalone JAR using the maven-assembly-plugin, which packs the application and all dependencies in a single, executable JAR file. This also s...

The maven assembly plugin is not using the finalName for installing with attach=true?

I have configured following assembly: <build> <plugins> <plugin> <artifactId>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.2-beta-5</version> <executions> <execution> <id>${}-test-assembly</id> <phase>package</phase> <goals> <goal>single</goal> </goals> <configuration> <appendAssembl...

How to publish multiple jar files to maven on a clean install

I have a used the maven assembly plugin to create multiple jar from one jar now the problem is that I have to publish these jar to the local repo, just like other maven jars publish by them self when they are built maven clean install how will I be able to do this here is my pom file <project> <parent> <groupId>parent.common.bund...

Maven - 'all' or 'parent' project for aggregation?

For educational purposes I have set up a project layout like so (flat in order to suite eclipse better): -product | |-parent |-core |-opt |-all Parent contains an aggregate project with core, opt and all. Core implements the mandatory part of the application. Opt is an optional part. All is supposed to combine core with opt, and ...

Custom assembly descriptor to create a jar with dependencies

I would like to generate a .jar application from a project made in Maven. I am working in Eclipse, and I made: run as/Maven assembly:assembly This is the error message: [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-assembly-plugin:2.2-beta-4:assembly (default-cli) on project FeelIndexer: Error reading assemblies: No as...