
Stranges files in my assembly since switching to <lineEnding>unix</lineEnding>

Hi, since I've inserted the option <lineEnding>unix</lineEnding> into my fileSets and files in my Maven assembly plugin configuration, strange files are placed in my tar. They look as following: Do you know why this occurrs? ...

Maven2 assembly plugin - change root name for tar.gz

I am using the assembly plugin to tar.gz up a package. I am trying to change the root output directory from ${}-{$project.version} to just ${}, but cant seem to find the configuration option for that anywhere. Anyone know if this is possible? ...

Dependency isn't included in my assembly, although scope is "compile"

Edit 4: For the answer to this question see the final comments of the correct answer. Hi! I have the following dependency specified in my project's pom: <dependency> <groupId>org.jboss.client</groupId> <artifactId>jbossall-client</artifactId> <scope>compile</scope> </dependency> My project itself has to be the child of ano...

Maven, assembly plugin, multi-module project and module dependencies

I'm building a multi-module Maven project whose major product is a WAR file, and I'm trying to assemble that file together with associated release-related artifacts (README, release notes, license file, etc.) into a ZIP for distribution. But when I try to build a distribution file, it fails. What am I doing wrong? Note that I have alread...

Creating a tar.gz archive with Maven

Hi All, I have a Maven project, where under src/main directory there is a sub dir called output. this folder needs to be packaged into tar.gz. when using the assembly plugin as follows: From the pom.xml: <build> <finalName>front</finalName> <plugins> <plugin> <artifactId>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.2-beta...

Reference artifacts uploaded by Maven Assembly Plugin

Hi, We have configured our maven assembly plugin to create individual jars files that are uploaded to our local maven repo via the deploy plugin. However we need to reference those jar files (the ones created by the assembly plugin) within other projects as maven dependencies. Any ideas on how we can accomplish that would be greatly a...

many "META-INF/ already added, skipping" warnings when building assembly

Hi, when building a jar-with-dependencies with the assembly plugin, I get many, many messages like this: META-INF/ already added, skipping It seems to mee, that maven is warning me, that I already have a META-INF in my to-be-created jar, and therefore the META-INF of the to-be-included dependant jar file is not included in my to-be-c...

Custom maven assembly

I'm starting to work with Maven but am not yet successfully thinking in Maven's terms. I have a specific requirement and the docs aren't giving me enough clues, so I could use a bit of help: I'd like to create an assembly that builds a jar-with-dependencies like the "standard" target of this name, but excluding a couple of the resourc...

How can I force maven to package my project against 1.5?

I am trying to compile a maven project, the source code uses Generics and other featuers of Java 1.5, thus causing my build to fail In my POM.xml I have configured the build configuration against 1.5 for the source and target properties, but this doesn't solve my issue Is my POM.xml correct, or am I missing something? Thanks <?xml ve...

Using maven to output the version number to a text file

I want to generate an zip file that will update an application with maven. The zip will be hosted on a server and I am using the assembly plugin to generate the zip. However I would like maven to automatically generate a text file that stores the current version number outside the zip. Is this possible? EDIT: I successfully did it using...

Maven: Packaging dependencies alongside project JAR?

I've like Maven to package a project with run-time dependencies. I expect it to create a JAR file with the following manifest: ..... Main-Class : com.acme.MainClass Class-Path : lib/dependency1.jar lib/dependency2.jar ..... and create the following directory structure: target |-- .... |-- my-project.jar |-- lib |-- dependency1.ja...

Maven Plugin Execution Order and excluding js files

Hello, I have developed the pom.xml to first combine all the js files in the project and then compress the JS file. These 2 steps are two plugin and are in compile phase. But some how few times puglin execution order is reversed and build fails. In case some one has seen this issue please redirect me to solution. Secondly, I don't ...

maven-assembly-plugin causing tests to run twice

I have a maven project where I am using the assembly plugin. I typically create my artifacts by running: mvn clean verify assembly:assembly (I have integration tests which I want run separately to unit tests). When this runs, the assembly plugin is running the unit tests itself. This causes them to be run twice. Is there a way I can t...

Problem starting Spring application from Java

I am able to compile and start my Spring project using Maven: mvn -e clean compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=de.fraunhofer.fkie.tet.vmware.manager.Test However, when i assemble all jars in a single file using the maven-assembly-plugin (including applicationContext.xml), i always get an Exception during the java call: java -cp tar...

maven: Removing format file extension from created assembly

I've got a Maven2 project, where I use assembly plugin. Everything would be just fine if created assembly file name wouldn't ended with format extension (ex. ".zip"). I specified in plugin configuration a fileName parameter and setted appendAssemblyId to false. I have already spent few hours on that problem... Any idea? ...

How to build multiple configurations of an artifact (e.g. WAR etc.) with Maven?

Hi, due to the modular nature of some of our current applications, we have a need to understand how to setup Maven to produces mutliple configurations of the same artifact (in our case a WAR file), combinations of BOTH deployment level (dev, test, production) AND localised (gb, fr, es etc.)? We're looking for something like: artifact-gb...

maven assembly ignores finalName for dependent artifacts

I have a hierarchical maven project, from which I am trying to build a native installer for several of the sub-modules. I am using my product name as a prefix: <finalName>xyz-${artifactId}</finalName> in the parent POM so that all my artifact jars have a standard naming convention. xyz-parent +-- util +--- target/xyz-util.jar +...

Using Maven to create a zip file containing an executable jar with dependencies.

I'm trying to create a distributable zip of my project that contains several configuration files and directories, as well as the executable jar of my project. In the Maven assembly plug-in, I've found how to make the executable jar with full dependencies. However, I haven't been able to figure out how to create the zip file around the ja...

Using <fileSets> with maven assemblies

I am trying to add specific directories from maven modules into my build. I believe that are the way to go back this. I would appreciate a clear and concise way of using to obtain necessary directories from maven modules that just simply contain a directory with some necessary resources. Please and thank you. GC ...

Complicated Maven assembly

I'm trying to write a maven assembly and I'm not sure how to continue. It's fairly complicated, so the examples I google don't really help. This is what I'm trying to do: Create an installation file using launch4j. This part works, assuming the jar file is correctly assembled (hence the need for a maven assembly.) The installation prog...